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Tomahawks as an upgrade to Javelins?

17 posts in this topic

Just something I've been thinking. Tomahawks would be a ranged weapon that functions much like a Javelin, except do not disappear and do much more damage. They could be crafted with only a normal ingot, and while not stacking would be maybe a one or two hit kill on normal mobs. Unlike Javelins they would not have a chance to disappear.


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Would it spin? And if so would the spin affect damage? Because I'm not sure if its possible and it would look bad if it didn't spin. And I'm not so sure about the insta-kill given our present balance.


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Just something I've been thinking. Tomahawks would be a ranged weapon that functions much like a Javelin, except do not disappear and do much more damage. They could be crafted with only a normal ingot, and while not stacking would be an instant kill on normal mobs. Unlike Javelins they would not have a chance to disappear.

mmm, yes i'm all in favor of being able to smith throwing weapons like shuriken, tomahawks, knives that would be great alternatives to melee weapons so that you dont always have to go around in plate armor and a sword, you can instead, wear light leather or cloth armor, and throw things from a distance

and maybe different throwing weapons would do different things for example

Tomahawks: Deal most damage, unstackable, take the longest to throw

Shuriken: Do light damage, stack to 16, throw quickly

Knives/Kunai: Moderate damage, stack to 8, throw quickly

Javelins: Deal heavy damage, unstackable, can be used as melee weapon too

and now some weirder ones.

Chakram: More damage than knives, not as much as tomahawks, require you to "spin" them first, aka charge up

Boomerangs: light damage, return on miss unstackable

Hand Bombs: instant kill on unarmored enemies, stacks to 4, very dificult to craft(requires forgeing of bomb shell and filling with gunpowder), needs to be lit before throwing, can explode in your hand if you wait too long

Rocks: just a rock you find, deals slightly more damage than fist, stacks like normal, basically a ranged punch, 100% breaks on impact

Edit: almost forgot



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This is quite clearly overpowered. Let's lay out why:

-Half the material cost of a sword/mace of equivalent caliber



-Always retrievable

I like the idea of a tomahawk, but this is completely unreasonable. Let's try to give it some balance, shall we?

-Nerfed damage (absolutely no instant-kill)

-Extremely low durability (compared to weapon of equivalent material, at least)

-Durability consumed with each use, regardless of what it hits

-Difficult to aim/throw (not exactly sure how to do this)

---Perhaps bsb23's spin? It only delivers the maximum amount of damage if the head hits your enemy; you'll have to gauge how far you are from your enemy to make sure the tomahawk's head will align properly.

-Relatively complicated smithing process(?)

---The various "grindstone" threads would probably come into play here.

---On that note: Blade dulls with each use (and must be sharpened on a grindstone)?


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Instead of making a whole new item for this, why not just make it that if you hold the right mouse button for long enough while wielding an axe, you start drawing it back and can soon thereafter throw it like a tomahawk?


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Instead of making a whole new item for this, why not just make it that if you hold the right mouse button for long enough while wielding an axe, you start drawing it back and can soon thereafter throw it like a tomahawk?

This would work since the axe looks more like a hatchet than axe. And then axes wouldn't be useless in the metal age :D

Ps: only metal axes should be throwable. Or at least, throwable and actually do damage.


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Instead of making a whole new item for this, why not just make it that if you hold the right mouse button for long enough while wielding an axe, you start drawing it back and can soon thereafter throw it like a tomahawk?

Simple enough, I suppose, but the design of a tomahawk head is distinctly different from that of an axe head. I'll link you both wikipedia articles, so you can compare:

The Axe:

The Tomahawk:http://en.wikipedia....ahawk_%28axe%29

Undoubtedly, they are similar enough, and the tomahawk is, indeed, an axe in and of itself. However, I don't believe that our current Minecraft axes are suitable for throwing; it's not... And I'm going to use the magic word here, wait for it... Believable. For me, at least.

Treyflix: Now that I look at it, our current axes aren't that far off from hatchets. I'd still maintain that axes and tomahawks should be separate tools until we more specifically outline some statistics and comparisons between different weapons.

Edited by YourMajesty

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I guess what I'm trying to say is, tomahawks don't seem like a particularly viable addition to a game that already has a couple options for ranged damage already in that could be expanded. Expanding axes to have a tomahawk-like function would provide additional utility to them even after reaching metal and you've gained the use of saws, would be reasonably believable based on their shape in game, and would mean the coders not having to add the 24-26 items in game for an otherwise over glorified metal-tier javelin.


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To be honest, we'd be better off with metal javelins. IRL, javelins are some of the most powerful ranged weapons available. Tomahawk is not gonna do as much damage.

Now, a Attle Attle? Totally for it! That weapon was so powerful that the Incans hurled them straight through conquistador chestplates.


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True enough, I suppose. Do we have any idea of what we'd like the damage and range for the thrown axe to be? I'd say the range should be slightly less than that of a javelin, with damage around 66% of a sword of equivalent material.

You know, I think I would like some metal javelins. But I'm starting to warm up to the idea of metal axes being granted some utility.

Edited by YourMajesty

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I mispoke apparently, forgive me. I did not see that someone already mentioned the glory of the Atlatl.


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Now, a Attle Attle? Totally for it! That weapon was so powerful that the Incans hurled them straight through conquistador chestplates.

Correct me if i'm weorng, but wasn't the Attleattle (one word, not two) a device used to increase the force at which one could throw a javelin or spear?

so technically the attleattle was not thrown, but was used to throw the spears through said chestplates

-sorry correction nazi breaking through a bit-


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Well yes, the "Atlatl" was more or less a lever to launch spears at high speed.


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I think tomahawks could bridge the gap between excellent melee and excellent ranged. They would be an okay ranged and melee weapon.


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Ooooh, oooh! My first derail!

Let's see, here... Gentlemen, I present to you... The Hwacha!

Wooooo! Medieval rocket launcher! Probably a bit too "late" for this mod, though.

yyeaaahhh, i think we went over this before in a different thread, and it just aint gonnna work

Bioxx doesnt want any form of guns or anything like a gun


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Shoot! forgot to quote Scooterdanny there!


Not really meant to launch a rigid spear. it could launch a spear but what the aztecs (and pretty much all early humans around the world) used was really long and flexible darts. not arrows! darts.

You see, the dart needs to bend in order to spring away from the atl atl as it's being launched. look up some videos of an atl atl in use and you'll see how the dart will bend and then "wobble" it's way over to the target. that's what gives it it's speed and power! A spear or an arrow simply will not bend in such manner to fully take advantage of being launch with an atl atl.

As for the Tomahawk. eh! the axe is right there, make it throwable. there comes a point where we must sit down and think "do we have too much weaponry in this mod?"

I'd love to see a maquahuitl in the game if that dosh garn obsidian would stop being purple and hard as shit but i fail to see the point of having it if a knappered axe will do the job just as well.

Edited by GreenLeaf

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