Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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How did you find out about TFC?

75 posts in this topic

I'm not a minecraft forum lurker, to be honest this is the only forum I actually read everyday. So one day I was curious about games like Dwarf Fortress and there was a thread in their forums that was saying how a mod in minecraft had done a complete overhaul in the vanilla geology, so I had to try it out. I think this was in april or may, only became a member when I've bought Minecraft, yes... it took me awhile...

I think it was this one:


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After playing minecraft for a bit I checked out Dwarf Fortress and loved the complexity of it. I was terrible at it, but it was fun while my dwarves were still alive and not murdering each other to make fine art.

A few weeks later I saw this mod on the minecraft forums! It was back when you made your first starting tool by putting flint on the end of a stick. I remember running around for 3 days trying to find squid for ink before I saw an update saying "Squid should now properly spawn with the new water level."


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i was playing oblivion looking for some mods when i came across an attempt to make an oblivion dimension with tools and the ability similar to minecraft... so i did a search for minecraft and found a "how to survive and thrive" series by paul saurs jr. which hooked me on minecraft... after playing around with minecraft 1.8.1 for a few weeks i started to get bored so i did a search for some mods. what i found was... industrial craft, buildcraft, and tons of other tech type mods, all of these were AMAZING!!! which kept me busy for several more weeks maybe a couple months. meanwhile i grew an affinity for watching several lets play series including direwolf20 and theminecraftmuse, (aka spumwack) and many more less memorable ones. which now brings me to how i found out about TFC, theminecraftmuse transitioned to a new youtube channel with a whole new type of lets play... after i saw his first video i was totally hooked! since then i've been checking the forum daily for new updates and reading all the awsome suggestions for more additions to TFC.

ty Bioxx !


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A friend told me about TFC after I had been playing vanilla and becoming increasingly bored with the monotony of it all. Grow crops.. of wheat.. mine iron... and more iron... and then eat... build something very square... rinse and repeat. Don't get me wrong. The magic of minecraft didn't spread too thin, but I needed something with more substance. I liked Dwarf Fortress, and being old school (angband, roguehack, etc...) took to it, but when my friend told me about TFC, I had to check it out. And here I am! Getting some TFC straight to the head every day I can!!! There isn't a methadone strong enough to get me off this stuff! I knew that this mod was going to be huge when I started playing, and I have a feeling that we are in for a awesome TFC future!


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I saw Bioxx's original minecraft forum post back in january and asked to join the team :)


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I saw Bioxx's original minecraft forum post back in january and asked to join the team :)

That's awesome, Dunk!!!


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I saw the post on the new tab on minecraftforums, it was back in january, i remember because i had just got back to school and i was kinda sad and bored XD but when i saw TFC i could not believe it, it was awesome, i played it all day till march and then stopped playing because i had lots of installation problems.

I remeber making a seed section on the wiki,making some textures,and i even talked to Bioxx, i got pretty excited with it, and now that i had rediscovered it i cant go back to vanilla.


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Saw it first on Direwolf20's mod spotlight, but wasn't too interested. But then TheMinecraftMuse decided to change up his channel to Spumwack (a great decision btw) and he started his series which is still going atm. It was at that point I started playing, and watched some tutorials to get me going, and have been ever since. I still watch Spumwack and Direwolf20, both awesome youtubers, I encourage you to watch them (especially if you like modded/terrafirma minecraft)




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Looks like Spumwack brought a lot of new people to TFC :)

I myself found TFC on the minecraft forums in March or April, was way different back then, but still better than vanilla :P


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Looks like Spumwack brought a lot of new people to TFC :)

I myself found TFC on the minecraft forums in March or April, was way different back then, but still better than vanilla :P

Both Spumwack and Direwolf20.

I really don't remember that much about it, but i think it was 'cause of Direwolf's spotlights, back in June. I couldn't find as much info as i wanted about it, and then i searched (and found) the wiki. But it wasn't complete either, so i get into the forums. BUT nobody was talking about that, everyone was acting as if they already knew how it is, and didn't needed to talk about it (something that now isn't that common...). Then, i just couldn't take it anymore, and downloaded the mod to see what it had. A month later, i already knew all the mod had to offer back then, so i registered in the forums and started suggesting new stuff myself (the Enchantment system thread? someone remembers it?). And... Well, here i am : i became one of the top posters of this forums, a good player in TFC, and strangely, a god like player in vanilla whenever i do play in it.


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Don't remember how exactly, but either it was after playing Dwarf Fortress when I was looking for similar games either it was when I was playing minecraft mods that raised the game to a new level and I stumbled upon this one :)


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I saw the post on MC forums, I instantly fell in luv w/ the mod, but I still feel the stone age is too short.

I mean, cutting down trees should take more than five minutes to be able to do.

Normally, an axe made out of stone just wont cut down that big of trees.

Plus, I really think tools made of stone should have the handle tied to the head.

Metals could have a hole etched through the top of the head and fit over the handle. Then a wedge could be used to keep it on.

But overall, it's EPIC!


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Both Spumwack and Direwolf20.

I really don't remember that much about it, but i think it was 'cause of Direwolf's spotlights, back in June. I couldn't find as much info as i wanted about it, and then i searched (and found) the wiki. But it wasn't complete either, so i get into the forums. BUT nobody was talking about that, everyone was acting as if they already knew how it is, and didn't needed to talk about it (something that now isn't that common...). Then, i just couldn't take it anymore, and downloaded the mod to see what it had. A month later, i already knew all the mod had to offer back then, so i registered in the forums and started suggesting new stuff myself (the Enchantment system thread? someone remembers it?). And... Well, here i am : i became one of the top posters of this forums, a good player in TFC, and strangely, a god like player in vanilla whenever i do play in it.

You can actually play vanilla after trying out TFC? Amazing :o

Vanilla is like a bad version of TFC for me lol.


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I only play vanilla on servers. WAAAY too boring on SSP.


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You can actually play vanilla after trying out TFC? Amazing :o

Vanilla is like a bad version of TFC for me lol.

Yeah, well, there was this other mod... Mystcraft i think, that did something comparatively amazing to what TFC does. I had to try it :.

At the end, it wasn't that good, but it wasn't that bad either... gives vanilla some spice, though keeping the same style i was already tired of -_-

It was cool to be able to build portals of any size and shape with interchangeable destinies, though. Vanilla should have that... -__-


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You can actually play vanilla after trying out TFC? Amazing :o

Vanilla is like a bad version of TFC for me lol.

I play it too, it's like an RPG game now, you have 2 bosses to defeat and the whole game doesn't take too long (you may even try hardcore).

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That's awesome, Dunk!!!

If you think THAT'S awesome, here is Dunk elaborating on how he joined TFC:

I do now .____.

To clear this up, I shall now tell you the magical tale of TerraFirmaCraft:

My story begins about 15 months ago, before I even knew java, but played minecraft. I spent hours looking through the minecraft forums trying to find a mod that lived up to the standards set in my own mind and by the geology course I took the previous year. I found two before this, but their creators either got bored and left or had different ideas about what geology was or anything related to gameplay balance. I was doing some work for ExtraBiomes around last january (after I learned java) but was rudely dismissed (even though they wound up using my ideas like 3 months later -____-). Towards mid to the end of january, I happened across a thread called "TerraFirmaCraft: Early Alpha!!!" or something like that. It had very few views and I think the forum thread only had like 3 pages. I started talking avidly, my heart was racing, I thought I had found the perfect mod. The more I read, the more I liked. I contacted bioxx as soon as I could and showed him some screen shots of some trees I had done for extrabiomes. He really liked them and admitted that he was having no luck with making his own trees, so he welcomed me onto the team.

I think around mid february, there was a lot of talk between Bioxx, myself and marcopolo and a few others about joining forces to make a super mod, which would dwarf all others. We talked through concept and strategy and game play, and things were going really well. As the weeks went by, schisms and divides started growing between us, and Bioxx decided he didn't want to follow all of the rules and guidelines the team set out for us. He decided to leave. I stuck around for a little bit, but I was only really a sidekick to Bioxx at the time, so I quickly followed him out. We returned to a team of two. I designed a few trees and learned a lot more about game structure from Bioxx. Sometime between when I joined and we left the other mod team, an artist named BreatheSleep contacted us, offering his services for textures which were actually really good. Our team of two soon became 3, but things were mostly quiet. Developent slowed and I was almost afraid it had stopped until one day Bioxx stuck his head up and released Beta 1 build 1, taking us out of alpha and putting us on the map. After that, the mod started getting a lot more attention. I approached bioxx and talked to him about working on animals for the game as I already had a very deep understanding of animal behaviour and life. I told him I could make mobs look more articulated and less blocky, which he seemed happy about. This was about the time that I was recognized as a full game dev. Since then a lot has happened, we've had various people help out, mostly crysyn and marcopolo and we got a new artist due to some irl problems Breathe was having (although I haven't seen rogue in a while either). Bioxx really doesn't like working with others unless they don't interfere with his code, which is why I am on the team: I work on animals nearly exclusively and I know when to stop pushing my opinion. Just because I don't code other things YET doesn't mean I don't have a say though, Bioxx and I discuss many possible game features at length, weighing gameplay and believability.

The one developer became a duo, and the duo became part of a team of 2 devs and 2 artists, (plus the 1500+ community members :) [this does NOT mean you can make demands related to game play changes or anything of the sort though. You're loved, but closer to how you love the family dog]).

So no, I don't know Bioxx in real life, mostly because he lives around Boston and I live in Canada, but we've done voice chat before and we occasionally discuss our personal lives


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I stumbled on TFC by accident when gathering mods and trying to test which work together, was very early and didnt have much then. Then maybe month later Direwolf20 made modspotlight and i remembered this, downloaded again, played little, but then got distracted ALOT by other tech mods, have to say almost forgot TFC at this point :/ ... now almost half year later i was talking about "realism" in minecraft and how to improve when remembered again and started lookind and found it, COMPLETE chance after my first looks, fell in love and now TFC is my place to rest and vacation after hard tinkering and modtesting from other mods :) I really want to see where this development is going and what next update wiil give us, i dont mind updates breaking my saves/worlds, im already quite used to it... Also my 8 year old daughter plays minecraft, vanilla usually, and for TFC she said "Dad? Why i can't take this tree?" after punching it 5 minutes... :D But this is COOL mod and i really hope it gets to "final?" release someday :) (what i know.. mods never be finished :P )


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But this is COOL mod and i really hope it gets to "final?" release someday :)

From what i know, the final release of this mod will be as "final" as the final release of vanilla minecraft was

(Tip: the final release of vanilla MC was 1.0.0, we are in 1.4.2/3 and it will keep updating)


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From what i know, the final release of this mod will be as "final" as the final release of vanilla minecraft was

(Tip: the final release of vanilla MC was 1.0.0, we are in 1.4.2/3 and it will keep updating)

The final release will be our first.


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The Minecraft Muse/ Spumwack brought me here, along with may others I'm sure.


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I played DF for a while, but that's not what brought me here. I just googled "how to make minecraft more difficult" because vanilla was too easy, and after some searching through MC forum posts I showed up here!


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I was browsing the minecraft mods forum and I saw "survival mode as it should have been". Decided to try it out after reading that thread a bit.

It's a great tagline that really catches the interest of people bored with vanilla survival.


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