Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Crop growth rate in 48(b)

29 posts in this topic

Well i was just testing a bit around with the crops. After planting like about every crop and watching them for like 4 ingame days, i saw that none of them grew even one stage. So i started the debug mode and skipped through the days and months to see, that they grow in a realistic speed. Well That is nice and all... but if i have to wait like 6 month for my first harvest (not to mention they die in winter), i will starve. And regarding SMP i cannot just run around and slughter animals to get me through to the first harvest. It's just not possible to do.

What i want to say: It's nice if they grow realistic, but its just too hard to get to the first harvest of crops/Trees or till the animal Farm is running. if there is a server and it runs on hard, you're just not gonna make it. I don't know how to adjust that, but i think just for the ability to play we will need a bit more unrealistic growth rates.

A little side info: The crops were planted in a planes biome with pretty average temperatures on soil near water.

well the discussion is opened.


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Idunno, I've seen too many MASSIVE wheat farms on SMP to feel like this change isn't well-deserved. I've flat-out had players say repeatedly that it's not worth trying to breed & raise cows, pigs, chickens, because wheat is just faster. Obviously it makes it tough for new players starting out (especially since most things near the spawn are proably dead or fenced), but there is stuff to hunt to make it through spring, fruit trees will get you through summer, and if you start farming early autumn will be easy. If you get a pasture going early too, you'll have some animals for the worst case scenario (remember to kill the males first!). The important thing seems to be to make food production your first priority in a new world.

Although, could you test whether some sort of code that keeps crops growing when a chunk is unloaded exists? That could be pretty key for SMP!

EDIT: You know what we need is, the ability to find bugs under rocks. :D That'll help new players out.


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let me test that. Well i looked at it from a SMP perspective, i mean i understand that the old wheat farms where far too easy, but the crops are far too hard. It would already help if you could get 2 harvests in 1 year, but one is very hard. you will need a massive stockpile of food for winter or you will just die... a lot.

Edit: Just tested it in SSP: plant crops in early spring, move away about 400 blocks (should unload the chunks) skip through to september, come back: crops rdy for harvest.

At least that works. ;)


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let me test that. Well i looked at it from a SMP perspective, i mean i understand that the old wheat farms where far too easy, but the crops are far too hard. It would already help if you could get 2 harvests in 1 year, but one is very hard. you will need a massive stockpile of food for winter or you will just die... a lot.

That's true, but I'm sure you've seen what 1 good fruit tree can do in a single summer. It is still possible to stockpile for winter, but you're going to need food from multiple sources, and you're going to need to start early. No more being lazy and running around with half a stack of raw pork, that's a WASTE.


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As it is, with no adult animals spawning on world gen, this is sort of game breaking.


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Like, really, there's no point in playing right now other than bug testing.


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yes but fruit trees in first year: not so much food. In the 2nd year the problem gets a lot smaller, but the start is what i think is very very hard.


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Also, how do I go into debug mode to speed up time?


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go into the TFCoptions file (found in config folder) theres a point: (3rd point in general) Enable debug mode => set to true and open a game in creative, then open calendar and you see the options to skip: hours, days, weeks, months and even years.

As long as debug mode is on you though will not be able to use the calendar in survival mode.


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it doesent seem to do at least for me.


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Anyone else getting map corruption when messing around with the new tilled soil?

I was just putting in some new plots for testing seeds in a plains biome, and after a few days of MC time, MC crashes with :


at TFC.TileEntities.TileEntityFarmland.n_(


and completely corrupts the map causing that same error when attempting to reload it. This has happened to several maps now. Tried reinstalling the mods and clearing out the old configs, no change. This has happened with both 48 and 48b.


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Why not alter the new config files to make the year shorter ? This should help fix the crops issue ? If it accelerates hunger gain as well, at least there will be less waiting for a harvest :P


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Anyone else getting map corruption when messing around with the new tilled soil?

I was just putting in some new plots for testing seeds in a plains biome, and after a few days of MC time, MC crashes with :


at TFC.TileEntities.TileEntityFarmland.n_(


and completely corrupts the map causing that same error when attempting to reload it. This has happened to several maps now. Tried reinstalling the mods and clearing out the old configs, no change. This has happened with both 48 and 48b.

Yeah, I got this too. I'm back on 47 for now.


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adult animal problem is being looked into. Fuckin' oops.


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Why not alter the new config files to make the year shorter ? This should help fix the crops issue ? If it accelerates hunger gain as well, at least there will be less waiting for a harvest :P

Id'love to, if it would actually shorten the year, not the days. Ever played on 6000 ticks days? It's a pain... its day, night, day, night, day, night and you didn't even do anything.... you're just hiding, doinge a little, hiding and so on. Not fun to play.


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There really doesn't seem to be ANY sort of food source available to begin the game.


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There really doesn't seem to be ANY sort of food source available to begin the game.

This is being fixed, but i need to wait til Bioxx gets up in an hour or two.

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There really doesn't seem to be ANY sort of food source available to begin the game.

I thought the same at first, but then I realized you could stock up on fish if you catch a spider early on.

Only catch is that I've been running around at night practically asking for something to jump at me and rip my face off, and haven't been able to find any hostile monsters. Is this just awfully bad luck, or have the hostile mobs gone on holiday and left me to starve to death?


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wow...i do that so rarely, that i didnt even think of it... I guess im gonna be a fisherman now...

But i hope (as it was hinted) that we will find some wild berry bushes and stuff in later builds. Then i can happily live with the "one harvest/year" thing. I think you'll get rich with selling food on servers.


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so in line with trying to find food in the start of a new mushroom stew craftable in TFC? if so do red mushrooms spawn above ground or do they have restrictions on where they spawn?

ran around for a while and found a ton of brown but didnt see a single red


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I managed to make mushroom soup, but that was only possible due to me not playing on hard. I just got an idea: You can shorten days via config, right? So why not, as a temporary solution, shorten days ridiculously for a few in-game months/years and reset that?

EDIT1: I just met adult sheep...?

EDIT2: Tested. Configure your days to be 50 ticks long and see for yourself. However, I get the impression that animals don't turn adult on your watch, it seems like I had to restart Minecraft to see adult animals.


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