Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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  • Announcements

    • Dries007

      ATTENTION Forum Database Breach   03/04/2019

      There has been a breach of our database. Please make sure you change your password (use a password manager, like Lastpass).
      If you used this password anywhere else, change that too! The passwords themselves are stored hashed, but may old accounts still had old, insecure (by today's standards) hashes from back when they where created. This means they can be "cracked" more easily. Other leaked information includes: email, IP, account name.
      I'm trying my best to find out more and keep everyone up to date. Discord ( is the best option for up to date news and questions. I'm sorry for this, but the damage has been done. All I can do is try to make sure it doesn't happen again.
    • Claycorp

      This forum is now READ ONLY!   01/20/2020

      As of this post and forever into the future this forum has been put into READ ONLY MODE. There will be no new posts! A replacement is coming SoonTM . If you wish to stay up-to-date on whats going on or post your content. Please use the Discord or Sub-Reddit until the new forums are running.

      Any questions or comments can be directed to Claycorp on either platform.

The OLD Roanoke Thread

627 posts in this topic

Please use our NEW THREAD. Thank you!


Roanoke Posted Image

A white listed, PvE, Modified, TFC server.

Roanoke is a non PVP, community oriented server with an active population and an organically growing gem based economy. At this time there are at least 6 growing player built villages and an entire world to explore. Our admin team strives to add TFC flavored content regularly including new and exciting mods, quests, and events.

If you would like to join us, please post up a request in the forum. Include your IGN and why you feel you would be a positive addition to our community. If I am on the fence about adding you to the server, please know that a well written and properly punctuated post will count in your favor. Just posting "pls add IGN XXX" will no longer prompt me to start your background check. I will check you out as soon as I'm able and if you pass the litmus test, I'll add you to the list.

If you do join us you are expected to follow these simple rules:

  • No stealing
  • No griefing
  • Be respectful
  • Know that cheating and hacking will get you removed from the white list.
"If it remotely feels like cheating or hacking, than it is, common sense" ~Holy_Shield

Our server originally opened November 29th 2012. On 12/18/2012 a new world was generated to combat griefer damage and bring map up to the current TFC version.

Our server is stable and 99% of the time, lag free.

  • 24/7 (excluding maintenance)
  • Hosted with MPSERV.
  • 3 gigs of ram
  • 20 slots
We are currently running:Minecraft 1.4.6 http://assets.minecr...6/minecraft.jar

Forge Universal 489

Player api 1.5 for 1.4.6 http://www.mediafire...zehwdxe3era3wps

Smart Moving 11.12.1 for 1.4.6 http://www.mediafire...kepn8pu79m6e52n

And the following mods which you will need to download and place in your mods folder.

New mods as of 2/7/13



Download the 1.4.7 version of the Punt (add to mods folder)


Latest version!

Needed config for traincraft! (replace yours in configs with this one!)

In Roanoke you can purchase your own lands, which you will have complete control over, with gems. (YAY! Finally, a use for Gems!)

Current rates for 1 chunk of land are as follows:

  • 1 Exquisite Gem
  • 2 Flawless Gems
  • 4 Normal Gems
  • 8 Flawed Gems
  • 16 Chipped Gems
  • **Gems need to be of the same type**
  • Diamonds count double.
  • Magic Items are worth 3 chunks.
Players have access to the following after they are granted a chunk/lot.

/chunk gives information about the chunk you are standing on.

/chunk claim lets you claim the chunk you are standing on.

/chunk unclaim makes it public again.

/chunk add [player1] [player2] .. adds players that are allowed to build in this chunk.

/chunk remove [player1] [player2] .. will remove players from the list.

*Chunks will automatically be unclaimed after 7 days of not being visited by their owner.*

Images from Roanoke

Thank you and "Welcome to Roanoke"


Well Started on this Server maybe 2-3 weeks ago? Every person ive spoken to and met has been nothing but kind and in the case of some a great laugh,

Cant imagine a nicer server to get to know the game alongside kind helpful people,

And the Server owner the omnipotent Bob (I know i lend you on, you thought Tiberius or Alexander nah we have someone all together cooler, Bob ^^) actually plays,

You cant ask for much more

Looking for a new server? Why not Give Roanoke a go

Seeya in game


Welcome to the server guys! We're all about cooperation, trading, and OWNERSHIP!

So trading for resources? totally fine!

But if you find a mine that you didn't dig... ITS NOT YOURS! :) Just common sense. Don't dig in other peoples mines, don't cut their trees... If you ask, you can probably work out a deal, but don't take things without asking :)

Anyhoo! I'm sure you'll have lots of fun here! I'm still pretty new, but already having a great time with everyone!

Roanoke server maintenance fund:

Posted Image

Grief and you will be banned.

Current ban list posted here as a tool for other non white listed server operators











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Is this up 24/7? Or is it a small home server (as I imagine) that is only up at certain times? Could you post the times when it will regularly be on?


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24/7 hosted with MPSERV.

1.5 gig of ram

20 slots

I have never had a lag problem.

also set for PvE not PvP


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Thanks all to those who joined me in Roanoke!


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Set PvE ! Great i'll give it a try ;)


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Sorry about the crash last night. Server is back up. I'll add a scheduled server restart every 6-12 hours.


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I suddenly find myself unable to log in, after having logged out moments prior.

I sit at the loading screen until it terminates in an end of stream error.


Edited by GodofCider

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The question was asked: Where is this server located?

The answer is Seattle Washington.

However, the player base seems to be world wide.


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How many players are usually/generally online?


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How many players are usually/generally online?

Feels like 2-4 people most of the time.

I'm sure at times there are both less and more.

To date 45 unique people have logged in to the server. Just over half of which have been active within the last 2 days of this posting.



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Hey Bob, reporting griefers on your server:



They come and empty all the chests they find and let stuff rot on the ground, we lost alot of stuff Thursday night


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Hey Bob, reporting griefers on your server:



They come and empty all the chests they find and let stuff rot on the ground, we lost alot of stuff Thursday night

Ok...they are gone.

Thanks for the report.


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I stopped the server for an hour or so while i sort out a problem...and take my finals.

Server will be back up.



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Hello Bob... Firstly, thanks very much for providing this server for all of us to enjoy....its a nice group. There was a major grief raid on Yoyo's village that did horrific damage... he could only stand by as they rampaged seeing as there is no pvp. The persons involved are named ath3na, mendelevius and Gmodcinematic. Their permanent exclusion would be much appreciated. Lastly my peronal whine.... would it be possible (and not too controversial) to mitigate tree growth to some degree. The over-richness of the soil makes for a "Wizards Apprentice" experience when harvesting trees. The productivity makes it so that wood really has no value and there is no need to range afield for product as it grows so rapidly you can't even remove it from the landscape. Please Bob... save us from the trees :)


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They will be banned.

The last viable back up was taken 2 hours after they logged in and appears to have backed up during the destruction.

I have changed the backup schedule at this point. More backups stored for longer periods.

We can move to a whitelist if the player base wants to. More work on my end, but less work then rollbacks I think.

Regardless. I'll install the last back up this afternoon and see if i can mitigate the damage to town. If not, I'll reinstall this morning’s save and spawn in materials to rebuild with.

It will take some time; I have finals and study session today. But I'll get us sorted out a.s.a.p.



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@bob Maybe some moderators to watch the server while your not online,


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Server seems to be down.

Yea...see above. I took the server down for a few hours. I'll roll back or restart in a few hours once my finals are done.



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I see that you are white listing now. Please consider this as my application... bbushh is of course my account name.


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I white listed so I could play with restoring the server and such. But now the Minecraft login server is down...

This may take a while...



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I'd like to join server please! =)

name is eduardoyeverino


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I would like to get withelisted.

IGN: samaban

Thank you.


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Hello Bob. Just wondering whats up. I am still interested in your server but would like to know where I stand regarding the whitelist. Thanks for your time.


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Server is back up. Server has been restored to a point prior to the griefers.

This set of griefer accounts have been banned.

Server is open.

I'm sorry for the time it took and for the actions of those which impacted your enjoyment of the game. I hope everyone will return.



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