Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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13 posts in this topic

I'm just keep seeing that on srgnoodles' avatar there's a half of a face instead of a girl, I can't help it.

Now that I have said that, I will proceed with my life.


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the picture is flandre or remelia (i think flandre) scarlet, of the Touhou series, their vampires with hugeass powers, yet as innocently dangerous as you can make a girl vampire


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TOUHOU!!!!!! Yes, on of the awesomest games ever. Un Owen was Her... o.O play that on piano. But people call it Death Waltz or something. ?


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Guys, I know that the girl is from Touhou. I will explain myself.


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And here's what I mean. I don't think it's possible to unsee.

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that is most possible the creepiest rorshach ever, also, did you notice the fact there is another face beneath the big black mouth stripe?


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I can see multiple faces there, which one of those you are speaking of?

There's even Rorschach himself up top.

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Our brains are obsessed with patterns, and just finds them everywhere: faces, shapes, regularities... that's what allows a good part of the visual ilussions to work. There you have just another example of this: there isn't any intentional face there (i guess...), but regardless your brain sees something that looks like eyes, something like a mouth, some other thing like a nose, and thinks "hey, it must be a face!" and shows you that, a face.


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Of course he did. Look at his avatar, don't you see he's smiling?


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death waltz is, according to my knowledge, a form of remix off of UN owen was here, but how about you try this one first :D http-~~-//

Pretty sure it would take four people and a midget to play this successfully. Specifically the midget is there to do the worm across the keyboard during some of the more intense sequences.


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Guys, I know that the girl is from Touhou. I will explain myself.


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And here's what I mean. I don't think it's possible to unsee.

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and then i realized that this was his i'm slow, but i'm totaly taking that picture

also, i can't belive that theres a whole thread dedicated to how creepy my picture was....i'm flattered

(p.s that was remillia, flandre is blonde)

hehe and kimble, thats usually how most peoplebecome ensnared into Touhou, throught the music

welcome young padawan, hope you know how to dodge bullets....


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