Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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The Nameless Name

Name Me!

What name should I choose?   37 members have voted

  1. 1. What name should I choose?

    • Sergeant Panda
    • Nemo
    • Thunder Shrew
    • Igor the Indecisive
    • The Nameless Name
    • Pie_Flavor160

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456 posts in this topic

OK guys. Its been a while since I started one of these so NO TEXT WALLS.

1. I want a NAME! Like all of you guys I want something unique and special. I've changed my name 3 times in 30 days because all of my ideas SUCK.

2. I'm going to hold a CONTEST for my name! Ill pick the top names posted HERE on this topic and have a POLL for them!

3. Post as MANY ideas as you want and feel free to COMMENT on other ideas! Lobby for your own. Lobby for others. I DON'T CARE.

4. Lets not get UGLY. Don't start a FLAME WAR here! Say what you like or don't like about an IDEA not a USER

5. I can change my picture so dont base it off the retarded llama I currently have as king!

PS. This is also a mythical/biblical/multi-pop-cultural battleground! Study up on EVERYTHING before you enter the war of ages!!!


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MrRetardedLlama :P

Sergeant Panda

Kimbble's Slave (:))

Unnamed (kind of poetic)



The Luka Bazooka


lol, this took like 5 seconds to think of, but they are pretty cool. :D


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Nemo. Similar in concept, just more poignant.


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If i had to choose from the ones in the poll... well, i don't know."----------" has it's thing, but "----------" sounds more... powerful. Definitely neither "----------" nor "----------". And "----------" is just too much... So the choice is between "----------" and "----------". I'm tempted to go for the former...

So yeah, hope that helped you :).

On a separated note, did you know that's not a llama, but a camel? BIG difference.


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you could just choose the Nameless Name :3 and be known to us as TNN :P


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Or "The Nameless Troll", and be known as "TNT" :3


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Private-First Class Nameless

Private-Second Class Nameless

Nameless Nephilim


Dwarf Balin

More to come...


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Captain Discount

Saint Weasle Teets

Seargent Moodswing

Throwrug the Paranormal

Uber Crunk

Darth Brooks

The Flying Pepperoni

Fistpump the Furious

Sir Wiggles

The Drama Dairy (get it? Like camel...)


Egbert the Round

Thunder Shrew

... More to come too also as well.....


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Private-First Class Nameless

Private-Second Class Nameless

Nameless Nephilim


Dwarf Balin

More to come...

Dwarf Balin? Really?

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The true name is earned, not given.

So you are saying the name you had at birth (and most probably have now) is not a true name?


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So you are saying the name you had at birth (and most probably have now) is not a true name?

Maybe his parents didn't name him, but rather entered him in a international competition, where through battle, crosshatch, and trainspotting, the victor was awarded a name? Seems possible....


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Just a few suggestions I think will be of no help to you at all. ;)

Igor the Indecisive

Hipster Vagueries H.dave ?








Loud Sig Lou

Get The Hint Geoff (If you click this link I am not responsible for what you may find on the other side, I have not checked to see if it actually exists, nor will I. Also, I can't seem to remove the link quality of it, even after trying.)


Ok, I'm done with the bad name suggestions. For now...duh, duh, duh(Why subscript? A better question is why not superscript. To which I will respond "why not subscript?" And so I shall have trapped you in an infinite loop of pointless questions! My evil plan is finally coming to fruition! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Unless of course you somehow manage to foil my plans by responding with "Why not zoidberg?", in which case you have exploited my one and only convenient weakness. But that is highly unlikely, it's not like my plan is similar in any way to either of the Death Stars)


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So you are saying the name you had at birth (and most probably have now) is not a true name?

I kinda don't have a true name at the moment.

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OK guys! Retract your votes and submit new ones because I have chosen the FINAL FIVE CONTENDERS!!!!!


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hell yea the nameless name *votes my own idea*


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D: now the non-sensical part of my previous post is totally wrong! i still think "----------" is a good username.


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first image when googling the nameless name: Posted Image

join the eye crew? :D


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YES, YES! Join the Eye CREW! The All Seeing Eye shall be your ruler. All hail the omniscient Eye!


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Reminds me of a Bad Brains song, "I against I".

I searched nameless name on google and this came up:

Is this you? Lol.

Seriously, you should try and come up.with something a little more original than nameless name. Even Flightless Bird would be better IMO. ;)/>


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