Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Temperature bar

62 posts in this topic

Ok, then...I was in the IRC when I got this idea. We were talking of what temperature was out. This morning here was -2°C.

However, while talking of this, I thought that you can implement a new bar, the temperature bar.

It doesn't give you the temperature of the surroundings, but the heat level of your body.

This would work in a similar way to the other bars, but not completely the same way:

How it works:

Your body needs to have a constant heat level of about 36°C = 96.8F = 309.15K

If your body doesn't have this heat leves, you can feel sick. if the bar depletes too much, you could lose health gradually. The same would happen if your bar is too full, then the heat level is too high.

The dangers that you may find:

Working with the forge and the bloomery is fun, yeah. Also doing long trips near lava is fun, but you should make them shorter, because if you stay too much near the bloomery, the forge or the lava (and obviously anything else too hot, not the firepit) the bar would increase the temperature of your body. And if it reachs its critical level, you could get burned. If you stay in a hot spot for too much time, you can even start dehydrating, then the thirst bar could deplete quicker than in a warm spot. And in extreme cases, even die.

The same happens when you're in a cold biome for too much time. First, you start shaking (I don't think that this can be done in game) and then you start moving slower. In extreme cases, again, you could die. And the cold water of the poles would act in the same way, but faster than a cold biome.

How to regulate your heat level:

Well, probably "regulate" is not the best word for thid, because you can't regulate it, you can just prevent the temperature decreasing or increasing.

There are different ways to prevent you dying. If your bar is too full, thatmeans that you're too hot, maybe due to a forge or the sun, you can go swimming a bit to decrease your heat level. Or you could even go in a cold biome, or simply below a tree or in a dark and cold cave. You can also go on a mountain where there's a lot of wind, that may decrease your heat. But when you see that your heat level is dropping too much, I suggest you to return to a warm biome.

When, instead, you are in a cold biome, or you even spawn in it, you need a rapid solution. The firepit would be enough if made in a shelter of dirt. Yeah, it would be enough to survive the first days. Instead, when you don't spawn in a cold biome, but you want to go in it, you could wear warm clothes, or you could take some torches. They don't give off so much heat, but they're better than nothing. Note that the warm clothes are just an idea, still not implemented. And you could use leather armor too.

When your heat level is too low, you can go near a firepit or forge, even lava, but at your own risk.

Ok, you got the idea that I have.

And now build your houses properly :D:

Your home is the only place where you can have the heat level that you want. Then you should build it in a good way, providing heat insulation to not make it exit. For example a wool floor and wool walls would provide a very good heat insulation. You could also build a double wall. The internal part made of ool, and the external made of bricks. Also, glass blocks would insulate better than glass panes.

The heat level depends also from the dimension of your house. If you build a big house, you will need more than a firepit to heat all the environment. Instead, if you have a small house, a single firepit should be enough. Also, different woods would provide different insulation. Also different wood doors.

Suggested by Dunk, I added something:

Instead of a bar, we could have an overlay in the FOV to imitate the cold or heat. When it's too cold, the overlay should become light blue and, slowly, even dark blue. Instead, when it's hot, it should start from yellow to orange and bright red. It would be cool if the overlay could start pulsing when you're going to lose life.

Tell me what you think. Even if you like/dislike it, but provide a reason to your answer.

Constructive criticism will be really appreciated, and you could get a good old +1.

EDIT: Ypur heat level should drop to the environment heat level, then if it's -2°C = 28.4F = 271.15K outside, you exit from your home and you stop there, your heat leves should decrease to -2°C = 28.4F = 271.15K

EDIT2: Also, we would need a toggleable conversion for Celcius.


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It's an interesting idea, I have always made jokes on my SMP server that my skin was melting when I was running our 4 bloomerys and our two forges at the same time.

I think it would also add an interesting aspect to building homes, as well as work well with the seasons, if you need to worry about cooling/heating. I remember reading a suggestion for constructing a hearth that would effect an area's ambient temperature which would play well with this idea.

Dehydration could also play a factor into the hotter environments, increasing the rate at which your thirst bar would decrease.


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Dehydration could also play a factor into the hotter environments, increasing the rate at which your thirst bar would decrease.

Yeah, dehydration is a good suggestion, but it's not the right topic. I can't add it to the OP. But you can make your topic for this :)

Also the house heat level is a thing that I had in mind. Thanks, now I add it.


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first of all, for us europeans, it should have a toggle function for Celcius :D

secondly, what could also be done is make a temperature meter with glass and alcohol (as they used to do) or mercury should it ever be implemented (although thats way too modern)

this way, you need to craft the block to find out what the temperatue outside is


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first of all, for us europeans, it should have a toggle function for Celcius :D

secondly, what could also be done is make a temperature meter with glass and alcohol (as they used to do) or mercury should it ever be implemented (although thats way too modern)

this way, you need to craft the block to find out what the temperatue outside is

Right, a conversion option! Good idea. I add it. And also a temperature meter, called thermometer, could be built too. Good, you deserve your +1!

EDIT: The thermometer seems a bit too advanced for this mod.


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Yeah, dehydration is a good suggestion, but it's not the right topic. I can't add it to the OP. But you can make your topic for this :)/>/>

Right, the idea was, I though you were trying to get at with forge working and lava environments was suffering from hyperthermia, which is a trigger for dehydration.


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FYI you already consume slightly more Thirst when in warmer biomes.


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This sounds very good (if slightly reminds me of melted liquid water bug from DF).

Although I don't think minecraft can detect enclosed areas very well, so without intricate code (which will probably have something to do with volumetric temperature fields and conductivity), temperature insulation will not work properly.


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Although I don't think minecraft can detect enclosed areas very well, so without intricate code (which will probably have something to do with volumetric temperature fields and conductivity), temperature insulation will not work properly.

Yeah, and minecraft couldn't update items and show temperature, but Bioxx is too awesome to follow those laws :D

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Update the items? What kind if witchcraft is that?

Update. I mean that items lose heta when you hold them. You can call this an item updating.

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Even though i like this idea, my main concern about it (which has been brought up before) is the coding part. How could this be done?

From what i know about coding (which is near to nothing ._.) , there is already an output from different temperatures that could be used, if you figure out how, for the effects of hyper/hypothermia: the same that allows for the temperature to be shown right now in the F3 menu. However, this is only part of the suggestion, 'cause insulation requires for smaller areas to be able to check their own temperature based upon the blocks in the area and their shapes, and this is pretty difficult to do without 'causing massive lag even to monster computers (again, from what i know about coding).

Is it even possible code wise then?


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Even though i like this idea, my main concern about it (which has been brought up before) is the coding part. How could this be done?

From what i know about coding (which is near to nothing ._.) , there is already an output from different temperatures that could be used, if you figure out how, for the effects of hyper/hypothermia: the same that allows for the temperature to be shown right now in the F3 menu. However, this is only part of the suggestion, 'cause insulation requires for smaller areas to be able to check their own temperature based upon the blocks in the area and their shapes, and this is pretty difficult to do without 'causing massive lag even to monster computers (again, from what i know about coding).

Is it even possible code wise then?

The villages didn't make massive lag. You can use the same technique of the villages to mark an insulated house. I don't know much about programming, but this can be coded in different ways. The villages are just an example.

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I love the idea, +1

Anyway. I know you said that you get Slowness debuffs in a cold climate, but this should happen in a hot climate as well. Different foods can help for this too, like a glass of water or a juicy fruit (Orange) would cool you down, and a warm meal, or freshly cooked meat would warm you up.

The toggleable temperature system thing could be a button in the options menu.

One problem, the insulation. If the insulation thing was implemented, wouldn't every block in the world be a tile entity? With its calculations and everything, every block being generated would be using up CPU and RAM power wouldn't it?


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Anyway. I know you said that you get Slowness debuffs in a cold climate, but this should happen in a hot climate as well.

In the hot climate you should get burns, not go slower. You go slower when you're thirst, not when you're too hot. IE when you want to run for a lot of times, before you make some exercises to heat up your muscles. When they're hot you go faster. But if you're thirst, you feel sick and for this you go slow.

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In the hot climate you should get burns, not go slower. You go slower when you're thirst, not when you're too hot. IE when you want to run for a lot of times, before you make some exercises to heat up your muscles. When they're hot you go faster. But if you're thirst, you feel sick and for this you go slow.

No, that is not what I meant. :P I didn't mean that you would go slow because of the heat, but because of the dehydration that comes with it. It might be a bit off topic, but it was worth a try, Dehydration is related to temperature, after all. ;)


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No, that is not what I meant. :P I didn't mean that you would go slow because of the heat, but because of the dehydration that comes with it. It might be a bit off topic, but it was worth a try, Dehydration is related to temperature, after all. ;)

Yeah, hydration is a bit off topic, but if you all say that I can add this, then I add it to the OP.

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Sounds good to me. :) Honestly, this is a simple (concept, not coding) that would make a great addition to the game, much like a lot of other good suggestions. :P


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The villages didn't make massive lag. You can use the same technique of the villages to mark an insulated house. I don't know much about programming, but this can be coded in different ways. The villages are just an example.

An insulated house from the villager viewpoint is the wooden door which placed so it is brighter from one side of it at day and from the other side at night. So...


Ah, yes, and door should have a single solid block from the "inside", which is the house wall.


"Brighter" means that the place is exposed to sun.


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Ah, yes, and door should have a single solid block from the "inside", which is the house wall.

Yeah, this is sure, or even double doors.

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The villages didn't make massive lag. You can use the same technique of the villages to mark an insulated house. I don't know much about programming, but this can be coded in different ways. The villages are just an example.

Villagers were programmed (from what i know :) basically to check for wooden doors and check if the area behind the door was both not under direct sunlight, and made of the blocks you generally see forming the villagers's houses. There wouldn't be an entity checking in temperature's case, the world itself would have to be checking, and it would be doing so in any loaded block in the world at the same time (that including air blocks), so it would 'cause updates continuosly. Therefore, massive lag.


What if you make the character entity check for insulation and stuff like that, instead of the world? Everytime a door is triggered by the player, the entity will check the area that player is about to get in, to check insulation, the size of the area, and with this information it then corrects the temperature to the right value; this way, temperature will dinamically change only when it's necessary.


-The amount of updates required will decrease drastically, as a much minor area (at least compared to all the loaded chunks) will need to be checked.


-Probably needs base classes edits...

-High chances of not even being possible



-Whatever checks the area needs to be capable of distinguish between outside and inside, as well as distinguish between the amount of insulation granted by a one block thick and a two, or three, or even thicker walls.


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Yeah, I already know this. I was only saying that villages are an example of this, but not equal to this. Just an example.

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I'd rather have blue or red creep in as an overlay of your vision to imitate cold/heat


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I wish to make a minor suggestion addition to this. Instead of slowly losing health because you're too warm or too cold. I'd rather have it like you get slower, vision gets blurry or you might even pass out for x amounts of ingame hours. As to the health loss, I suggest that only happens if you don't drink for several days and food for several weeks. It's a lot of time but it's realistic, but then again... Biomes are tiny compared to the real world, so I guess this can be tweaked to be balanced.


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