Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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[Offline] Whitelist/non-PvP/co-op B75 + Smart Moving

52 posts in this topic

I decided it was time for a fresh map on my normally-private server, and I think I'll make it public this time. Since I started running TFC, it just doesn't work as well solo. :)

IP: (default port)

Mumble server: (PM for server password, or it's in the MOTD when you log in)

New map as of 12/2. We now have a good core of decent players, so I've enabled whitelisting to protect their time investment.

PvP is disabled


Smart Moving 11.11 (client not required)

REI's minimap entity radar is enabled

20 slots

Hours: 24/7

Specs: Core i5/quad core, 16GB (6GB dedicated to MC), hourly backups

Connection: 25Mbit up & down in Dallas, TX

NOTE: Do not leave metal in the bloomery to get cold. It will crash the server, and require replacing the bloomery.

Server guidelines:

1. Don't be a dick

2. If you didn't put it there, don't destroy/take it, unless the owner has clearly marked it as available

3. If you want to claim an area, just put up some signs. If you see said signs, please respect them, and leave the landscape as-is.

4. No griefing or x-ray

5. Don't expect everyone to jump into bed/relog the second it gets dark. (if there's only 2-3 people on, it works, but quickly turns into a mess with more)

6. No, I will not put it in offline mode just so you can use a non-paid client (however, I WILL if is down - send me a private message if it is)

Send me a PM to apply to the whitelist. Provide your IGN, plus a brief brag on the coolest thing you've built in TFC. I will update the whitelist generally in the evenings (GMT-6).

Some pics of the various settlements:

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Edited by SpeedDaemon

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nice i'm right near ya in pasadena texas. good to know some southern love for this mod ^.^ might try yer spot out brother.


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Server is temporarily running in offline mode due to craptasticness. If you've been having trouble logging in, hopefully it will be working now.


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Server is back up after a crash last night. Looks like it was map-gen related, so just to be safe, I rolled back to the previous backup to avoid any world corruption (only about 5 minutes lost, fortunately).


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Server is now running B72 with Forge

All slabbed blocks are now thinner than they used to be, and the ones that were very thin may be invisible in some circumstances (usually ones on the underside of other blocks). They will mostly have to be rebuilt/replaced. I didn't see any other problems, but please check your work.

If you find yourself needing to rebuild a large number of blocks or ones that are difficult to replace (like raw stone), please let me know where, and what blocks you're replacing, and I will spawn some in for you.


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Could you whitelist Phaerius? And Arrinity? Want to begin playing as a pair/


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I am unable to join the server, It tells me that my FML is not a high enough version, when I am running When I run the version specified above, my minecraft promply crashes due to other mod having a problem with this. Is there a solution around this or will I have to wait?


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I am unable to join the server, It tells me that my FML is not a high enough version, when I am running When I run the version specified above, my minecraft promply crashes due to other mod having a problem with this. Is there a solution around this or will I have to wait?

Best thing to do until I get forge updated is to set up a dedicated MultiMC instance with the correct versions. I tend to do that for every modded server, anyway. Which mod is causing the crashes?


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For some reason unknown to me it seems to be FML itself, at least when it is loading it that MC keels over and dies. If you need the detailed changelog ill give it. Ill see though if its just an issue with my other parts of the game or something along those lines.


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applying right now :D killster550


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applying right now :D killster550

You logged in before the whitelist was enabled, so you're already on it :)


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Whitelist please :D IGN:miner7747

For some reason unknown to me it seems to be FML itself, at least when it is loading it that MC keels over and dies. If you need the detailed changelog ill give it. Ill see though if its just an issue with my other parts of the game or something along those lines.

You might be using a 1.4.6 version,get the latest 1.4.5 version instead.


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Whitelist please :D IGN:miner7747

You might be using a 1.4.6 version,get the latest 1.4.5 version instead.

I am using 1.4.5, unless MultiMC cannot be trusted.

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I am using 1.4.5, unless MultiMC cannot be trusted.

I'm not sure about you,but MultiMC has bugged out for me in the past.

Try downloading the latest 1.4.5 version,


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Sorry miner that didn't fix it, back to original problem.


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:(. Just try a new install,no multiMC,latest 1.4.5 forge,and the standard TFC,playerAPI and SM.

EDIT: Looks like there are some problems with forge versions higher than 436.

Just try with 436 then.


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As far as I can tell from 800 miles away, the power is out to my Internet fiber termination point due to the weather in the Dallas area.

Unfortunately, I won't be able to do anything about this until Friday evening at the earliest.


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i'm guessing my mc cant find the server cause i'm not white listed. my mc name is the same as the forum's can i get an add please? i would like to continue on me home.


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