Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Camp/base/home defense

33 posts in this topic

Since it takes more time to get a home started, how about an additional use for the flint and all the sticks you'll have. Making spike pits from sharpened sticks or extra flint tools would be a good start. I've found that playing on hard difficulty, the mobs can sneak up on me a lot more easily since I'm more focused on work at hand like making torches or slicing up logs into planks. Had a creeper get my home twice while I was working.


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As the world becomes more full of fauna this may just be a good idea for hunting. One of the oldest forms of catching game was to set up pits along game trails and such for them to fall into and then cover loosely with branches and twigs and such to disguise them.


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yes, i kinda liked the idea of being able to make a basic "tent" for lack of a better description of the kind of shelter i was looking for, and the hunting/trapping idea sounds like a good idea, whether its just a GUI/time thing or a real mob would be cool. there's fish, y not things like rabbit or snake to eat and cook over a fire


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i liek dis

NO! use the like button, we don't need these stupid posts that only say "I liek dis" and don't add anything new. You're not a newbie to these forums, so this is just being stupid on your part.

Also, wasn't this discussed a few days ago? I remember a thread that talked about spike traps and spike defense.


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... You know? now that i think about it, do we need this posts teaching the user that say "i liek this" not to do it? Couldn't just ignore it the first time, and then, if it happens again, do it?

BTW, it looks like someone gave ME 1 star ._. *not one of my threads, it's on my own profile...*. I didn't even knew that was possible. who did it?


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If it was the first time JAG, sure, but joey has been here for a while, he should know not to do it.


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NO! use the like button, we don't need these stupid posts that only say "I liek dis" and don't add anything new. You're not a newbie to these forums, so this is just being stupid on your part.

Also, wasn't this discussed a few days ago? I remember a thread that talked about spike traps and spike defense.

this is joey we're talking about here, i've yet to see something he does that isnt just for trollolols

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"Kids, what's the best option when you find a troll in the internet? attack his comments at every chance, or ignore him?"

"Ignore him!"

"That's right, kids. Now get the f+ck out of my house"


*takes his shotgun. kids run away screaming like little girls, even those who weren't.*


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this is joey we're talking about here, i've yet to see something he does that isnt just for trollolols

I've made a number of serious threads, I'm not all here for the trololololz. But yeah, sorry.


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i liek dis

I really miss the instabans on the BTW forums.

Roots out the scrubs quite nicely.


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aaaand you proceed to double post, Joey.


I've made a number of serious threads, I'm not all here for the trololololz. But yeah, sorry.

Which ones? The only one I know of is that stupid stupid ideas thread, and we all know how that turned out. TBH, that wasn't even that serious.


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@az and arch; The baby animals thread he just made is near Jed tier. Very well put together. *cough*Idontseeyoumakevermanyproductiveposts*cough cough* *cough*minimod*cough cough HACK WHEEZE*

Sorry, I seem to have developed a cold. ._.


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Hey, even a mass murderer can point out a litterer.


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*cough*Idontseeyoumakevermanyproductiveposts*cough cough* *cough*minimod*cough cough HACK WHEEZE*

Sorry, I seem to have developed a cold. ._.

If we are operating off of assumptions, then all you do is argue with people about things and try to moderate other peoples behavior. Don't operate on your stupid assumptions about someone else, because you don't know everything, no matter how much you want to. I'm sure you have plenty of productive posts to your name, as I have to mine, so don't be such a dick about things.

The baby animals thread he just made is near Jed tier. Very well put together.

I just looked at that thread, then looked at one of Jed's, that isn't close to Jed tier. It operates on old info first of all (he didn't know animals actually breed -.-), and while being a good suggestion that I like, you're grossly exaggerating the quality of it. Also, I never berated the quality of Joey's posts outside of this thread, i just pointed out some forum etiquette gaffs, In rather blunt language.


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because you don't know everything, no matter how much you want to.

But how do you know that this is true?

In fact, do we even know... anything?



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I was joking arch. Joking.

Aperantly my sense of humor isn't funny so I geuss I'll just stop.

And I'm glad you atleast recognize that that generalization of me is untrue.

*sigh*. One dam day in a bad mood with a loose tounge and your reputation is ruined :(


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I was joking arch. Joking.

Aperantly my sense of humor isn't funny so I geuss I'll just stop.

And I'm glad you atleast recognize that that generalization of me is untrue.

*sigh*. One dam day in a bad mood with a loose tounge and your reputation is ruined :(

Hmm, I don't see how you were joking, but if you are willing to drop all this so am I.

*extends hand for a handshake*


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*shakes hand*

Friends? :D


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... okay, i sweared to god that i wouldn't make this again, but...

Terrafirmacraft forums

Best place in the world to meet new friends!!!

Lol, if TFC is ever gonna add a new menu to minecraft, i think i could write those fancy lines beside the title :D


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*sigh*. One dam day in a bad mood with a loose tounge and your reputation is ruined :(

welcome to life, where everyone can and will take everything you say, pull it out of context, and use it against you in any and every way possible

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Jag, that's awesome haha.

And indeed noodles, that's very wise of you :).

Really I should have known better then to post negative things. It always ends badly.

I shall forge my self a new idenity! Tomorrow I will finally change my profile picture, and from now on I shall be known as the most positive and friendly guy on these forums. Cause really that's how I am IRL.


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Jag, that's awesome haha.

And indeed noodles, that's very wise of you :).

Really I should have known better then to post negative things. It always ends badly.

I shall forge my self a new idenity! Tomorrow I will finally change my profile picture, and from now on I shall be known as the most positive and friendly guy on these forums. Cause really that's how I am IRL.

good boy, -pats on head-

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Hopefully it will actualey LET me change my profile picture this time.

Anywho, this thread has trainwrecked worse than than I have ever seen... 0.0

So... Uh... How about them sharpened sticks?


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