Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Pig Infestation

32 posts in this topic

So I started a new world last night because I discovered that there was no basalt or iron anywhere (well... maybe somewhere, but w/e cause I enjoy the early game) which I need for my penultimate castle. Anyway, I discovered a short time in that I seemed to have a pig problem. I have no idea if this is actually a bug or not and I have never seen it before, so I thought I'd throw it in discussion to see what people had to say.

Basically every day or two there's a new pig around. I have never seen them reproduce (at least not at this rate). I started off with one pig about a km away from my log cabin and now a couple weeks in I have pigs all over the damn place. There's pigs at my cabin, pigs on my site, pigs in the nearby caverns... as is the case with animals right now, they never really move anywhere, so they're starting to kind of clutter up my construction zone. I build some walls, go to sleep, wake up the next morning and there's another pig.

If there were a few people around to eat the pigs (I generally avoid killing my fellow denizens as much as can be helped) I suppose it wouldn't be as much of a problem, but I'm fairly certain that by autumn I won't even be able to hear the music save for the oinks.

I would make a video of this pigsanity but I haven't been able to get a vid recorder working on Ubuntu yet (anyone know of one that works? I used to use FRAPS...)


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what. what. what. what.

Pigs do reproduce in large numbers, but not that fast. I don't understand.


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what. what. what. what.

Pigs do reproduce in large numbers, but not that fast. I don't understand.

NEITHER DO I. lol... Very horny pigs.


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So I started a new world last night because I discovered that there was no basalt or iron anywhere (well... maybe somewhere, but w/e cause I enjoy the early game) which I need for my penultimate castle. Anyway, I discovered a short time in that I seemed to have a pig problem. I have no idea if this is actually a bug or not and I have never seen it before, so I thought I'd throw it in discussion to see what people had to say.

Basically every day or two there's a new pig around. I have never seen them reproduce (at least not at this rate). I started off with one pig about a km away from my log cabin and now a couple weeks in I have pigs all over the damn place. There's pigs at my cabin, pigs on my site, pigs in the nearby caverns... as is the case with animals right now, they never really move anywhere, so they're starting to kind of clutter up my construction zone. I build some walls, go to sleep, wake up the next morning and there's another pig.

If there were a few people around to eat the pigs (I generally avoid killing my fellow denizens as much as can be helped) I suppose it wouldn't be as much of a problem, but I'm fairly certain that by autumn I won't even be able to hear the music save for the oinks.

I would make a video of this pigsanity but I haven't been able to get a vid recorder working on Ubuntu yet (anyone know of one that works? I used to use FRAPS...)

I don't know how to make it work on windows, i'm supposed to help you on ubuntu? :P

If i where you, i would keep 'em until you have a chance to record (or to take screenshots) and then, eat bacon and jam for the rest of that game.


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There's jam in TFC? (I don't eat meat... I try to keep Steve veg where I can.)

Dunk is there some aspect of the seed in reproduction? Maybe I just happened on a seed (lol... that's kind of funny...) that produces a lot of pigs?


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pigs don't spawn like that. Unless you just didn't see them before, i can't see how you're finding new ones in chunks you've been to before.


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pigs don't spawn like that. Unless you just didn't see them before, i can't see how you're finding new ones in chunks you've been to before.

If it's true, you, puxapuak, are "very lucky" because you have a lot of meat and infinite ores <---I don't like this so much, but irl this would be fantastic and impossible.

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Okay here are two screenshots of them. I mean it's not much to look at of course... it's just a bunch of pigs. It is more the fact that they are just kind of showing up...

Posted ImagePosted Image

Aww the piggy on the edge fell off.

pigs don't spawn like that. Unless you just didn't see them before, i can't see how you're finding new ones in chunks you've been to before.

Hmm well I guess it rules that out. No, I would definitely have noticed them. I actually spawned right around here so I haven't even travelled far. I loved the view on spawning in and the latitude was great for growing and having a nice mix of trees so I figured I'd set up shop here. Turns out I got very lucky with resources too - a bit of clay past the mountains north, copper and cassiterite and sphalerite all right nearby in multiple deposits with one copper even exposed (sort of... it's near a cavern's entrance).


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We had something similar back in... beta2b10? b15? I don't remember numbers, but was not long after multiplayer was introduced. Basically what happened is that there was Valley of Life with a TON of animals - cows, sheep, pigs, chicks. And if you slaughter couple of them, they will repopulate quite rapidly.

I haven't seen any of that on any other map I've played on, apparently it's still there.


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Okay here are two screenshots of them. I mean it's not much to look at of course... it's just a bunch of pigs. It is more the fact that they are just kind of showing up...

Posted ImagePosted Image

Aww the piggy on the edge fell off.

Wow, what a cool and wet place. But the pig in the left is trying to enter in the ladders?!?

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Wow, what a cool and wet place. But the pig in the left is trying to enter in the ladders?!?

I don't know what was up with that pig... I figured the edge of the wall would be the best place to get the shot (they seem to be popping up just by the corner below that pig and then dispersing from there). I went inside the foundation, walked along the edge where the pig was and found it was too close, so turned around, backed off a bit, turned back, and poof, there was that pig. It might've snuck up behind me? Not sure. That or it popped in right there and I missed it happening. Just after I took the shot it hopped right off the edge... guess I took the picture too soon :huh:. I'm not sure what you mean by ladder though... there is no ladder anywhere over there.

It is a very wet place. It rains every second or third day through spring. Kind of funny cause just south of me is a massive basalt mountainous desert (which looks really awesome... black sand mountains). This fort is much more epic than the last so I'm going to record it (if I can figure it out) or take a bunch of screens whenever I finish. Some amazing views. Best spawn point ever.


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I'm not sure what you mean by ladder though...

Yeah, not ladders...In the image below, in the left there's a pig in the stairs, or slabs, or how you call them.

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Yeah, not ladders...In the image below, in the left there's a pig in the stairs, or slabs, or how you call them.

Oh! I see, yeah I saw that too. Yeah I'm not sure what it is about stairs but the other entities often seem to end up inside. You can kind of see the overhead bridge in the top left... the stairs go up one flight to my forge and then turn around and another flight up to the bridge (sort of like the last fort I posted screens of but rather larger). The pigs like running up into my forge and then huddle up on the bridge for some reason. I will try to catch them doing that again (they fall off it a lot).


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Wow, what a cool and wet place. But the pig in the left is trying to enter in the ladders?!?

Pigs are trying to infiltrate the fort... >_> they are rebelling against Puxa. That must be why there are so many pigs: they are calling their forces to band together and attack when he less expect it...


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Pux could you PLEASEEEE post some screenies of that black desert? that sounds epic!


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Pigs are trying to infiltrate the fort... >_> they are revealing against Puxa. That must be why there are so many pigs: they are calling their forces to band together and attack when he less expect it...

I hope you mean rebelling! Lmao... sounded like pigs were trying to undress me.

They do seem to be drawn into the fort... maybe it's just them scattering but sometimes I'll be working away inside and like 2-4 pigs will just come running in. It's really weird... they are behaving so strangely.

Pux could you PLEASEEEE post some screenies of that black desert? that sounds epic!

It is quite epic... Let me introduce you to my world:

So this is Earl. Earl looks after things on the edges of the desert. This mostly involves eating a lot of grass and bleating at cows.

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Earl often hangs out on this nearby peak, which has a much better view. I have named this point I'm standing on Earl's Point (there's a sign but you can't see it). In the foreground to the left at the edge of the desert is a field where I found an intense amount of copper. I have named it David's Copper Field.

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The desert has some huge cliffs...

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...and curious valleys.

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But it is very big. It stretches on for about a km in this direction. Several herds of cows hang out by the surprisingly plentiful lakes.

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This hardy forest of Douglas Fir has appeared mostly over the last few weeks. They are growing like weeds in what used to be a sparse birch forest. Only the Great Desert holds them back.

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The Black Mountains face-off against the encroaching legion of Douglas Fir...

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...both sides are impressive. I don't know who will win this battle. I watch with interest from my homeland of Sequoia and Aspen bordering to the north.

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is it possible that you set your year length to a really short length of time?


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is it possible that you set your year length to a really short length of time?

It is longer. I use a 144 day year.


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It is longer. I use a 144 day year.

I thought they were 360 by default though?


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I thought they were 360 by default though?

Nope. 96.


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Nope. 96.

Oh. I must have misheard then.


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they used to be a full years length, but some update changed that to 96 days :D


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