Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Ore visibility/distinguishability

49 posts in this topic


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very nice piece of bornite, this stuff forms around sulfides like chalcopyrite, pryotite, and tetrahedrite

another name for bornite is "Peacock" ore dew to its very pretty colors. bornite also make very nice multicolored cube crystals similar to pyrite and galena.

also what if native copper and malachite ore textures had a copper blue stain running off the vain part of the texture? that could make it look interesting :).


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Dunk, my point is, that if I saw a big hunking crystal of sphalerite, even on a same-colored piece of shale, I'd be able to tell the difference.


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Surely infinus can lay this debate to rest, seeing as he is our resident mining expert ?


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Surely infinus can lay this debate to rest, seeing as he is our resident mining expert ?

both parties are right

most ores are actually easy to see against there host rocks, though many ores are not flashy or colourful

even the most corroded zinc ore stands out from its host rock

its my belief that ores in terrafirma craft require a little bit more visibility as minerals like sphalerite are all but invisible on some host rocks.

to make the ore better visible i suggest we have "staining" on some ore textures (like sphalerite).

the ores i ve noted being hard to spot were sphalerite and native silver (though only on a particular host rock)

dunk is right though as alot of ores are rather hard to make out past the other minerals that obstruct your view.

thats my two cents

take from it what you will :)


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Dunk, my point is, that if I saw a big hunking crystal of sphalerite, even on a same-colored piece of shale, I'd be able to tell the difference.

It doesn't always form like that. Often it's much smaller bits mixed in with the rock

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It doesn't always form like that. Often it's much smaller bits mixed in with the rock

sphalerite forms in several ways in nature

the first is in its bulk low grade form which usually takes the form of thin black or gray veins. these from around other minerals like pyrite and sulfide heavy metals.

its other from is its crystal form which (as stated above) can be hidden under other layers of rock. these crystals however have a distinct shape and colour and with proper training can be easily spotted against the host rock.

why not just enhance that one particular texture abit so it better contrasts against the veins host rock?


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I'm going to say that for me, it's not an issue, and makes me be viligant when i mine, however, maybe a Little bit of enhancing for when sphalerite is in granite for example.


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I agree with Infinus .. This might not need the attention of Dunk and Bioxx though .. Somebody should add some staining to those hard to spot ores. This is both realistic and solves an issue that people are having.


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I had the same problem with Sphalerite. One thing I noticed, though, is that when mining, stone gives off square/rectangular particles whereas ores emit irregularly shaped ones.


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I had the same problem with Sphalerite. One thing I noticed, though, is that when mining, stone gives off square/rectangular particles whereas ores emit irregularly shaped ones.

i had noticed this as well but thought is was a glitch


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so um, speaking of crystals...

how about those crazy caves with the massive crystal formations in em.

any thoughts on those?


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so um, speaking of crystals...

how about those crazy caves with the massive crystal formations in em.

any thoughts on those?

What ? The IRL ones ?


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What ? The IRL ones ?

yeah what do you guys think about having those in TFC

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Wasn't that only found in, like, one cave in the entire world? -i think it was in Mexico :-

IF those were added, i can only see them as a rare ocurrance. A very rare one. But a nice one though, and one you will want to take a screenshot of to show your friends you did found one.


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yeah what do you guys think about having those in TFC

Sounds like it would be pretty cool .. But for what reason otherwise ? :P


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Sounds like it would be pretty cool .. But for what reason otherwise ? :P

the crystals could give off soft light and could come in many colours

i actually brought this idea up a while back when i had the idea of underground lakes and rivers

also what of we had gigantic metallic crystals, as in the crystal forms of silver, gold, sphalerite, bornite ....


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Lol makes me think of terraria's Hallow XD


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the crystals could give off soft light and could come in many colours

i actually brought this idea up a while back when i had the idea of underground lakes and rivers

also what of we had gigantic metallic crystals, as in the crystal forms of silver, gold, sphalerite, bornite ....

That sounds awesome ... Game breaking .. But awesome :D


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That sounds awesome ... Game breaking .. But awesome :D

They wouldn't be game breaking if they had just the size of a normal x ore vein, and only appeared in place of those veins :3 At least, i don't think they would be...


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They wouldn't be game breaking if they had just the size of a normal x ore vein, and only appeared in place of those veins :3 At least, i don't think they would be...

i am thinking these would be ultra rare

i also think they should form in place of a metallic ore body

just think of accidentally finding one while in your mine ... :)


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Yep, if you get to mine the blocks instead of the ore they contain -like, with a cheated-in pickaxe with that enchantment which name i can't remember :-, you have the perfect decoration for your house. Hell, i would live in a house made out of those crystal blocks. It would be awesome.


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It would be nice to give a better origin to gems rather than random finds. Maybe they would be as rare as natural spawning nether portals (they do exist). That way they would be so rare you would have to make them fairly massive regardless of ore content. Seeing as it would be a once in several hundred worlds thing to occur it wouldn't really matter. I'd love to get lucky enough to have one near the surface (they would need to be very deep) and fall through some loose dirt into a crystal chasm. Though that may end up with me impaled on a crystal spike :S


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It would be nice to give a better origin to gems rather than random finds. Maybe they would be as rare as natural spawning nether portals (they do exist). That way they would be so rare you would have to make them fairly massive regardless of ore content. Seeing as it would be a once in several hundred worlds thing to occur it wouldn't really matter. I'd love to get lucky enough to have one near the surface (they would need to be very deep) and fall through some loose dirt into a crystal chasm. Though that may end up with me impaled on a crystal spike :S

imagine if one was poking out of the side of a ravine ...

or if at the end of a massive cave system you found your self inside a giant flooded geode or gems or metal crystals :D



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imagine if one was poking out of the side of a ravine ...

or if at the end of a massive cave system you found your self inside a giant flooded geode or gems or metal crystals :D



is there any ravine thread or a basic "this how it´s going to be"-thread?

i dont really like the vanilla version nor the 47 tfc version ( havent found one in 48)


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