Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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66 posts in this topic

So, as I learned from this mod clay is very important.

But why not make it a bit more useful. :D

Making bottles (Amphorae?) for water or potions, cauldrons for water storage (If you don't happen to have any water near you and always want a good supply), containers for food if rotting would be added or just for decoration (like the new added flower pots in Minecraft 1.4). Maybe the quality of ceramic molds would also increase if one did it in a proper potter oven instead of over a campfire or forge (So you can use it maybe 3-5 times)

This could be a possible layout for an oven:

# = Stone

/ = Air

^ = Forge

###### #####

#////////# #####

###### #####

##^////// ##//##

(Sideview) (Front View)

This could also make acquiring bricks a bit more hard, so you actually have to do something before building your nice brick chimney. :)


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Maybe the quality of ceramic molds would also increase if one did it in a proper potter oven instead of over a campfire or forge (So you can use it maybe 3-5 times)

This could be hard to make, if not impossible. Or you can use the meta in a better way. If you can, this could be possible. However I was thinking that potions would be better if stored in glass bottles.

You can expand this suggestion in the decoration, or something that requires pots, for example a new storage pot, that is 1 block large but contains more than a single chest.

Then a tank for your tamed pets, where they can drink, or also for the animals that you're breeding.

New types of bowls, that aren't consumed after eating the dishes.

And yes, a chimney, why not.


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Pro Tip: Use 'Courier New' or some other fixed-width font when making ASCII Art.

###### #####

#////# #####

###### #####

##^/// ##/##


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or you could name it simply like this bad pottery,pottery, good pottery, luxrious pottery :P


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or you could name it simply like this bad pottery,pottery, good pottery, luxrious pottery :P

I think that the bad pottery is the most wanted!

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Thanks for the font tip! :) And yeah, why not Dwarf Fortress style!? :D

xTatteredx / +Fine+ and so on.


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The quality thing would be more useful in terms of trading with Villagers. So just like in DF, an exceptional ceramic-cauldron with flawless diamonds is WAY more valuable than a simple bowl decorated with some chipped garnets. :D


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The quality thing would be more useful in terms of trading with Villagers. So just like in DF, an exceptional ceramic-cauldron with flawless diamonds is WAY more valuable than a simple bowl decorated with some chipped garnets. :D

wow, wow, who said there where villagers? villages where... "neutralized" by Bioxx altogether, you won't find them in TFC unless made by players.

While i like the idea, i feel there are some things lacking here...

1) Where you make pottery? New block, similar to knapping, another use for an already existant block... I'm not talking about cooking clay but shape it into the object you want.

2) How is the GUI, how does it work?

3) Are there alternatives to this system if you still can't afford the required items? (Not to answer if it's something you can do just by having clay :)


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1. The oven would be just a hole in a stonewall with a burning forge beneath it. If new blocks were to be added the maximum would be two. One potter's "wheel" block and maybe a grid to put between the forge and the cooking pottery.

2. Since you'd put the raw pieces into your oven there won't be a GUI. It's the same as with charcoal, just wait till it's ready and collect it. :)

3. There are lots of alternatives like wooden crafts, but if you happen to have an insane amount of clay, why not use it to craft some ceramic bowls, ceramic cauldrons or vases. Maybe some pottery crafts would be more suitable for containing certain goods like cereals.

One of the main focuses would still be the making of bricks. To make them, one had to form clay into a brick shape (just put one clay in your crafting slot and take out your raw brick). Craft four of them together to get a raw brick block and just put this for12-18 hours in your pottery oven. When done, you just have to pick the block up and do whatever you want with it, like crafting a chimney block for your forge by putting 3 brick blocks vertical in your crafting grid to get 3 chimney blocks, wich count as an open path to the sky. Or make a brick roof for your house.

About the villagers: I didn't konw Bioxx neutralized them, but as I read there are plans for Beta3 about adding money and politics.

I also think that NPC's won't be added, but if just a trader NPC gets added, pottery (and maybe gems?) would get a use.

Stuff like cauldrons would be more useful if mechanics like tanning were implemented. But that's just leading to other topics...:P

Two pictures of a test oven. The door is mainly for decoration purpose.

Another l(much easier) ayout could be just like the standard charcoal pit. Replacing the logpiles with raw brick blocks or pottery and the firepit with a forge. The whole thing covered in cobblestone and there you go.


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The door is mainly for decoration purpose.

I think that the door is needed to keep the heat inside. Without the door the heat leaves the oven.

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i Like the Idea of an Oven...but why does it have to be so long?

Wouldnt a simple one block wide oven be good?

It also needs a chimney! Otherwise the fire cannot burn and will not get very hot.

On the other hand i think that there should be an "ovenplate" that can be put onto a forge, combines with the forge block and allows entity (in this case unfired pottery) placement. That way you can actually SEE the pottery when being fired! as they would be medium to block sized items that would make sense right?


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2. Since you'd put the raw pieces into your oven there won't be a GUI. It's the same as with charcoal, just wait till it's ready and collect it. :)

You got me wrong. Sorry, it's probably my fault : i'm still learning...

What i meant is, how is the GUI of the potter's wheel block? I mean, you woun't just place a clay pile in the oven and get a brick (like in vanilla), you have to give it that form so it keeps it after being cooked. So, how you shape the clay in the potter's wheel? a skill-based minigame, buttons to decide which shape you wanna give it, what?


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I think if you are working clay on a pottery wheel, a neat "minigame" to go with it would by 5 sliders.






Positioning the sliders as shown above creates a shape like the side of a large clay jug, and would result in a raw clay jug which could then be fired.


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A few ideas for clay,

Clay Cauldron

Works like a normal cauldron, but can break after too many uses!

Clay Jug

Works like normal bottle but can only store water, not potions (if they are added). They would also have a durability.

Clay Bowl

Exactly like wooden bowl.

Clay Pot

Same storage as a chest, but does not connect to other pots. Can be stacked on top of one another. (does not contain rupees)

Clay Plant Pot

For displaying flowers and saplings.

Clay Gardening Pot

For farming indoors. Farming with pots would discard the A,B and C plant groups, since the soil is in separate pots. However they would need watering with a watering can, or kept in a rainy spot.

Terracotta Statues

Terracotta-esque clay statues, functional by increasing the speed of the protection meter. There would be a cap on the speed increase per area of effect so that it would not become cheap.

Brick Oven

A new multi-block structure, useful only for cooking food, but can cook multiple food items and meals in large amounts. Only clay bricks could be used for building such an oven.

I also think multi-block structures such as the bloomery and forge which require bricks should accept clay bricks as a valid brick type.


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Thanks for the font tip! :) And yeah, why not Dwarf Fortress style!? :D

xTatteredx / +Fine+ and so on.

because, you wont create tattered pottery, the quality of potterys is determined, by the smoothness of the clay+ steadiness of the burning temprature and the level and lengt of the process


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Clay Gardening Pot

For farming indoors. Farming with pots would discard the A,B and C plant groups, since the soil is in separate pots. However they would need watering with a watering can, or kept in a rainy spot.

I honestly wonder why people don't seem to like the changelog, when it's so useful to know stuff about this mod.

The plant groups was rolled back, we now have a system similar to vanilla, where plants ned to be near water or else they grow even slower.


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I honestly wonder why people don't seem to like the changelog, when it's so useful to know stuff about this mod.

The plant groups was rolled back, we now have a system similar to vanilla, where plants ned to be near water or else they grow even slower.

Where is this in the changelog?

I have searched the changelog and the archive and have found nothing about the removal of this, only its addition in "Beta v2 Build 48 Codename: Still for 1.2.5"

Edit: I found the entry you are thinking of, but it only references soil saturation, it does not say anything about removing plant groups.


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Edit: I found the entry you are thinking of, but it only references soil saturation, it does not say anything about removing plant groups.

... I swear it said something aboiut removing the nutrient groups in some point... I swear. Crazy?! I'm not crazy, i swear, i saw it! I SAW IT!

*And he was forcelly taken to the mental asylum, where he lived until the end of his life*

Ok, ok, i screwed up and misinterpreted something a while back... Sorry for that :


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I think if you are working clay on a pottery wheel, a neat "minigame" to go with it would by 5 sliders.






Positioning the sliders as shown above creates a shape like the side of a large clay jug, and would result in a raw clay jug which could then be fired.

This is a great idea, although the sliders would probably only need five possibilities each (they could still slide freely it would be whatever its closest to. Although that is still a lot of items (3125) we would probably have to allow only certain ones with recognizable shapes. Pots, bowls, cups, pipes etc. Terracotta statues may be a little much.

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More clay usages

Clay Bricks:

Like regular bricks, except made of clay, look different, pre metal-age, and need mortar. (actually all bricks should need mortar... I think it is being added in the construction update)

Clay Tiles:

They go on the ground as decoration, like a chisel block placed.

Just aesthetic really, but have some functions, like the bricks.


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More clay usages

Clay Bricks:

Like regular bricks, except made of clay, look different, pre metal-age, and need mortar. (actually all bricks should need mortar... I think it is being added in the construction update)

Clay Tiles:

They go on the ground as decoration, like a chisel block placed.

Just aesthetic really, but have some functions, like the bricks.

yeah, maybe clay bricks would be able to be made into a forge just like stone bricks would?

and clay tiles made me think of those adobe buildings with those clay tiled roofs

p.s. your makes me sad


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p.s. your makes me sad

achartran's multi-thread derail rampage musta hit some deep eh? ^_^


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achartran's multi-thread derail rampage musta hit some deep eh? ^_^

nono, look at the spoiler part of it.....

and dont you remember? i was causing part of that rampage


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nono, look at the spoiler part of it.....

and dont you remember? i was causing part of that rampage

I looked at the spoiler... and built a great big pyramid! ...and then it took me to a web page and I think it was supposed to be some sort of joke but I didn't really get it. I don't really get some kinds of jokes. I've learned to fake laugh pretty well irl, because sometimes people get very insulted if you don't get their joke, but that's more of a verbal/gestural protection mechanism and doesn't seem to be required in online communications. But the pyramid was very cool.

I vaguely remember this rampage. Sort of. I looked at history to see if I could track it but all I found was interesting information about spoons...

Is a demonic spaghetti eldritch god kind of like a FSM? The former sounds much more potent.


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I looked at the spoiler... and built a great big pyramid! ...and then it took me to a web page and I think it was supposed to be some sort of joke but I didn't really get it. I don't really get some kinds of jokes. I've learned to fake laugh pretty well irl, because sometimes people get very insulted if you don't get their joke, but that's more of a verbal/gestural protection mechanism and doesn't seem to be required in online communications. But the pyramid was very cool.

I vaguely remember this rampage. Sort of. I looked at history to see if I could track it but all I found was interesting information about spoons...

Is a demonic spaghetti eldritch god kind of like a FSM? The former sounds much more potent.

LOL I did that spoiler thing when I was bored at school. I had finished my homework that I had the chance to do, so I got bored and did that. I like the pyramid as well. :D


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