Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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11 posts in this topic

Why hello. I decided to start up a let's play for terrafirmacraft. I love watching videos of people playing and wanted to share my experiences as well! As of now, it's just me on my server, but I'm hoping to get my brother to join me at some point in the future. Let me know what you think! (I know the first few days can be very boring, but I'm hoping to ramp up quickly with blacksmithing, meals, exploration, building, etc.)

Here is Episode 01:

Episode 02:

Edited by dockwithme

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New people making let's play are always welcome, but if you have stone...don't place it at the start of the game because it makes your world ugly. If you want you can place it, just a friendly tip...


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Well thanks. And personally I don't have a problem with placing stone. I've heard others say the same - that it looks ugly - but to me I'd rather be ready to mine and advance than worry about looks from the get-go. I haven't found a better alternative (I was thinking about flowers? but then I'd have to make sure to collect them all to make sure i don't have false markings).


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nice voice lots of good chit chat while you work wich will keep me interested


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nice voice lots of good chit chat while you work wich will keep me interested

Thanks. Just rambling away!

I did a bunch of work on the server yesterday, upgrading to build68(!), gathering some clay (finally), and I'm about smelt my first ingot and pickaxe. I should have enough for a prospector's pick as well. Wandering around to find clay (and losing my way a bunch as well) I found a ton of wild crops and seeds. Plans are to make a floating island or some sort or a pier to grow a bunch of crops. There is a nice lagoon not too far from my home. I did experiment a bit and found some recipes for Resistance (I don't even know what this does because things were definitely still able to hurt me!). Of course, upgrading my house will also be in the works, as is making an area to do some smithing!


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looks awesome i like the textures ;D

nice to see new lets players that use my textures since mead isnt playing tfc anymore :)


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looks awesome i like the textures ;D

nice to see new lets players that use my textures since mead isnt playing tfc anymore :)/>

Yeh, what happened to Crysyn? Is the server still up? Why doesn't he do TFC anymore?

But yeh Ryan, nice LP I didnt understand though, if you have your fog set low, why do you use a Tex pack? Don't they slow things down?


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Yeh, what happened to Crysyn? Is the server still up? Why doesn't he do TFC anymore?

But yeh Ryan, nice LP I didnt understand though, if you have your fog set low, why do you use a Tex pack? Don't they slow things down?

I actually play some of my worlds with the render distance set to tiny; gives a very cool effect when trying to play on hardcore or something... So i wanted to scale that back a bit. And I don't know the performance issues with the texture pack. My computer isn't too shabby, but every little bit helps. I'll take the trade off for a smoother game play video with no lag.

looks awesome i like the textures ;D

nice to see new lets players that use my textures since mead isnt playing tfc anymore :)

They are very nice! And I guess I mistakenly thought the spiders and enderman didn't have textures and were appearing white when really it was just a rendering problem Bioxx fixed in this newest release.


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Great job, Dock! I like this vid. Will you be soing more?


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UPDATE: Episode 2 is up. I make my first tools, find a vein of cassiterite, put together a charcoal pit, and get some early crops going!

Great job, Dock! I like this vid. Will you be soing more?

Planning on it. Was a busy weekend, hoping to get the next one recorded this week.

Edited by dockwithme

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Balls. My old PC that was running my server just pooped itself. I lost all my world saves (I guess when you back up to the SAME machine the servers are running on, there stands the chance you might loose everything...). So THIS series is over. If only build 70 was released I could start a new one up... :)

Sorry for double post. As far as I'm concerned, this thread is dead.


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