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72 posts in this topic

It sounds to me like you've got it all down pretty neat! and it's even better to hear that you have some knowledge of coding. say, have you done any other mods before and do you mind perhaps showing us some?

I'm getting a really good Black & White kind of vibe from this concept. it's villages worked fantastically. would your villages also have different cultures like that with different villages? and are you open to the idea that the player could create his own culture using his own predefined buildings?

Best of luck with this mod! if someone's got to make a villager plugin then this is the way to go!


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I'd probably approach it using rooms as building blocks and have them build what they need, having new buildings more tailored.

You may want to start with round houses and wheel houses, these were multifunctional in as much as did pretty much everything in them and they are fairly common arrangements through out the world. After the early bronze age structures tend to specialise and local styles become more prevalent. The very earliest hunter gatherers probably used animal skin tents, which would make a good starting point for any new villages and may also be a good idea for players to survive the first night.


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That's A LOT of variables tracking you guys are speaking about here. Are you sure we have that much horsepower at hand?


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-OP snip-

You would only be able to share this mod/addon at least until TFC is out of beta. The devs have said that they do not condone any modification of TFC that is not strictly for personal use. Now, considering that beta will last for a veerrry long time (likely) it might be a tad early to start talking about a mod/addon you plan on making, but that's your choice.

Just know that you really shouldn't distribute it until the devs say it is ok for mods/add-ons to happen (if ever).

(Also, it isn't that many of us are NPC "haters" (some of us are :P) it is that we support the decisions of Bioxx and Dunk because it is their mod and they get to make the final decisions, for better or for worse. I personally don't like the idea of NPCs at all, so it works for me, but even if I did want NPCs I would respect the dev's wishes and support their decision.)


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I am only playing devil's advocate here, but the crossover mod between Thaumcraft 3 (and possibly Redpower) and Terrafirmacraft would be considered an addon right?

as long as no editing happens to TFC, I'm cool with it.

In response to that, Dunk said as long as no TFC code was edited, it would be cool with him. so......As long as no TFC code is edited, I assume that Dunk is fine with it as this, as the TC3-TFC crossover mod is, an addon.

But of course, we will have to wait for Dunk or Bioxx's final word on this.


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That's A LOT of variables tracking you guys are speaking about here. Are you sure we have that much horsepower at hand?

It can be tracked like Millenaire or vanilla Minecraft tracks NPCs - if they're not in a loaded chunk, they go dormant.

Also, as I am on a mobile and can't multiquote, I have no mod portfolio. However, I was looking at designing a seasons mod, bringing the finiteliquid mod up to date, and then introducing my villagers. I also wanted to redo worldgen and ditch biomes like TFC's done. My rework was going to utilize temperatures and would take into account the ability of different materials to dissipate heat.


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They go dormant - there goes all this fancy reputation, resource gathering and village growing stuff.

To make it work you need to track it even for unloaded villages - and that's variables to keep track of. The more you travel, the more village develops - the more variables to track there is, even in semi-dormant state.

Not to mention scouts and traders you spoke of, where those aren't come from thick air.


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They go dormant - there goes all this fancy reputation, resource gathering and village growing stuff.

To make it work you need to track it even for unloaded villages - and that's variables to keep track of. The more you travel, the more village develops - the more variables to track there is, even in semi-dormant state.

Not to mention scouts and traders you spoke of, where those aren't come from thick air.

Very valid, but dormant villages' growth can be modelled mathematically with appropriate block modifications in the world around them. Basically, anything that can be shown to players while the server is loaded can be abstracted and simplified when there are no players around.

Villages would only spawn in discovered areas, and it wouldn't be a village spawning per se, but a small initial group like Dwarf Fortress. Other villages of the same culture would be formed by individuals breaking off and forming new villages (probably based on personal compatibility).

I want to look at genetics, too, though I realize it's not realistic. Variations on movement speed, physical size, ability to craft, carrying capacity, and then the obvious ones like skin colour, hair colour, and maybe eye colour.

... I'm way too nerdy.


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This sounds great.

So I'm gonna ask what all of you are thinking. If there are NPC's and villages, and you could possibly join one, or even possibly become the leader of one, are you going to be able to have a spouse and have children like the other villagers will be able to do!?


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*sigh* you all should read the insert topic here stickied thread, NPC's are NOT going to happen, EVER


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*sigh* You should read the OP.....this is an ADDON, not a feature for the base game. Also why this is in the discussion forums, and not the suggestions.

And read this:

I am only playing devil's advocate here, but the crossover mod between Thaumcraft 3 (and possibly Redpower) and Terrafirmacraft would be considered an addon right?

as long as no editing happens to TFC, I'm cool with it.

In response to that, Dunk said as long as no TFC code was edited, it would be cool with him. so......As long as no TFC code is edited, I assume that Dunk is fine with it as this, as the TC3-TFC crossover mod is, an addon.

as long as no editing happens to TFC, I'm cool with it.

But of course, we will have to wait for Dunk or Bioxx's final word on this.


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*sigh* You should read the OP.....this is an ADDON, not a feature for the base game. Also why this is in the discussion forums, and not the suggestions.

Unfortunately, whether they are 13 or 50000, the majority of users of the internet, these forums or just of life aren't going to be able to read and then comprehend even that.


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This sounds great.

So I'm gonna ask what all of you are thinking. If there are NPC's and villages, and you could possibly join one, or even possibly become the leader of one, are you going to be able to have a spouse and have children like the other villagers will be able to do!?

Considering that the villagers will age and die permanently, but players do not, I think that marrying and having children would be outside the scope of this mod. If marrying and having children were going to be added, many, many things that will happen to the villagers due to aging would have to be extended to players. I don't know if I'm comfortable with that, in all honesty, but I'll see. If I do add it, it'll be a toggleable option off by default, and it won't appear for a few revisions.

Keep in mind that I likely won't be starting this until the end of January. The only work that I've done so far is on paper, though it has accelerated since I discovered TFC.

Also, to everyone reading this thread, since it hasn't been said yet, installing any Villagers mod that I make is at your own discretion and risk, and any problems with compatibility rest explicitly on my (and your) shoulders. If you install my Villagers mod, you forfeit your right to use the TFC support forums until the problem that you're having is determined to NOT be a problem with my Villagers mod or compatibility between my Villagers mod and TFC. The only way to ensure that this is the case is currently to PM me, though when I'm comfortable having other people actually try the mod, it'll be as BETA TESTERS, and there will be a bug tracker that will be mentioned in the readme. Capiche?


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Unfortunately, whether they are 13 or 50000, the majority of users of the internet, these forums or just of life aren't going to be able to read and then comprehend even that.

entirely uncalled for, i meant my sentence as a general hint of the tone i get on second page of people hoping for NPC support by TFC people, and the majority of whom i've spoken to here have expressed great negativity towards NPC's in general, wether its an addon or change in TFC code.


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Cap. Fish here, i would like to volunteer as tester/bughunter when you feel like it is time for that.

I am loving this idea!!!!



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entirely uncalled for, i meant my sentence as a general hint of the tone i get on second page of people hoping for NPC support by TFC people, and the majority of whom i've spoken to here have expressed great negativity towards NPC's in general, wether its an addon or change in TFC code.

For the NPC-haters, I'd love to win you over, so if you have any questions about how I would handle various issues that could arise, please feel free to ask.

I can only extend the olive branch; others have to take it. If a server admin or his or her players have an issue with NPCs, they're welcome to not install the plugin on their servers. I would be out of my mind if I seriously expected Bioxx and dunk to install it on the TFC server that they may be running... I can only aim for a quality and attention to detail that might make them think twice.

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entirely uncalled for, i meant my sentence as a general hint of the tone i get on second page of people hoping for NPC support by TFC people, and the majority of whom i've spoken to here have expressed great negativity towards NPC's in general, wether its an addon or change in TFC code.

hmm.... Again, only playing devil's advocate here, but are you sure about that? I haven't seen any threads on an addon of NPCs. Everything I have seen here is completely new, and that is why I didn't go right ahead and say: "Sorry, but the developers have NO plans for NPCs whatsoever.".. I don't really know the know the devs opinion on NPC addons. But from what I have seen,

as long as no editing happens to TFC, I'm cool with it.

they are fine with it, as long as there is no change in TFC code. I don't know what you have seen, but I certainly have not seen any negativity or anything related to an addon the OP themselves would code. Everything I have seen negativity to was people ignorantly asking NPCs to be added into the base game. And from what I have seen so far, the devs opinion on addons is positive; just don't make changes to TFC base code.

However, if there is a thread where the devs have said that they are in the negative to user coded NPC addons, then please kindly show me the link. I have seen some instances of people saying "Nope, the devs said ___". But nowhere have I seen the actual place where devs said this.

TL;DR: Regardless, this is only my opinion on the matter, and my point is: Don't make claims that the devs are positive or negatic towards something unless you have the place where they said it, or KNOW for a FACT that that is their true opinion.

tl;dr of the tl;dr: Don't make unnecessary assumptions.

And, 010000100110010100100000011100110111010101110010011001






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last time i read it it didnt have the bottom line, looks like bioxx doesnt care about stuff like this, but he's not going to waste a single second of his development time on it :D

so given your earlier objection, i stand overruled on my objection of it being a useless topic, it regards a addon which is not included in TFC.

also, the opinion of many players in suggestions forum has been rather negative towards NPC's in the various application and suggestion topics there (cant provide a link, too lazy)

probably mainly because they dont really have much to add to a SMP server (given the difficulty of NPC's in vanilla and how long we had those before they came up with an OP trading system, their just not TFC viable :D) that a player couldnt do

Killster out


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last time i read it it didnt have the bottom line, looks like bioxx doesnt care about stuff like this, but he's not going to waste a single second of his development time on it :D

so given your earlier objection, i stand overruled on my objection of it being a useless topic, it regards a addon which is not included in TFC.

also, the opinion of many players in suggestions forum has been rather negative towards NPC's in the various application and suggestion topics there (cant provide a link, too lazy)

probably mainly because they dont really have much to add to a SMP server (given the difficulty of NPC's in vanilla and how long we had those before they came up with an OP trading system, their just not TFC viable :D) that a player couldnt do

Killster out

I don't think I ever seen a post where people have said, 'No, I don't want NPC because of such and such...' but I've only been here a few months. I think there is a feeling of 'everyone hates NPCs' because the devs have said they aren't adding them, so stop asking. People jump on this bandwagon to bitch slap people who suggest it. That's also a common theme here :)


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last time i read it it didnt have the bottom line, looks like bioxx doesnt care about stuff like this, but he's not going to waste a single second of his development time on it :D

We ALL have seen the (or should have) link, and noone is asking Bioxx to put his time into it. This is a USER developed addon that does not require the developers to even help. That is the whole point of this.

so given your earlier objection, i stand overruled on my objection of it being a useless topic, it regards a addon which is not included in TFC.

also, the opinion of many players in suggestions forum has been rather negative towards NPC's in the various application and suggestion topics there (cant provide a link, too lazy)

I have seen this OH too many times;your link is not nesscessary for me. :) And if people don't like the idea of NPC's, then they just simply houldn't use the addon. That is the beauty of the addon;. It is USER-BASED, and not at all needed in the base game.

probably mainly because they dont really have much to add to a SMP server (given the difficulty of NPC's in vanilla and how long we had those before they came up with an OP trading system, their just not TFC viable :D) that a player couldnt do

​Sure the player could do a lot of these things, but the SMP could have a LOT of value still. Think of all the interactions. Figting to keep the village in friendship with you alone, and preventing others from taking that from you. :D

-Killster says his linkity-links that i made him look up :)-

Killster, you still haven't answered my question. Again you seem to have not read/misunderstood my question.

However, if there is a thread where the devs have said that they are in the negative to user coded NPC addons, then please kindly show me the link. I have seen some instances of people saying "Nope, the devs said ___". But nowhere have I seen the actual place where devs said this.

I said that as you said DEVELOPERS were negative to the notion of NPC ADDONS. You gave me links to were PEOPLE were negative to NPCS being ADDED to the BASE GAME. Opposite of what I said on both fronts. :) Hopefully just a misunderstanding.

I was simply refuting your point that devs were against NPC addons. Not that devs were against NPC's themselves.

​Also, you changed your avatar :P


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Will the NPCs recognise player villages in SMP (the block protection levels might come in handy here) and treat them as another village?


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yea i know, but even the notion of NPC's being added via addon repulses some people, with similair reasons to the people wanting it to be made into TFC by bioxx, it basically adds the very same thing, the only reason that would turn illegit from a addon would be: its a ton of work for bioxx.

all other reasons against TFC npc's still hold water against addon NPC's

also, dunk has stated that the notion of NPC's was off the table for good, and its even stickied in the suggestions forum under the inesrt topic here metathread. should give a clear view of what they think (but like i said, THEY dont mind if you use an addon without TFC code, but they're not going to help you out with it :D


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Again, this is USER-BASED. No devs' help are going to be received, or asked for. And one more time, ( :D), that sticky is there to say that THEY WILL NOT BE PUT INTO THE BASE GAME. No one is asking here for this to be added into TFC. You keep talking as if I say the devs are not against NPCs. They 100% are. However, this is a user-made addon that is in no way related to beign added into the base TFC.

And if it repulses people, then just don't use the addon. If TFC repulses you, don't play it. If minecraft repulses you, don't play the game. Simple as that.

No hard feelings, but I feel like you are making me repeat the point I have made many times.


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