Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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The OLD Roanoke Thread

627 posts in this topic

Nidor, and MadeofMeat, no bans listed, Welcome to Roanoke

EDIT: Forgot to reload the list, you both should be good now.


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hey Bob, how much would the santas workshop be there? till 25? or just today?


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hey Bob, how much would the santas workshop be there? till 25? or just today?

For awhile yet.


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Merry Christmas To All

I haven't gotten to play yet except a quick log in to test my mc build. I haven't played on that many muti-player servers excluding my own so I don't know what normally acceptable as far as client side mods so if you could take the time to let me know if these mods are ok please. I have listed them aswell as why I like them also URLS

DynamicLights Handheld torches give off light.


ReiMinimap_v3.2_05 gives the ability to leave markers and have a map. It also has the ability to track enities but the server has to be enable this.


MorePlayerModels_1.4.5 on a vanilla server it allows you to apper as different sizes and races. It includes non-human races. There is a bukkit plug-in but no vanilla server plug-in that I have giotten working tho .


InvTweaks-1.45-1.4.4 moves new tools into your slot and lets you sort chests and your inventory

might not be allowed because it also auto equips armor and weapons tho this isn't a pvp server so it might be allowed.


NotEnoughItems recipe mode only on this one it is the one most likly to not be allowed since I am not sure what it allows if the server doesn't have it installed.



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Hello, might i join the Server, think i may have applied already, took me awhile to figure out FML related to forge version...



Winters greetings


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hello, might i join your server . i am new to this game and am seeking a safe haven to learn how to play this game :)



merry xmas


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Welcome to Roanoke, I'll get you on the list asap.


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Merry Christmas To All

I haven't gotten to play yet except a quick log in to test my mc build. I haven't played on that many muti-player servers excluding my own so I don't know what normally acceptable as far as client side mods so if you could take the time to let me know if these mods are ok please. I have listed them aswell as why I like them also URLS

DynamicLights Handheld torches give off light.


ReiMinimap_v3.2_05 gives the ability to leave markers and have a map. It also has the ability to track enities but the server has to be enable this.


MorePlayerModels_1.4.5 on a vanilla server it allows you to apper as different sizes and races. It includes non-human races. There is a bukkit plug-in but no vanilla server plug-in that I have giotten working tho .


InvTweaks-1.45-1.4.4 moves new tools into your slot and lets you sort chests and your inventory

might not be allowed because it also auto equips armor and weapons tho this isn't a pvp server so it might be allowed.


NotEnoughItems recipe mode only on this one it is the one most likly to not be allowed since I am not sure what it allows if the server doesn't have it installed.



Let me start my review with the following quote:

"If it remotely feels like cheating or hacking, than it is, common sense" ~Holy_Shield

I did remove someone who tweaked his smartmove settings to speeds in excess of 250k% and crashed the server.

That said, as long as your mods remain true to the spirit of the game, and don't offer you a huge advantage, and are not generally disruptive to the other players, the server, or myself, then who am I to tell you how to play your game.

DynamicLights I like what this one does. I don't like that light emiting items user configurable and not server side. I'm working with the author of "The Lanterns Mod" to get a TFC version going server side here. Handheld light are in coming but do not have an eta.

ReiMinimap. Lots of people use it. I don't currently. I need to install it server side to restrict it to above ground mapping.

MorePlayerModels never looked at it. seems harmless, but you say its a bukkit plugin. were not running craftbukkit as TFC is Forge only.

InvTweaks. I dont have issue with this one. But be warned, storage options and stack limits are not the same size as in vanilla, not sure if that makes a difference.

NotEnoughItems. Please no. The server does not have it installed so it might not run. TFC has so mant new items in the mod that there might be some sort of item number conflict. I can see potential bad things...Please no.


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Hello, i would like to join my friends Gala and silver, you just whitelisted them

Any chance you could add me?




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So far an amazing server, good community no lag and best of all no pvp

ill have to play more hehe


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Gonedeaf61 your on the list.

GodofCider, You probably just missed the cut when i was setting up the list. your back on it now.


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As most of us know, the TFC Build 73 has been released. However, the download page for forge is currently not online. Thus I can not update the server at this time.

I have NO PLANS on generating a new map when we do finally get to update the server. Unless a future update is game breaking, I plan on using the same map for as long as we can.

In about 4 hours, I am headed out for a short trip. I will have limited access to the internet and no real way to get in game. I will have my laptop, but its a family trip and we all agreed not to have our noses pointed at a screen the entire time. So I will watch my email for PM's and do what I can, when I can. But I will not be watching/playing as much as I have been in the last week.

I'll miss you guys too...

This also mean that if your asking to be put on the whitelist, it may take a few days to accommodate your request.

So enjoy the current build knowing that there is no plan on restarting a new map when we do get to 73 (or 74+ depending on how busy Bioxx and Dunk are while I'm away.)



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Bob,I wish you bon voyage.Everything to go for the best.Enjoy family time, since they are everything in our lives!

We will be patiently waiting for you when you return.Don't worry us, because I am sure that everything will run fine and players will comply with the rules in his absence.

Wish all the best to you and your most cherished.

Have fun! o/


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Um so I guess this is whitelisted. So my IGN is mclover2 whitelist me please. I'd love to play


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Can you whitelist me? My name is: manningliu

Also, could you update to 1.4.6? I think TFC is updated. So is Smart Moving.


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Can you add me to the whitelist too?

My name is: Jacco

In-game-name= Jacciee


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I've been playing for a couple of months and am loving this mod!

Seems like a great server. I would like to be whitelisted : )

IGN : Ciru5Fr3ak


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I'm still on vacation. Hang in there. I'll get to the white list iand update in a few days.



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Server down, sent a PM to Bob

FYI whoever is playing, do not AFK with the bloomery running,i have this wierd feeling that's what happened, wasting the admin's time will get you banned.


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What if it was a Nether portal?I was placing planks next to the Portal when server crashed...


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You should be testing nether on a single player, in fact I mentioned that when someone brought it up in server.

Because i heard something about the nether not working in TFC and it crashing servers or just not working.

Anyway, great now I'm bored.


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