Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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I'm well aware of the tool/block you're talking about. I was entirely unaware that that worked on anything BUT that.


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I'm well aware of the tool/block you're talking about. I was entirely unaware that that worked on anything BUT that.

... maybe torches could light fires on right-click...

...and then turn into sticks.


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I imagine a random guy on the outside of a city making a charcoal pit for the sole purpose of lighting a chain of wool over to a pile of gunpowder next to a city's wall. The desperation of some people. Sheesh


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Give it long enough underneath a large town and it will be sped up with buildings adding weight above. Pretty much a giant sinkhole

Isn't that similar to what sappers would do when attacking a fortified town? They would dig under a wall and then they would start a big fire which would eventually cause the wall to crumble (this was however before the invention of explosives...)

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Isn't that similar to what sappers would do when attacking a fortified town? They would dig under a wall and then they would start a big fire which would eventually cause the wall to crumble (this was however before the invention of explosives...)

That's one thing they could have done.

Alternately, you can just dig out a big enough area underneath the wall (using supports, of course), and then break the supports, and the weight of the wall itself can cause damage.


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That's one thing they could have done.

Alternately, you can just dig out a big enough area underneath the wall (using supports, of course), and then break the supports, and the weight of the wall itself can cause damage.

Not against stone brick, which is gravity-defiant

Also, torches? anyone?


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Not against stone brick, which is gravity-defiant

Also, torches? anyone?

yeah ialways thought it was silly that you can have open torches lighting up a log cabin by slapping them onto the walls and nothing goes wrong

maybe we could make torches a handheld only source of light unless you make some form of wall bracket to put them into, and even then they should pose a fire hazard to wood

or for a more devious approach, you could right click some easily lightable block, say wool or hay or dry grass or something like that and catch it on fire


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yeah ialways thought it was silly that you can have open torches lighting up a log cabin by slapping them onto the walls and nothing goes wrong

maybe we could make torches a handheld only source of light unless you make some form of wall bracket to put them into, and even then they should pose a fire hazard to wood

or for a more devious approach, you could right click some easily lightable block, say wool or hay or dry grass or something like that and catch it on fire

too easy to abuse.

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too easy to abuse.

So? It was abused to hell and back IRL, and you could do cool stuff like making a big ol' beacon range along some mountains with hay-filled stone 'bowls', just like in LoTR


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So? It was abused to hell and back IRL, and you could do cool stuff like making a big ol' beacon range along some mountains with hay-filled stone 'bowls', just like in LoTR

There are a lot less people IRL who "just want to watch the world burn" (literally)

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There are a lot less people IRL who "just want to watch the world burn" (literally)

I sincerely disagree.

You obviously don't spend enough time on the internet.


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I sincerely disagree.

You obviously don't spend enough time on the internet.

the internet isn't IRL. it's the internet.

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Dunkleosteus, I think there are just as many people IRL who want to watch the world burn. It's just they know that if they try someone will kill them. You can't reach through a monitor and kill someone lighting your virtual house on fire while your virtual kids are asleep upstairs.


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Dunkleosteus, I think there are just as many people IRL who want to watch the world burn.

ah and i am definitely one of those people -inner pyro starts grinning-

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No making torches burn things please, i agree with dunk, sconces would be nice to attach them to walls.


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the internet isn't IRL. it's the internet.

You misunderstood me.

By spending more time on the internet, you will come to understand humans better

Eventually, you will come to the realization that nearly half the human population is the motherfucking Joker wearing the mask of a normal person, and will at the slightest provocation go absolutely apeshit if they think they can get away with it.

Alfred misspoke when he said that some men just want to watch the world burn.

MOST men just want to watch the world burn. That's just a simple fact. Humans suck.


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nearly half the human population is the motherfucking Joker wearing the mask of a normal person

and the other half is comprised of complete and total morons

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and the other half is comprised of complete and total morons

Not quite. A small percentage of humans consist of:

Walking piles of disorders that are legitimately content keeping their misery to themselves

Psychotics with a functioning-if-damaged moral center that may get their kicks from some freaky shit, but generally don't like actually hurting things (yo)

Actual nice people (>0.001% of human population)

Passive aggressives that are fine with not shooting people, as long as they can just drag everyone else down with them in a more subtle way

Actual well-adjusted people (>0.0000000001% of human population)


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Not quite. A small percentage of humans consist of:

Walking piles of disorders that are legitimately content keeping their misery to themselves

Psychotics with a functioning-if-damaged moral center that may get their kicks from some freaky shit, but generally don't like actually hurting things (yo)

Actual nice people (>0.001% of human population)

Passive aggressives that are fine with not shooting people, as long as they can just drag everyone else down with them in a more subtle way

Actual well-adjusted people (>0.0000000001% of human population)

yes, yes I know what you mean. The fact that people are willing to burn the place to the ground is exactly the reason we can't add this feature. We can only add features that people will use properly.

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yes, yes I know what you mean. The fact that people are willing to burn the place to the ground is exactly the reason we can't add this feature. We can only add features that people will use properly.

Lol. Why release the mod then? There is not a single feature that someone somewhere will not find a way to exploit. These 'features that people will use properly' are a fiction. They don't exist.

Don't make this mod for us. Make it for yourselves.

What we do with it after that is our problem

No matter what kind of cataclysmic greifing goes on, at the end of the day it's just a game. You won't lose your job because the moderators didn't screen out the dipshit that burned your logpile house down.


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Not quite. A small percentage of humans consist of:

Walking piles of disorders that are legitimately content keeping their misery to themselves

Psychotics with a functioning-if-damaged moral center that may get their kicks from some freaky shit, but generally don't like actually hurting things (yo)

Actual nice people (>0.001% of human population)

Passive aggressives that are fine with not shooting people, as long as they can just drag everyone else down with them in a more subtle way

Actual well-adjusted people (>0.0000000001% of human population)


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yes, yes I know what you mean. The fact that people are willing to burn the place to the ground is exactly the reason we can't add this feature. We can only add features that people will use properly.

Awww .. but .. but .. but .. I want to sing to my slaves as my city burns around me T.T


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Jeb just changed the fire-code to match difficulty.


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Jeb just changed the fire-code to match difficulty.


I'm... actually kind of impressed


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Jeb just changed the fire-code to match difficulty.

wow for once mojang is actually doing something productive instead of adding useless emeralds

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