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Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Terrafirma minimap

78 posts in this topic

Well, there were suggestions i made about improving the in game map, but i never heard back on. i would like to know the status on those if you please, dunk?


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Well, there were suggestions i made about improving the in game map, but i never heard back on. i would like to know the status on those if you please, dunk?

I thought I mentioned that. It sounds like we should hold off on updating the map if it's coming out in vanilla.

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New snapshot more maps they now automatically align to a grid so if you place them side by side it looks like they are continuous. Other new things include corner stairs (stairs automatically reshape to this), dyeable leather armor and dog collars, a change in fire code based on difficulty, trapdoors can be placed on ceilings, a new boss called the Wither not much known about it though, and finally as if chasing our ideas in TFC jeb has added potatoes and carrots.


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New snapshot more maps they now automatically align to a grid so if you place them side by side it looks like they are continuous. Other new things include corner stairs (stairs automatically reshape to this), dyeable leather armor and dog collars, a change in fire code based on difficulty, trapdoors can be placed on ceilings, a new boss called the Wither not much known about it though, and finally as if chasing our ideas in TFC jeb has added potatoes and carrots.

Welp I'm hard.


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a new boss called the Wither not much known about it though

dear lord please let it not suck as hard as the enderdragon

edit: whee im a copper miner now :lol:


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dear lord please let it not suck as hard as the enderdragon

edit: whee im a copper miner now :lol:



And yeah, I'm getting ready to bust the enderdragon's ass in Magicraft, and I'm getting such OP shit it's not even funny (literally. It was actually pretty fucking painstaking)... but honestly? I don't even need it. I could run in there with a bow, a stack of arrows, a pumpkin, and a few stacks of dirt, and whoop its ass


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Its description it gave was that it looked like this...

Posted Image

Any time they see a passive/tameable/playable mob they fire at it the projectiles are referred to as Wither skulls as they look like one the boss's heads if it hits a mob it will slowly drain the victims health and replenish its own. it can break blocks as well apparently it has 120 hearts compared to the one hundred of the Ender Dragon. It currently does not spawn without the aid of a mod and if it does it has large chance of crashing Java.


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New snapshot more maps they now automatically align to a grid so if you place them side by side it looks like they are continuous. Other new things include corner stairs (stairs automatically reshape to this), dyeable leather armor and dog collars, a change in fire code based on difficulty, trapdoors can be placed on ceilings, a new boss called the Wither not much known about it though, and finally as if chasing our ideas in TFC jeb has added potatoes and carrots.

Well, actually Gamechap has made a video showing the Wither in-game, fighting with it, it's effects, etc.

No crash detected :


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I have not replied to this post because i forgot i even posted it, also i had about a page and a half of details for the mini-map that included it being a craft able item with the ability to set markers for guidance. if you wanted a cheat map then just use Rei's, but i was leaving this post not for the Devs but for brainstorming with other forum members to finish the idea.

with that being said, be respectful because i make more money developing then your mom does working a corner.


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Friggin' sharks

Friggin' speciescists.

At any rate, I like the idea of maps being useful. Depending on how difficult cinnabar is to find, the recipe might need to change, and I definitely wouldn't suggest requiring iron to make a compass (any metal would probably work.)


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with that being said, be respectful because i make more money developing then your mom does working a corner.

Zing! Respect to the max!


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Zing! Respect to the max!

"Get your mutha Fuc%ing hands of my god damn junk" (if you have seen paul, you will get this)"


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Also, when i said no modding Experience, meant i don't mod Minecraft junk, i do things that actually are used, such as your stupid i-pod touch, or how about that Android you or someone in your family uses, or the really really nice Sony HD TV that you see in stores going for a few grand each. So before some people start down talking to someone, make sure they aren't people who can afford a $5,000 Donation to your favorite mod before you dis, im not going to donate money to a DEV team, that doesn't earn it(or players that are ungrateful little jimmy wankers and Dis on new forum members.)

So the hell i am going to write a whole paragraph of something that should be left to the DEV team and other players to decide how the map would be implemented with other peoples opinion,(because this is freaking America, god damn it) AND I SWEAR! if i catch someone beating down another on of my General ideas(meaning ideas that should TALKED OUT!!!) not some fascist Down talking to anyone who has an idea that's not what YOU want it to be.



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uhh.... hmm. Don't think of it as bashing new ideas, think of it as stomping out a run away spark before a forest fire starts.

well, unlike most people, at the time(before i could finish posting the WHOLE idea(as i get paid good money to do everything myself) I HAVE A JOB, and as my last post said, i dont work a supermarket, i do the high-end crap(really trying to watch what i say as there are kids, on this forum) and what example are you setting for little kids on this forum, you have no warning stating that kids should be wary of the words and tone(not to mention the "Fire stomping" attitude you are showing towards people with good(even though not always great or fully written out) ideas).

So today let me give you a lecture(more like a snip of it) i gave in a university class room about "MORAL RESPECT FOR HUMAN BEINGS".

1; Treat others with respect until they disrespect you. 2; be kind to others until they are unkind you, OR SO HELP THEM sue their a$$ for everything they have and take their job by doing better at it then they can.

thank you good day, you have just been served by a smart guy,


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well, unlike most people, at the time(before i could finish posting the WHOLE idea(as i get paid good money to do everything myself) I HAVE A JOB, and as my last post said, i dont work a supermarket, i do the high-end crap(really trying to watch what i say as there are kids, on this forum) and what example are you setting for little kids on this forum, you have no warning stating that kids should be wary of the words and tone(not to mention the "Fire stomping" attitude you are showing towards people with good(even though not always great or fully written out) ideas).

So today let me give you a lecture(more like a snip of it) i gave in a university class room about "MORAL RESPECT FOR HUMAN BEINGS".

1; Treat others with respect until they disrespect you. 2; be kind to others until they are unkind you, OR SO HELP THEM sue their a$$ for everything they have and take their job by doing better at it then they can.

thank you good day, you have just been served by a smart guy,

Also, when i said no modding Experience, meant i don't mod Minecraft junk, i do things that actually are used, such as your stupid i-pod touch, or how about that Android you or someone in your family uses, or the really really nice Sony HD TV that you see in stores going for a few grand each. So before some people start down talking to someone, make sure they aren't people who can afford a $5,000 Donation to your favorite mod before you dis, im not going to donate money to a DEV team, that doesn't earn it(or players that are ungrateful little jimmy wankers and Dis on new forum members.)

So the hell i am going to write a whole paragraph of something that should be left to the DEV team and other players to decide how the map would be implemented with other peoples opinion,(because this is freaking America, god damn it) AND I SWEAR! if i catch someone beating down another on of my General ideas(meaning ideas that should TALKED OUT!!!) not some fascist Down talking to anyone who has an idea that's not what YOU want it to be.


and facedesks were had that day...

(sorry noodles, couldn't resist)

Dude, just because you have money and can do who knows what with hd tvs doesn't mean YOU can talk down to other people. I couldn't give a rat's ass if you have a good job, this is the internet, no one gives a shit. So get your thumb out of your ass and step off your high horse, you came onto these forums and disregarded the forum etiquette, you posted a rather dull and bland suggestion, and gave a bad impression by asking for credit for a completely unoriginal suggestion. If you want to be a dick go back to youtube and lord your good job and self proclaimed genius over some COD fan boy, because no one here wants to hear it. So, have a nice day, and if you do come back, come back with a better attitude.

(plus, you liked your own post and double posted, instant -1,000,000)

EDIT: sorry, triple posted, thats another -500,000


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I find it hilarious that these are the only forums, that I know of, where you can actually like your own posts. v


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think of it as a form of litmus paper that detects how much of an idiot a person is.

Oh, whats this? I seem to be getting a pH reading of, well would you look at that, idiot.


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I'm probably late to the party, but although I think the mini map can work in other play styles, I don't think it helps the game feel for Terra Craft. Mini maps discourage knowing the landscape because of what it shows the player. Like said before, the only thing that should be used that is similar to a mini map is an actual map.


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I'm probably late to the party, but although I think the mini map can work in other play styles, I don't think it helps the game feel for Terra Craft. Mini maps discourage knowing the landscape because of what it shows the player. Like said before, the only thing that should be used that is similar to a mini map is an actual map.

well we had already decided that there would be no minimap so the discussion turned to craftable maps and how they would work

but on a lighter note, Welcome to the Forums!!!


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I am in favor for a TFC map because reis may not always be compatible and I have a horrible memory, I forget where I put my keys and I live in a 8*12 dorm

plus I have about 4 hours to play a week, not consecutive

writing a map is a possibility but I would have to spend countless hours training my self to finally draw in proportions- which by that time someone would have probably created a map mod specifically for TFC

side not- ruthless boot stomping is fine for a post on easy prospecting and floating gravel. not for constructive ideas that may not fit your view of TFC...we don't all have the grasp of Biox's plan for this mod as you who have been here since the beginning


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side not- ruthless boot stomping is fine for a post on easy prospecting and floating gravel. not for constructive ideas that may not fit your view of TFC...we don't all have the grasp of Biox's plan for this mod as you who have been here since the beginning

That was a response to the ass-hatery of docstine, and less about the quality of his suggestion, the guy wanted to get his name plastered on the mini-map purely because he had the idea to combine rei's minimap and tfc, something you can already do and is very common. The guys is full of himself, at least thats my problem with this, not the suggestion itself. I use rei's with tfc all the time, but if we do have some map system in tfc, it should be an ingame map, rei's is only a stopgap because vmc maps suck.


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I was only becoming hostel and full of my self because other people in this forum decided to get rude with me first. and anything about my job or my experience and/or money, was because apparently the jerks down talking people's ideas in a public forum are kids or immature people. and the liking of my own post was an accident because i was on the go. and Idiot having the literal meaning; "A person of profound mental retardation having a mental age below three years and generally being unable to learn connected speech or guard against common dangers."

i think its you sir who is the idiot for not using words the correct way. and honestly money does matter, because it pays for a computer and internet, along with many other things, and if you don't see that now, your in a hell hole for your later years. because money (even in the smallest amount) keeps things like TFC going at its best, along with Minecraft altogether. ask what Boix would do if someone other then me(because i really am not that selfish(on that note i do apologize for trying to take credit for something as poorly thought out as a mini-map with no details, that WAS VERY ass hole-ish of me) offered $20,000 to the production of TFC for an idea(an actual thought out and detailed idea) that would be optional by the player(either through crafting or configuration options) and would only be used by the player in specific. and tell me what he says, until then i leave this on a note that i was rude about my job and other things, and i would like for this back and forth throwing of disagreements and negative comments to come to a peaceful end, thank you and i apologize.


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I was only becoming hostel and full of my self because other people in this forum decided to get rude with me first. and anything about my job or my experience and/or money, was because apparently the jerks down talking people's ideas in a public forum are kids or immature people. and the liking of my own post was an accident because i was on the go. and Idiot having the literal meaning; "A person of profound mental retardation having a mental age below three years and generally being unable to learn connected speech or guard against common dangers."

i think its you sir who is the idiot for not using words the correct way. and honestly money does matter, because it pays for a computer and internet, along with many other things, and if you don't see that now, your in a hell hole for your later years. because money (even in the smallest amount) keeps things like TFC going at its best, along with Minecraft altogether. ask what Boix would do if someone other then me(because i really am not that selfish(on that note i do apologize for trying to take credit for something as poorly thought out as a mini-map with no details, that WAS VERY ass hole-ish of me) offered $20,000 to the production of TFC for an idea(an actual thought out and detailed idea) that would be optional by the player(either through crafting or configuration options) and would only be used by the player in specific. and tell me what he says, until then i leave this on a note that i was rude about my job and other things, and i would like for this back and forth throwing of disagreements and negative comments to come to a peaceful end, thank you and i apologize.

...did you just call someone an idiot for using the word 'idiot' wrong... after explaining to them that the correct use is reserved for people that can't speak, much less type?

There are no facepalms big enough.

Go sit in your mansion and think about what you've done. And no dessert tonight.


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...did you just call someone an idiot for using the word 'idiot' wrong... after explaining to them that the correct use is reserved for people that can't speak, much less type?

There are no facepalms big enough.

Go sit in your mansion and think about what you've done. And no desert tonight.

yes ma. (face plams knowing that im not good at forum talking at all)


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And no desert tonight.

But I like my desert. It's so dry and sandy.


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