Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Very VERY messed up world generation! [SOLVED]

11 posts in this topic

I've recently set up a server, brand new and fresh out of the box, so to say, with TerraFirmacraft. It used to work flawlessly in 1.3.# versions of the mod, but now...

The server has only Minecraft Forge 6.5+ installed, the most recent version, as well as the required Player API. Right-clicking on a block causes it to miraculously shapeshift into whatever block it would logically be, though breaking one simply removes it as per the norm.

Has anyone else encountered this problem, or is it unique to my server?

Quick Edit; I forgot this in the title, this is Terrafirmacraft Build 75.

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You will have to give us a step-by-step on how you installed your server, so we can try and pinpoint where the problem is.

You can also check my signature....maybe you missed something setting everything up.


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Use Forge instead of the most recent version as that is the version the mod was built with.


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looks like a common bug that appears when using wrong Forge versions - also happen with other Forge-Mods that affect the Worldgen. Seems there were bigger changes in Forge, that have to do with the Generation. As said above; use the recommended version of Forge - it will work well - I swear ;)


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You will have to give us a step-by-step on how you installed your server, so we can try and pinpoint where the problem is.

You can also check my signature....maybe you missed something setting everything up.

I simply downloaded the minecraft_server.jar for Minecraft 1.4.6, downloaded Minecraft Forge, Player API and TerraFirmaCraft build 75. Installed Forge onto the server, then the player API and moved TerraFirmacraft to the mods folder. An interesting note is that it seems to work flawlessly in Singleplayer, but not on the server.

Use Forge instead of the most recent version as that is the version the mod was built with.

I just noticed that I apparently have MCForge, where can I acquire .486?

Edit; Nevermind! I've found a page. The question now becomes "How do I change the thread title to add [sOLVED]?"


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Thanks for that. I feel like an idiot now, it was such a simple thing ._. Both the server problems and the topic editing.


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How did you resolve problem?

I have the Same Problem with B75, on a Fresh Installation with Forge and Player API 1.3.

I Deleted any Files and Follow the guide from Emris_Morath but the Problem has not solved.

Greetings Kintaro

PS: Sorry for my Bad English i am from Switzerland :)


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How did you resolve problem?

I have the Same Problem with B75, on a Fresh Installation with Forge and Player API 1.3.

I Deleted any Files and Follow the guide from Emris_Morath but the Problem has not solved.

Greetings Kintaro

PS: Sorry for my Bad English i am from Switzerland :)

Die Lösung ist in aller Regel, die richtigen Versionen zu verwenden und sie richtig zu installieren.

Vermutlich ist beim kopieren etwas schief gelaufen. Am besten nochmal mit einer komplett frischen Installation starten - wenn man erst mal etwas löschen muss, um etwas neu zu installieren, ist die Fehleranfälligkeit schon ungleich höher.

Ich empfehle generell die Verwendung von 'MultiMC' als Launcher für Minecraft. Zum Einen ist man immer sicher, die richtige Minecraft Version zu laden und kann auch 'downgraden', zum Anderen ist hier eine Funktion eingebaut, die die gewünscht Forge-Version automatisch runter lädt. (Problem hier: Forge bietet auch eine Source-Version zum Download, welche für ungeübte Augen schnell mal runter geladen wird ^^)

Also... Nochmal Schritt für Schritt:

1. MultiMC starten und eine Minecraft 1.4.6-Instanz erstellen.

2. Forge .486 laden (oder von MultiMC laden lassen)

3. PlayerAPI 1.1 - 1.3 (Für MC 1.4.6!!!) in jar-mods (NACH Forge laden lassen!)

4. TFC b75 in mods hinzufügen

Im Grunde sollte das funktionieren - zumindest tut es das bei den Meisten. Viel Erfolg!


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Danke erstmal für die Schnelle Antwort :D.

Edit: es lag am Client dort war forge nicht aktuell XD Danke Vielmals :D

grüsse Kintaro


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