Ceramic working, The Second Technological Tier.

By IVCraft in Suggestions,

So, you start playing terra firma craft, make yourself a fire and survive one night with your wooden house.

Until now everything is ok, but then you get an bismuthinite ore, what would you do? Obviously all you need to do is to compress 4 wooden blocks on a single 1m^3 cube to make a table you need in order to craft a clay mold, but which also can be used to magically craft doors and beds with bare hands out of heavy wood, and work glass bottles out of blocks without even needing to heat up the glass at all.

The second tier: Ceramics

The idea I had to avoid this complete nonsense is to add a new technological tier, while moving up a bit masonry and wood working. This means, no beds in TFC until someone can sucessfully craft a saw, and before that, master some pottery and work with ceramic to make plates, cups and flower vases.

How to make ceramic stuff:

Firstly, you need to extract some pure clay from the sand/clay mixed block you find under lakes and bodies of water. After getting four bits of clay, you combine them into a clay block, exactly like in vanilla minecraft.

Then you make a stone knife to start working the details of a clay mold. The recipe is shapeless, 1 knife and 1 pure clay block, to open a GUI with a 5x5 grid (Similar to the one that appears when you hit two stones to make tool heads, but with a clayish texture instead). From there, all you need to do is to draw the shape of a clay mold, pan, vase, knife or cup.


Ceramic Stuff

Notice that everything done with clay has no use until it's fired in the fire pit. Ceramic Molds

Ceramic Cups

Ceramic Pans

Ceramic knives


The Workbench

Ok, after crafting all that stuff, you have already got your saw, what's the next step? While holding the saw, right click in any wooden block (pine logs, oak planks, etc.), and you make a crafting table, a little bit smaller than an normal wood block, mimicking the way an anvil works. Now you have the good, old 3x3 square, but also with two more squares, one in the bottom left, another in the bottom right. Put a hammer in one of them, and a saw in the other. Now, those tools should be visible in the texture of the workbench.

When you start crafting, wooden-like blocks in the crafting squares will waste durability of the saw, and stone/iron-like blocks will waste durability of the hammer, and any other items are ignored. Now, if put together 3 planks and 3 wool, you can finally craft your bed and take a rest from this tiring day of work.

About Scribing tables:

In order to implement this there will be necessary a slight change to the way scribing tables are done. Because workbenches are not avaliable until you have a saw, to make a scribing table you will need to right click a plank block with paper in hands. As a balancing method, scribing tables also require a Quill to work (Shapeless recipe, feather + knife, the knife is to sharpen the feather tip). There will be an extra slot in the table for a quill right above the paper. Using a scribing table wastes the durability from the quill.


Final Note:

Adding a new tier of technology may also get the game a little bit harder than it already is, but after you find a good deposit of clay, you can craft anything you want in only two steps: Carving the clay, then burning it in a firepit.

It will also force the player to pass nights awake in the first days of gameplay, making things a little bit hard for starters. Altough, this way, it's possible to add much more believability, and, why not, realism to the game. And that's what TFC is about - Adding believability to the game without ruining the experience of creating, working and exploring a completely unique world, the world of Minecraft.
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