Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Guest Blue_Beluga

Fragments of Knowledge

15 posts in this topic

Ever played TFCraft for the first time, and had to look up tutorials constantly? Felt kinda....disconnected?

I propose 'Fragments of Knowledge'

Fragments of Knowledge

Fragments of Knowledge would be a way of figuring out how to do things in TerraFirmaCraft. They would be basic tutorials on how to do a variety of thing in TerraFirmaCraft. For example, you could find a note on a tree, upon right clicking in your inventory shows you how to make a stone shovel head. Or, you could find a piece of paper in a lone chest showing how to make a forge. This would mean you could theoretically play TFCraft without needing to look online at all.

But I know how to play...

I know all that though, you say. Well, there could be random meal recipes dotted around, giving a little clue as to a nice (or not so nice) meal. And in the future, fragments of mystic knowledge, if magic is ever added.

Tell me what you think in the comments! Feel free to contribute:)


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I think someone suggested something similar and the idea was shotdown, because there is a experimentation process with every feature and should be fun to learn for yourself.

That and how weird would it be if you would walk around the world as a caveman and found "hey this is the way you should make an anvil!"


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I think someone suggested something similar and the idea was shotdown, because there is a experimentation process with every feature and should be fun to learn for yourself.

That and how weird would it be if you would walk around the world as a caveman and found "hey this is the way you should make an anvil!"

Heres some things to help you guys: I think pre-written books/scrolls will not be from a recent time period, most likely from an ancient race, the ones who built the crypts and tombs you can find, and so will contain stories written from a perspective other than the modern one, ie different culture, viewpoints and ideals. I want to try to work out a twisting, magnificent backstory for their culture, one that is interesting, engaging and expands and explains what happened to them and why the undead now haunt their ancient halls :)

Also I might troll the crap out of you guys and write a language generator that will invent seed-specific languages (and possibly alphabets) so that you won't be able to read any of the texts until you work out how to read the language. (I might include a sort of rosetta stone artifact to help you decipher them.) Some important things about the language generator though, it's not going to be an english code, or a code for any other language. The language structure will be random, and might include or exclude articles, proper nouns adverbs or anything else. Grammatically it will be different as well, the sentence "I went to the store today" might translate to "go the store, I do previously this day" in a possible language. This makes it harder to decipher a language as you have to figure out the language structure. I think I'll write a bunch of possible stories which can also be random, so that you have a reason to solve it all more than once :)

Get ready to be a scholar :))

There will be useful things hidden in the language in some texts too, so it won't just be for a fun thing to do, it might help you find hidden tombs or secret rooms or some other interesting clue.

thank you. For the language generator, I'll have to write a section that can determine a bunch of true-false values for the language structure, then I'll have to write a sort of language compiler that will take the text and conceptualize it, ie break sentences down into specifics like nouns, verbs, adjectives, and the tense of the sentence. Obviously this means the original stories have to be written in a very precise manner, I'll try to maintain all of the information, but the raw storage will have to use a very limited number of words. When creating words, it'll access it's seed-specific word calculator, which will define how words are structured. If it comes across an english word that doesn't have a translation, or is in a different tense or is plural/singular, it will generate a new word for it. When looking at a new word, it will group the word into other groups with similar uses/meanings, and then apply procedural transformations on it. ie, if it comes across a plural of another word, it will apply the pluralization modification to the word and store the new word in it's dictionary. If it comes across a word that I have told it is similar to another word that it happens to already have, it may structure the word with similar sounds. An idea I had the other day for one possible language option is kinda cool: the vowel alphabet would consist of a number of sounds, for example ah, uh, ooh, ee, ih, eh, ow etc. In this particular language, it would be the consonants that determine the meaning of the word and the vowels that determine the tense. If we assign the english vowels a,i,e,u,o (in that order) for some words, the word "wirunelu" [has no meaning, I just picked random consonants] would be present tense and present tense words would not contain a's or o's. The future tense would be one vowel shift up, ie "warenile" and the past tense would be "weronulo". I like playing with language.


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That and how weird would it be if you would walk around the world as a caveman and found "hey this is the way you should make an anvil!"

and thats how religion started :P bless the devines, or aiyo yo yu aiyo yo yu aiyo yo yu wololo

but seriously now, a better documentation in terms of wiki would be nice though, dont you think ?


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but seriously now, a better documentation in terms of wiki would be nice though, dont you think ?

That is up to the wiki contributors, you know, you can be a part of it


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Ever played TFCraft for the first time, and had to look up tutorials constantly? Felt kinda....disconnected?

I propose 'Fragments of Knowledge'

Fragments of Knowledge

Fragments of Knowledge would be a way of figuring out how to do things in TerraFirmaCraft. They would be basic tutorials on how to do a variety of thing in TerraFirmaCraft. For example, you could find a note on a tree, upon right clicking in your inventory shows you how to make a stone shovel head. Or, you could find a piece of paper in a lone chest showing how to make a forge. This would mean you could theoretically play TFCraft without needing to look online at all.

But I know how to play...

I know all that though, you say. Well, there could be random meal recipes dotted around, giving a little clue as to a nice (or not so nice) meal. And in the future, fragments of mystic knowledge, if magic is ever added.

Tell me what you think in the comments! Feel free to contribute:)

Too much to code for no worthly gameplay value

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and thats how religion started :P bless the devines, or aiyo yo yu aiyo yo yu aiyo yo yu wololo

... I'm seriously the only one who got this reference? lol


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... I'm seriously the only one who got this reference? lol

hey, i like that red shirt of yours, can i have one? *gets called for landing party*


(yes that was a DOUBLE reference, try and get them :)


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hey, i like that red shirt of yours, can i have one? *gets called for landing party*


(yes that was a DOUBLE reference, try and get them :)

... Team fortress 2 and Age of empires at the same time?


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nope, red shirt part was Age of empires, but the landing party is star trek, where all the redshirts get shot in nearly every episode (hence the term redshirt replacing cannon fodder in sci-fi)


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: damn it. I should have seen star trek... But instead, i was with star wars.


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wasn't the AoE reference in fact a ST reference to begin with?

also, we have established that this tutorial is not happening. the closest we MIGHT get is the archeological lore that currently resides in the off topic section.


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