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Why TFcraft is a mod

39 posts in this topic

TFCraft exist very long time now and since then I saw many people creating voxel engines from scratch up to a minecraft level and even more.

TFCraft always suffers from the limitation of minecraft and forge and anyway has nothing to do with minecraft and it's uncompatible with other mods, so it's basically a game by itself.

So why TFCraft is a mod and not a separate game like Cube world, Fortress Craft,

, here is a list of games.

Is this a decision that is made on purpose or it's too late to change (because I believe this game yet to grow).

Vox by the way is made by one person in a couple month, same as minecraft.

It's also can't be a copyright problem, so what can it be?


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TFCraft exist very long time now and since then I saw many people creating voxel engines from scratch up to a minecraft level and even more.

TFCraft always suffers from the limitation of minecraft and forge and anyway has nothing to do with minecraft and it's uncompatible with other mods, so it's basically a game by itself.

So why TFCraft is a mod and not a separate game like Cube world, Fortress Craft,

, here is a list of games.

Is this a decision that is made on purpose or it's too late to change (because I believe this game yet to grow).

Vox by the way is made by one person in a couple month, same as minecraft.

It's also can't be a copyright problem, so what can it be?

It was by decision. Someone (don't remember who) made already a thread in this same section talking 'but the same, and Dunk answered.

Yeah, let's wait 'till Dunk jumps on here and answers you properly, i don't really know... :


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This I have been wondering as well, wait for dunk or bioxx or someone who can find their post about it I suppose, I'd be willing to pay $40 for a TFC game easy.


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This I have been wondering as well, wait for dunk or bioxx or someone who can find their post about it I suppose, I'd be willing to pay $40 for a TFC game easy.

And that another thing! They can even earn that way.

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And that another thing! They can even earn that way.

If you are willing to wait 5 seconds to download the mod, you can donate money to them by clicking the adfly link instead of the direct one


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If you are willing to wait 5 seconds to download the mod, you can donate money to them by clicking the adfly link instead of the direct one

But it is only like 50 cents per 100 or maybe 1000 clicks right? It's not that much. And plus I am pretty sure Dunk doesn't get any of it. I would be willing to pay for TFC as a standalone game though.


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Share on other sites is also a horrible virus filled pool, I understand why people use it, but I don't recommend it under most circumstances, there's the donation link which I think is acceptable, but in the long run it's going to be a nice surprise rather than expected income.

Of course, would going standalone cause any more people to see this?

if not then it probably wouldn't be worth the time invested, but if it does and gets seen in a news article somewhere it could be huge.

I know people always used to say they wanted the things TFC does in the Minecraft forums, but it didn't exist then, and I'm sure a lot of people who don't know about it would like it.


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I am willing to bet that a standalone TerrafirmaCraft game would be incredibly successful, but I also think that starting from the ground up would be a lengthy process, time consuming, and would be for nothing, would Mojang turn around and take legal action against such a game if it used the same type of engine and mechanics and wasn't completely different. Would Mojang absolutely do this? Who is to say. But Bethesda tried to go after Notch for using the title "Scrolls" in his new game, and that was just a word!

I have often wondered this myself in regards to Bioxx taking TFC off of the Minecraft tether and unleashing it as its own entity.

In reality, TFC is INDEED its own animal. It has its own heartbeat, mechanics, physics, feel, play-style... is its own animal... and standing apart from every other mod out there, also has its own Soundtrack (well half of one... the other half and beginnings thereof is still in the studio), and that is quite impressive for a mod in and of itself.

The man and his crew have the talent, but monetary backing is part of the equation.

The indie market is inundated with a boiling pool of games. Most of which couldn't hold a match to something that TFC could become. However, it is just the market that could make TFC HUGE!!!!

I am willing to put all of my talents in Bioxx's ring, and while I am not a rich man by any means, I will try to use my skills to do what I can to help the cause. Please see the thread MUSIC FOR THE CAUSE...


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Please see the thread MUSIC FOR THE CAUSE...

Is that thread in the forums? I searched it and nothing came up. Could you post a link please?


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There have been many games very clearly copies of minecraft which have not been prosecuted, TFC already contains more difference than any of them, so long as there was no direct code copy I don't think they would have a problem with it.


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You may not really notice it that much when you play, but when you think about it TFC is VERY limited by vanilla Minecraft.

Making it it's own game from the ground up would give Bioxx and Dunk the opportunity to really change TFC from Minecraft. Here's an example, Bioxx can make trees take 10 days to grow, make the whole tree get cut when you destroy just one block, and stack the logs in 1x1m blocks of logpiles. Trees also magically grow from a 1m tall sapling to a 20m+ tall sequoia. When you think about it, that's not such a big change from vanilla. But if they reworked the whole logging system, I'm guessing the could make trees grow dynamically, fall when cut, add in real woodcutting. This is just an example, but TFC can be made different from Minecraft so so much, meaning it wouldn't have legal problems, since you can't sue someone for making a voxel based game..

If TFC was a real game, I'd buy it.


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Is that thread in the forums? I searched it and nothing came up. Could you post a link please?

Lol. Sorry. Just posted it.


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I will quote another modder, one of the devellopers at Futurecraft, he is working in making another engine for minecraft that pretty much changes the whole game and was asked why not making it another game:

"Lol, it's been tempting a few times, but the advantages of using Minecraft outweigh the disadvantages, not the least of which is a preexisting community. When you build an indie game from scratch, you have to build your audience from scratch, too, and that's the trial by fire where most indie developers fail, for no fault of their own. Such is the nature of the beast.

And, since the core of Futurecraft is an MMO, having access to that large community is going to become very important."

So, even though Minecraft has MANY downsides, the upside is having a stablished community, most of you wouldn't have come here if it wasn't because of minecraft.


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I am willing to bet that a standalone TerrafirmaCraft game would be incredibly successful, but I also think that starting from the ground up would be a lengthy process, time consuming, and would be for nothing, would Mojang turn around and take legal action against such a game if it used the same type of engine and mechanics and wasn't completely different. Would Mojang absolutely do this? Who is to say. But Bethesda tried to go after Notch for using the title "Scrolls" in his new game, and that was just a word!

I have often wondered this myself in regards to Bioxx taking TFC off of the Minecraft tether and unleashing it as its own entity.

In reality, TFC is INDEED its own animal. It has its own heartbeat, mechanics, physics, feel, play-style... is its own animal... and standing apart from every other mod out there, also has its own Soundtrack (well half of one... the other half and beginnings thereof is still in the studio), and that is quite impressive for a mod in and of itself.

The man and his crew have the talent, but monetary backing is part of the equation.

The indie market is inundated with a boiling pool of games. Most of which couldn't hold a match to something that TFC could become. However, it is just the market that could make TFC HUGE!!!!

I am willing to put all of my talents in Bioxx's ring, and while I am not a rich man by any means, I will try to use my skills to do what I can to help the cause. Please see the thread MUSIC FOR THE CAUSE...

There won't be any problems with minecraft, same as with other voxel engines, minecraft owns the name not the style.

Just a word? That are rules and you can't just ignore them, otherwise there were no argument with Bethesda.

Time consuming? Sure, at first, but how much time it would save afterwards? I'm sure I they would start long time ago, now it would be long a head as a stand alone game.


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I will quote another modder, one of the devellopers at Futurecraft, he is working in making another engine for minecraft that pretty much changes the whole game and was asked why not making it another game:

"Lol, it's been tempting a few times, but the advantages of using Minecraft outweigh the disadvantages, not the least of which is a preexisting community. When you build an indie game from scratch, you have to build your audience from scratch, too, and that's the trial by fire where most indie developers fail, for no fault of their own. Such is the nature of the beast.

And, since the core of Futurecraft is an MMO, having access to that large community is going to become very important."

So, even though Minecraft has MANY downsides, the upside is having a stablished community, most of you wouldn't have come here if it wasn't because of minecraft.

I would agree with you and do for the most part, except there is already a community started for TFC. Minecraft has been the springboard, as you have pointed out, but has provided the "Swimmies" needed to stay afloat in the pool of indie games out there.


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I will quote another modder, one of the devellopers at Futurecraft, he is working in making another engine for minecraft that pretty much changes the whole game and was asked why not making it another game:

"Lol, it's been tempting a few times, but the advantages of using Minecraft outweigh the disadvantages, not the least of which is a preexisting community. When you build an indie game from scratch, you have to build your audience from scratch, too, and that's the trial by fire where most indie developers fail, for no fault of their own. Such is the nature of the beast.

And, since the core of Futurecraft is an MMO, having access to that large community is going to become very important."

So, even though Minecraft has MANY downsides, the upside is having a stablished community, most of you wouldn't have come here if it wasn't because of minecraft.

Agreed, but community is established and it can already grow further into a stand alone, all the player will follow and more will come.

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Even if it takes several weeks for a first release?


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Even if it takes several weeks for a first release?

Rome wasn't built in a day, Leo. The mod would still be up and running. But respectfully I do see your points. :) However, while we speculate and wish for golden eggs, it might not be something Bioxx would want to do. But wouldn't it be cool?!?!?!?


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Rome wasn't built in a day, Leo. The mod would still be up and running. But respectfully I do see your points. :) However, while we speculate and wish for golden eggs, it might not be something Bioxx would want to do. But wouldn't it be cool?!?!?!?

Like I've said here, I would gladly work on a 3d chunk base for a tfc standalone.


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Like I've said here, I would gladly work on a 3d chunk base for a tfc standalone.

By the way, how is the progress going? I know that you have changed some classes back to how they were or something to make it even POSSIBLE, but I would like to know, have you done anything else?


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By the way, how is the progress going? I know that you have changed some classes back to how they were or something to make it even POSSIBLE, but I would like to know, have you done anything else?

Like what?

Well I've been adding extensions on the existing ones that can't be changed... And well... Learning... There is lots of small holes in the open sourced and classes that were left out, only a few of the main ones were opened.

The biggest challenge is the classes that belong to forge, I don't know how I'll change those...


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Like what?

Well I've been adding extensions on the existing ones that can't be changed... And well... Learning... There is lots of small holes in the open sourced and classes that were left out, only a few of the main ones were opened.

The biggest challenge is the classes that belong to forge, I don't know how I'll change those...

So are you trying to keep compatibility or what? and can't you just change the Forge classes?

Sorry if that was a stupid question, but IDK absolutely nothing about coding.

:P even the All-Seeing Eye doesn't know everything.... BUT....It would like to. :D


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So are you trying to keep compatibility or what? and can't you just change the Forge classes?

Sorry if that was a stupid question, but IDK absolutely nothing about coding.

:P even the All-Seeing Eye doesn't know everything.... BUT....It would like to. :D

I'm trying to make it work... Like I've said to Dunk, I've changed the so many classes that I ain't keeping track of all the changes I've made, I just want it working for now. But when I think about compatibility and all that it makes me shivers... I really don't know.

For now, it is a jar mod without any compatibility.

My fear about changing Forge is that it is what makes TFC and most mods work. Even this one...


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I'm trying to make it work... Like I've said to Dunk, I've changed the so many classes that I ain't keeping track of all the changes I've made, I just want it working for now. But when I think about compatibility and all that it makes me shivers... I really don't know.

For now, it is a jar mod without any compatibility.

My fear about changing Forge is that it is what makes TFC and most mods work. Even this one...

Oh. Hope it turns out well. :D


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I might be a minority here, but I am kind of glad TFC is just a mod.


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