Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Old flames

88 posts in this topic

Jeb just changed the fire-code to match difficulty.

Maybe he was taking a look at this forum...? : or to someone from ehre complaining about the fire in the minecraft forum...?


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I must be the only Carebear on these forums.


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I must be the only Carebear on these forums.

well that was completely out of nowhere

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well that was completely out of nowhere

Only if you're ignorant of MMO terminology.


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I must be the only Carebear on these forums.

Actually, minecraft is one of the few games where I prefer to play pvp :P

Otherwise, I'm a total carebear .. When I still played wow, my friend had to mock me into duelling him (which admittedly made it all the sweeter when I won :P). But yeah, usually I'm pve all the way :L


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Actually, minecraft is one of the few games where I prefer to play pvp :P

Otherwise, I'm a total carebear .. When I still played wow, my friend had to mock me into duelling him (which admittedly made it all the sweeter when I won :P). But yeah, usually I'm pve all the way :L

oohhhh okay so carebear is someone who doesnt like fighting other plaers in an mmo

alright so i guess that qualifies me too then


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oohhhh okay so carebear is someone who doesnt like fighting other plaers in an mmo

alright so i guess that qualifies me too then

More than that. There are certain connotations above and beyond the "dislike of PvP". For example, a Carebear will help lower level players who are new to the game, either through advice, or sometimes through giving them items or money. Back in the olden days of EverQuest 1, I used to hang out in the Wood Elf Tree City of Kelethin in my down time, and would look for people who were hopelessly lost (as the city was a maze), and give them some equipment. Nothing fancy, but stuff that was far outside of what they could have afforded for a long time. A regular broadsword and some leather armor, for example. Or, if they were a caster, I'd buy their spells for the first 8 levels or so (and have them go put them into the bank so they didn't lose them).

And I will engage in PvP in games that allow it, but I never go "looking" for a fight. If I see someone my level picking on someone 10 or more levels below them, I'll jump in and try to save them.

Carebear is more of "can't we all just get along and work together" than "I dislike PvP".


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Ah, i always considered myself to be like the nice uncle on the server, i didn't know they had a name like that, i always do that in MMO's lol. (except sometimes Minecraft)


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More than that. There are certain connotations above and beyond the "dislike of PvP". For example, a Carebear will help lower level players who are new to the game, either through advice, or sometimes through giving them items or money. Back in the olden days of EverQuest 1, I used to hang out in the Wood Elf Tree City of Kelethin in my down time, and would look for people who were hopelessly lost (as the city was a maze), and give them some equipment. Nothing fancy, but stuff that was far outside of what they could have afforded for a long time. A regular broadsword and some leather armor, for example. Or, if they were a caster, I'd buy their spells for the first 8 levels or so (and have them go put them into the bank so they didn't lose them).

And I will engage in PvP in games that allow it, but I never go "looking" for a fight. If I see someone my level picking on someone 10 or more levels below them, I'll jump in and try to save them.

Carebear is more of "can't we all just get along and work together" than "I dislike PvP".

ah im usually nice in these things but wont go too out of my way to help the little newbies

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ah im usually nice in these things but wont go too out of my way to help the little newbies

yeah I know what you mean. I usually help new players because i remember being a new player myself, and every one were such jerks :/.

That's also why i post so much on these forums. When i was younger and posted suggestions or comments on other games' forums, not once did a mod or dev respond, and i was really disappointed. So now, i respond to as many as possible.


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It's much appreciated dunk :)


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It's much appreciated dunk :)

Yep, it certainly is :)


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