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11 posts in this topic

I hate Jeb for all the new update like trading and witches Jeb is turning minecraft into a RPG, all I wanted was simple survival game, but no Jeb wants an RPG. What are your thoughts on the subject?


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What i think is that you should simply ignore the RPG stuff -other than levels which won't change the way you play in any way if you don't use them, what forces you to play minecraft as an RPG?-, play MC as you want, go rant about MC on their forums and calm down. If we are in this forums, it is, most of the times, because we don't like how things work in vanilla so we install this mod; so we really don't need confirmation of something most of us already know about and accept.

Let's just be happy with the fact that MC is extremely open to modding, and has a great coders community.


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I think JEB is too focused on what he wants and not enough on what makes a game good.


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You don't need to hate him only because he is making his game. Remember that Bioxx is now the true mc developer. He is the man that is making a game not for himself, but for we all. I can't say that Bioxx is the new Notch because that will be a lie. But I can say that he is better than Notch.


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Dinnerbone was behind witches.

I don't see how any of this is RPG territory, though. I mean, it's really just content being piled onto the game, but it isn't an RPG or an RPG-Like.


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If anything is RPG-like, it is the new "level-up = more health" feature in TFC. Though not exclusive to the RPG genre, almost all RPG's have this feature. I like it, but I do not see TFC becoming an actual RPG. Bioxx already stated he is trying not to introduce interactive NPC's to the game which would be almost needed for it to be classified as RPG.


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If anything is RPG-like, it is the new "level-up = more health" feature in TFC. Though not exclusive to the RPG genre, almost all RPG's have this feature. I like it, but I do not see TFC becoming an actual RPG. Bioxx already stated he is trying not to introduce interactive NPC's to the game which would be almost needed for it to be classified as RPG.

I hate the use of RPG to mean what you're using it to mean...

I want TFC to be the ultimate end all Role playing game, you most certainly do not need npcs to make a role playing game, you need a cohesive world that exists according to it's own rules.

As it is Minecraft fails at that pretty regularly, not managing to keep one ruleset between any two areas of the game. Most RPGs have some aspect of character growth yes, leveling up however we can clearly say now a days is NOT an rpg feature, most every shooter now pretty well shows this off.


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I hate the use of RPG to mean what you're using it to mean...

I want TFC to be the ultimate end all Role playing game, you most certainly do not need npcs to make a role playing game, you need a cohesive world that exists according to it's own rules.

As it is Minecraft fails at that pretty regularly, not managing to keep one ruleset between any two areas of the game. Most RPGs have some aspect of character growth yes, leveling up however we can clearly say now a days is NOT an rpg feature, most every shooter now pretty well shows this off.

To be an RPG you need to play Role and in TFC you play one Huge role: you change the world (which in my view is the main character). There are a ruleset to play it, there are tiers that improves the interaction with the world and there is a leveling system which was a great feature in most RPGs...

More than that Minecraft is Roguelike, you explore and you interact on a sandbox, too bad for the lack of NPCs... I would love seeing millenaire in TFC.


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The game is built more rogue-like than an RPG, however it fails at both (To be honest I would be interested if minecraft was more rogue-like-like, and if Notch had thought it out more I think it could have been)


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To be honest, I think notch pussied out on a lot of aspects of the game, in the interest of making the game more 'accesible'.


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I just wish they'd gone with c++ so we could have less overhead for the same features, but he probably wouldn't have taken it cross platform in that case, even though its possible and not much more difficult if you start with that intent.


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