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14 posts in this topic

Now, i have searched far and wide for a metathread on every specific type of magic, none to be found (although my searching skills suck)

so as of here, i'd like to propose a meta suggestion thread on every kind of magic you guys can think about, since i see the topic more and more often


type out your idea as full as possible, images never hurt and clearly mark what is just speculation on your part in terms of: just spewing nonsense in order to see wtf happens

no derailing (seriously, we need 1 of these to stay alive for once)

if you quote or copy a post from another thread, just post the link

i will keep the OP updated with each new section, for now i will call them:

Mental magic (think stuff like being able to conjure stuff or shoot fireballs (no im not suggesting them :3)

Physical Magic (enchantments, texture changing magic, area altering magics (it'd be awesome to be able to turn a zombie into a wolf in looks only, to trap people)

Natural magic: magical enviroments, or magical buffs created by interacting with certain things in certain ways (like honoring a Pig spirit while killing a pig gives you a increased speed for a short while, stuff like that)

Alternate dimension magic (since i cant remember anything about magic yes/no in alternate dimension, heres to that)

Summoning magic ( summoning up any kind of demon, familiar, pet, animal or whatever to do whatever you can think off) ( just make sure their not OP, like you cant infinitely summon a sheep for its wool or stuff like that, you'd need a sacrifice of sorts or a special situation which doesnt happen a lot)

Enchanting magic (thank you JAG) if you dont know what this does, have you EVER seen vanilla minecraft?

also, dunk, if you wish to stomp this, would you kindly just post some obnoxious image over it or something :3


magic, how, when, which types, metathread, postiepostiepostie, MAGIC,

also, to those finding any references to anything, post it and ill give you a cookie if i recognize it, (theres 2 intentional ones, obviously)


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I like the Idea of Magics in the game... especially Natural Magic... I'm trying to not let the fact that I'm a Wiccan but I like the idea of being able to fertilize an area of land just like that :D

But Mana would be an issue...something else to code in...lots of work for things like this...and Spellbooks!!! It's always smart to keep your magic organized!

(the fact that I'm a unicorn...also does not help that Natural Magic thought...)

Edited by Unicorn

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While I cannot boast being a practitioner of Wicca, I have independently studied the basics of particle physics, and am a huge knowledge junkie. I also play various RPG's, so I have put a lot of thought into believable magic systems. However, for the time being, I believe that the general opinion of the devs is "no", or at least "wait until we have real things finished". Plus there is the fact that it is 1 in the morning, and company tomorrow, so I cannot justify typing them out right now. ^_^ Maybe later, if people can stand it. :P


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If magic comes into the game, I hope it's gross. Eating eyeballs, bloody sacrifices etc.

EDIT: I think a lot of folklorish magical stuff would work very well. For example, in swedish folklore, there's the "milk-hare" (or bjära), a homunculus-like thing made of yarn and blood that stole milk and other things for it's crafter. Similar to the Tilberi, which could also work and fits both my tastes of folklorish witchcraft and being gross: tilberi


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editing the OP with a section called: Summoning


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The whole point of magic is to make life easier. Unless the main focus of the mod switches to being purely magical, this suggestion would be extremely overpowered in the TFC universe.


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The whole point of magic is to make life easier. Unless the main focus of the mod switches to being purely magical, this suggestion would be extremely overpowered in the TFC universe.

As long as they don't make it require less work than the mundane version it won't be overpowered. Magic can be made to be balanced, basically by being only circumstantially useful. If you normally take 10 minutes to heal X and you can spend 20 minutes gathering resources and doing alchemy to get a magic potion that heals 1/2X over one minute, it might be useful in some circumstances but not extremely overpowered. Just as an example.

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magic hardly makes life easier, you could place debuffs (make you use your health as a power par example) or making magic unstable (i've had an idea where you have to balance out 2 meters in order to cast a spell or it will not work, and with some unstable spells it'd blow up in your face :D)


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i have a basic idea for a concept (got it off a book called Eragon :)/>/> ).

So the idea is that anything you do with magic has the same "cost" of energy than if you did this without.

Moving a pebble with magic would take the same amount of energy as if you took it and threw it away the same distance.

In the same way if you conjured a "fireball", the energy required to heat up the molecules you throw

(NO magically appearing flame, its thermic energy absorbed by the nitrogen and oxygen molecules thus heating up. it would be more of a heatwave)

would have to come from somewhere.

(alternately the body could use some of its Chemical energy reserves as in sugar, and add thermic energy to make it react with oxygen for a "classical fireball")

Which energy you ask ?? we are dealing with different forms of energy, kinetic/mechanic (the pebble) chemic and thermic (the fireball)

All of them our body can deliver in some form, chemical and thermal energy is generated by the combustion of sugar in our cells.

But Steve only has a hunger meter, i would see that as fitting, so that spells drain this (and also make you tired if that is going to be implemented).

This also means that spells which use up to much energy can be harmful or even kill Steve, as it consumes the energy he needs to uphold life.

(Kinetic/mechanic energy our muscles can deliver as in the manner they contract and pull apart. But errrrr.... I am not sure of this one, i'm having a hard time seeing how this could BELIEVABLY!!! be implemented)......

Basically Magick would act as a catalyst for all these things you could do without it, the key factor here would be efficiency, as in the time we use

to do things. i have made a scientific magick thingie idea... :lol:/>/>

EDIT: feel free to flesh this more out, i am not quite happy with it yet...


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i have a basic idea for a concept (got it off a book called Eragon :)/>/> ).

So the idea is that anything you do with magic has the same "cost" of energy than if you did this without.

Moving a pebble with magic would take the same amount of energy as if you took it and threw it away the same distance.

In the same way if you conjured a "fireball", the energy required to heat up the molecules you throw

(NO magically appearing flame, its thermic energy absorbed by the nitrogen and oxygen molecules thus heating up. it would be more of a heatwave)

would have to come from somewhere.

(alternately the body could use some of its Chemical energy reserves as in sugar, and add thermic energy to make it react with oxygen for a "classical fireball")

Which energy you ask ?? we are dealing with different forms of energy, kinetic/mechanic (the pebble) chemic and thermic (the fireball)

All of them our body can deliver in some form, chemical and thermal energy is generated by the combustion of sugar in our cells.

But Steve only has a hunger meter, i would see that as fitting, so that spells drain this (and also make you tired if that is going to be implemented).

This also means that spells which use up to much energy can be harmful or even kill Steve, as it consumes the energy he needs to uphold life.

(Kinetic/mechanic energy our muscles can deliver as in the manner they contract and pull apart. But errrrr.... I am not sure of this one, i'm having a hard time seeing how this could BELIEVABLY!!! be implemented)......

Basically Magick would act as a catalyst for all these things you could do without it, the key factor here would be efficiency, as in the time we use

to do things. i have made a scientific magick thingie idea... :lol:/>/>

EDIT: feel free to flesh this more out, i am not quite happy with it yet...

Good, someone has mentioned a pseudo-chemistry wordcasting system. BTW, I love the inheritance series. However, even the books address how horribly unbalanced the system is with the mundane, even though it has rules in it that should technically balance the magical and the mundane. A couple things you could add to this type of system (what I simply define as arcane magic) is failure chance and consequences, material components (and how to get around them), the act of learning and difficulty of training, and the effects on the caster's surroundings and his self.

NOTE- Red text is to be defined as the individual wishes; there are several believable ways to interpret them.

Firstly, I'd like to point out that all energy, and all matter, is the same. Chemical energy is kinetic energy found in bonds between molecules, kind of like loaded springs. Potential energy is gravitational energy. Heat energy is kinetic energy in the direction of a particle's natural movement (they always vibrate, seemingly randomly; no absolute zero). Electromagnetic energy is the kinetic exchange of electrons, photons, and their virtual counterparts. All are the same thing, and all matter is simply compressed energy (E=mc^2); therefore, everything that we know of are made of energy, of movement.

Energy can come from one's self, matter, or the environment. In one day, the sun shoots off enough unused energy at the earth to power all of our electronics for a year. So energy availability isn't a problem. But how do we access it? (Storing/Accessing, Drawing/Charging)

Next, we need to channel this energy into doing whatever it is we would like. This means we need a way to interact with the energy, to form it and to compress it. Light is a good example of energy we would have ready access to, so what does light interact with? It turns out, photons interact with all matter (leptons and quarks, all fermions), themselves(double-slit experiment), and the W boson (weak interaction, beta decay and quark "flavour changing"). They are also affected by gravity (gravitational lensing and general relativity), but not very much on such a small scale. Knowing this, how does one manipulate the energy? (Smoke and Mirrors, Sound and Motion)

That may seem like everything you need, to have access to the energy and to make it obey your will. However, what if you don't have the materials at hand to create the reaction you wish for? I mean, sure you can create a fireball and launch it at a foe, even make it explode on contact. However, you can't do that from just light. One has to have fuel, access to oxygen, access to the energy needed to start the reaction (combustion), knowledge and ability to do the required spell (in this case, increase heat), and some way to contain the process so you do not harm yourself with the flames (optional). To make it explode on contact, you also need a means to add the trigger 'on x force', and have that cause a secondary contained combustion (boom). If you don't have that special type of fuel, you will have to obtain it somehow. How does one obtain the materials alternatively, if at all? (Conjuring/Summoning, Creating/Transmuting)

Finally, repercussions must be taken into account. All of this energy, and the compressing, altering, and obtaining of such, would not be very healthy for the caster or the environment. The environment would grow lazier and weaker, yet more efficient, as the plants struggle, and wildlife in turn. In addition, life becomes more rare, materials useful for the reactions become scarce, and mutation occurs more frequently. Much of the same happens to the caster, yet every error causes him more aging, less effective and efficient bodily processes (moving, digestion, sleep, etc.) invariably. How does one reduce their magical "footprint" on themselves and their environment? (Balancing energy sources, Casting carefully, Protective gear)

This is the basics of my arcane system of magic, the Chaos element in the equilibrium of energy. The others are Divine Order, where the power is given to you under contract, and Psionic Harmony, where by attuning one's mind and body to each other, enlightenment is found and nearly unlimited potential is unlocked, in a very limited set. I know that a lot of this is ridiculous in respect to practicality and possibility for this mod, but my ideas are presented so that maybe a healthy derivative can be created and implemented.

tldr? Just read the first paragraph and the red text to get the idea.

I should write a book.


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you should wtire a book, but what i'm looking for are more fleshed out, TFC specific ideas :D

although theres another book series by Patrick Rothfuss, which basically describes dukejuke's magic system too, you have to create a socalled 'sympathy' link from 1 item to another, and then whatever happens to one item also happens to the other, you could harm people via using a mommet but to get a good link you'd need a personal item or DNA sample, basically the closer the link is (like 2 wooden sticks from the same tree instead of a wooden stick and a rock) the better the link is and the less energy is wasted.

also, the entire source of energy was heat, wether by flame or thermal body heat. the danger in using body heat is that you can get hypothermia fast from drawing too much of your own heat, which in TFC could be simulated via a massive slowing effect/nausea/thirst drainage :D


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you should wtire a book, but what i'm looking for are more fleshed out, TFC specific ideas :D

although theres another book series by Patrick Rothfuss, which basically describes dukejuke's magic system too, you have to create a socalled 'sympathy' link from 1 item to another, and then whatever happens to one item also happens to the other, you could harm people via using a mommet but to get a good link you'd need a personal item or DNA sample, basically the closer the link is (like 2 wooden sticks from the same tree instead of a wooden stick and a rock) the better the link is and the less energy is wasted.

also, the entire source of energy was heat, wether by flame or thermal body heat. the danger in using body heat is that you can get hypothermia fast from drawing too much of your own heat, which in TFC could be simulated via a massive slowing effect/nausea/thirst drainage :D

Voodoo system, with main themes such as ugly, transforming, nearly invincible witches, brewing, voodoo dolls, and sometimes blood magic. This can be derived from my arcane system, using quantum entanglement to justify indirect interactions. Also, as I said, this system would not be able to work in TFCraft, but amendments and simplifications can be made to my suggested version, or it could be just thrown out, but this is how I see a believable scientific magic system, and because they follow the same restrictions as everything else our physics covers (plus more, just in case), it should be more or less balanced with the rest of the mod.


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I like the Idea of Magics in the game... especially Natural Magic... I'm trying to not let the fact that I'm a Wiccan but I like the idea of being able to fertilize an area of land just like that :D

But Mana would be an issue...something else to code in...lots of work for things like this...and Spellbooks!!! It's always smart to keep your magic organized!

(the fact that I'm a unicorn...also does not help that Natural Magic thought...)

The whole point of magic is to make life easier. Unless the main focus of the mod switches to being purely magical, this suggestion would be extremely overpowered in the TFC universe.

first quote: i like this idea, especially wont be overpowered if the books have a rather finite ability, charge, or what have you. making them reuse-able or easily re-craftable.

if something similar to this idea is put into effect it would kinda nullify the compatibility idea with thaumcraft 3 though. so as cool as this idea is, i like the idea of making an enchanting table and just enchanting my tfc stuff for now. and waiting for my thaumcraft 3 compatibility.


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And YU NO make enchantments a separate category?

I will show you a list of threads about magic, most of them specifficially about enchantments. For this thread to die? no, 'cause making a list about magic suggestions and leaving all the ideas in this threads out is a sin punished with fire.

(note: i'm not saying everything in them is perfect. It's just that there are quite a bit of good ideas there...)









(and of course) http://terrafirmacra...antment-system/

(note2: if you ask for my suggestion... well, it's in those threads. Extremely sparse in every single one of those threads, but it's there, so go find it :3)


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