Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Better Shelters For Nomads

23 posts in this topic

I really like roaming the Minecraft world to see what adventures it will bring. As a wanderer, I'm pretty good at making shelters out of whatever is there. But I like my shelters to look good, so I almost never dig 1x1x3 dirt holes. But having to cut down tree after tree just to make my shelter look like a shelter is very frustrating to me and sometimes I feel like a wood cabin is the only option given for a shelter to look good. So I have two suggestions for shelter solutions that looks better than a 1x1x3 hole with a log on top.

1. Leaf housing and tents: When leaf blocks are broken, they have a chance to drop branches and saplins instead of sticks and saplins. (why would a tree drop perfectly carved out sticks anyways.) The branches sprite will look like any branch with some leaves on it and the branches can be used to do 4 things. Used as a handle for a knife head (and only a knife head), be processed into a stick with a knife, placed on the ground to support branch clusters (They act the same way as torches when placed, but can be stacked like fences. They can be placed on other branch clusters.), and make a branch Cluster block by combining 3 branches. This block can be placed like a dirt block, but will be supported by a placed branch.

2. Mud Huts: The current dirt block in TFC falls off edges and is impossible to make a shelter with. I think mud huts are a balanced way to make dirt shelters. It would involve the aforementioned branches and water. Dirt will become mud blocks over time if it stays under water for a few minutes and act the same way as dirt. when combined with 2 branchs, it will become a muddy cluster. Muddy cluster fall the same way dirt does. But if you cook it in a firepit, it will become a hardened mud block. These will not fall as long as it has another hardended mud block directly under it and can be broken by any tool but can't be recovered. (ever try punching one of dem mud huts?) Now you may be wondering, how am I suppose to make a roof? You simply place a branch on the inside of your house and make a pyramid of branch clusters.

If this is implemented, temporary shelters will look much nicer. You will never go back to burying yourself ever again.

(P.S. Placed branches will be passable like torches and will be less obstructive than fences)

Pics, cobble is the hardened mud, sponges are the branch clusters, fences are the branches. These are cross sections.

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Getting sick from weather is also a good idea...

And here are more pics of what I'm trying to have Bioxx put in the game.

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Edited by manningliu

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Look up how to make a peablo mud brick house.


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This looks like an awesome addition to the game, i really hope this gets so see dunks eyes.


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mud huts aren't temporary shelters... there will be fur bed rolls in the future but apart from that you're going to have to rough it.


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i can do without tents and mudhuts but if there's one way i'd like to protect myself during the night, it would be in the warmth and light of the firepit!

I can see myself huddling close to my firepit in the middle of a huge and dark forest. constantly making sure it's being fed more wood to burn. and out there, in the wild, just outside the light of the firepit stalks a pack of wolves. scared to go near the fire but aware that when my firewood runs out i'm done for.

that, everyone, is what survival is about!


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I admit I really like the idea of adobe being in this mod. It would fit quite well with the already-existing themes. (And I think adobe houses look quite nice. My grandparents on my father's side built one from scratch in Los Angeles on a high hill over half a century ago and she's still a looker.)

mud huts aren't temporary shelters... there will be fur bed rolls in the future but apart from that you're going to have to rough it.

Weren't you already thinking about adding branches, Dunkleo?


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@ Greenleaf The only difference would be that was a pack of creepers...


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@ Greenleaf The only difference would be that was a pack of creepers...

but it's not, because creepers and all other hostile mobs are being moved to underground crypts and dungeons

they will be replaced by predatory animals such as wolves, bears, and big cats


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everyone, please get this suggestion to Bioxx asap. I would really like to see the end of burying yourself... and also running out of air when buried...... > :)

(not as in suffocation in a block, as in when a mine collapses and you run out of oxygen/oxygen gets cut off)

that somehow made me think of Subterranean Animism... think I'm gonna go play that now.


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everyone, please get this suggestion to Bioxx asap. I would really like to see the end of burying yourself... and also running out of air when buried...... > :)

(not as in suffocation in a block, as in when a mine collapses and you run out of oxygen/oxygen gets cut off)

that somehow made me think of Subterranean Animism... think I'm gonna go play that now.

are you aware that I am a dev for TFC? If I say "not really :/" that means it's PROBABLY not going to make it into TFC.

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that somehow made me think of Subterranean Animism... think I'm gonna go play that now.

aaahhhh, where have i heard that name before?

isn't it part of the Touhou project?

(of course i could be completely wrong)


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aaahhhh, where have i heard that name before?

isn't it part of the Touhou project?

(of course i could be completely wrong)

You play touhou? nice...


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mud huts aren't temporary shelters... there will be fur bed rolls in the future but apart from that you're going to have to rough it.

You are also probably going to say that we shouldn't be using bare stones as weak and ineffective pickaxes can can only break stones of weaker type. It could even be balanced by making it so that it can't break ores and is just used to make large rock slabs that act as planks, can be moved by wagons and such to be used to be placed across openings for a nice roof. Or just to carve out a hole in a wall for a home. But carving takes a long time and a lot of food and water This is very believable and is what the ancients used to do.

Or maybe we can't have a food chain and animal packs working together. And then there are no male cows, instead there are bulls and they can gang up on you and ram you if you threaten them.

I was really hoping for all this stuff to be added. PLEASE ADD IT!


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You play touhou? nice...

do you not see my picture?

or my signature?

both are EOSD refferences

but ermegherd harldy anyone else i know has any clue what Touhou is


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I'm all for making tepees with leather, but branches is going a bit to far. Also as a side note giving us the ability to make pueblos would be pretty cool, if not for temporary shelter, just to add some more building options.


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I'm all for making tepees with leather, but branches is going a bit to far. Also as a side note giving us the ability to make pueblos would be pretty cool, if not for temporary shelter, just to add some more building options.

make your own damn pueblo, moon-man.

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I think hiding in a tree with a bed is the best option when hostile mobs go away.


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This idea seems to be rejected, but I think I have an idea of how it could work. Especially since it is much too easy to make an ugly dirt, cobble, and wood hut early in the game.

Sticks could be placed just like small fences in the middle of a block, and right clicking on them with a hammer would angle them down diagonally the opposite way from which you were facing. From there, you could pick up leaves, ferns, animal hides, thatch, or palm fronds, to make a first shelter.

It would be a part of stone age building, but could be extended into later ages with poles or beams instead of sticks, and wooden or clay shingles, instead of leaves for an easy way to make any shape of roof.

I think that would make the building aspects of TerraFirmaCraft stand out completely from normal minecraft, and allow for a much bigger variety of building shapes. I may expand on this in it's own topic at a later date.


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-snip- pueblo -snip-

... I'm surely the only one that founds this word wierd...

Why? 'casue pueblos means "villages" in spanish. You need a temporal shelter, so you build multiple villages? .__.


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Pueblos aren't temporary shelter either

Pueblos refers to a kind of temporal shelter as well (even though, as i said, i find it strange), wikipedia's one is not the only meaning it has ._.


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Hmm. Must be a Spanish/Portuguese thing then since that is the only definition I've ever encountered.


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