Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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A REAL Halloween Monster

7 posts in this topic

I was trick-or-treating (I know I'm waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too old, like, 10 years too old, but I had to watch my brother and who am I kidding I was there for the candy too.) and some lady passes me screaming into her phone at about 120 decibels:

(Spoilered for Language)

"Goddamit, you can go fuck yourself andrew, I don't need this fucking shit, go get in the fucking car and fucking drive out to this fucking street and fucking help me find our fucking kid."

Of course, that might have been funny, had there not been 20 kids walking down the street listening to her every word.

I stepped in, and asked her to not use such terrible language in front of the children. Her response:

"My fucking kid is fucking missing, I'll use fucking whatever fucking language I fucking want wherever I fucking want, now go fuck yourself and go the fuck away, you fucking devil worshipper, call the fucking police, see if I fucking care."

I left at that point, she was clearly quite a bit out of control, and dangerous. My one thought was,

"Why don't you call the 'fucking police' about your kid, instead of shouting at that 'fucking devil worshipper' and making a scene in front of these 5-year-old kids?"

I did not, in fact, call the police, but I saw several adults on the street pulling out their phones and making a lot of talk about "disturbing the peace" and "Patricia". Hope there was an arrest.


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I was trick-or-treating (I know I'm waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to old, like, 10 years too old, but I had to watch my brother and who am I kidding I was there for the candy too.) and some lady passes me screaming into her phone at about 120 decibels:

(Spoilered for Language)

"Goddamit, you can go fuck yourself andrew, I don't need this fucking shit, go get in the fucking car and fucking drive out to this fucking street and fucking help me find our fucking kid."

Of course, that might have been funny, had there not been 20 kids walking down the street listening to her every word.

I stepped in, and asked her to not use such terrible language in front of the children. Her response:

"My fucking kid is fucking missing, I'll use fucking whatever fucking language I fucking want wherever I fucking want, now go fuck yourself and go the fuck away, you fucking devil worshipper, call the fucking police, see if I fucking care."

I left at that point, she was clearly quite a bit out of control, and dangerous. My one thought was,

"Why don't you call the 'fucking police' about your kid, instead of shouting at that 'fucking devil worshipper' and making a scene in front of these 5-year-old kids?"

I did not, in fact, call the police, but I saw several adults on the street pulling out their phones and making a lot of talk about "disturbing the peace" and "Patricia". Hope there was an arrest.

The English language needs to come up with better and more swear words. Fuck and shit are so overused. Especially fuck. And I don't get why it's a swear word! The word "Shit" refers to Feces, which is generally agreed to be a repulsive thing. But the word "fuck" is used to refer to intercourse, which is a beautiful amazing thing that creates life.

How did this become a swear word? It makes me sad :/


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That woman... wow... what a clotpole.


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But the word "fuck" is used to refer to intercourse, which is a beautiful amazing thing that creates life.

How did this become a swear word? It makes me sad :/

Actually, in Russian we have a swear word that referring to intercourse as well. And swear references to both sexes' genitals, feces and multiple variants of swears referring to women of easy virtue. So 'ere you go.

There's actually more, both in English and Russian, but it won't come in mind that easy. I do believe we have dictionary of swear words somewhere.


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Actually, in Russian we have a swear word that referring to intercourse as well. And swear references to both sexes' genitals, feces and multiple variants of swears referring to women of easy virtue. So 'ere you go.

There's actually more, both in English and Russian, but it won't come in mind that easy. I do believe we have dictionary of swear words somewhere.

I have a friend who the only thing she can say in a russian accent is "Butterfly". It sounds absolutely HILARIOUS!


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I have a friend who the only thing she can say in a russian accent is "Butterfly". It sounds absolutely HILARIOUS!

Wait, what? I don't even... You mean, movie-russian accent or real russian accent?

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use the word "fish" instead of and my mates do that all the time as we agree that "fuck" is inappropriate.

So it would be:

"Hey you're late for class!"



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