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94 posts in this topic

I understand that caves aren't the most common things in the world, but they still exist. The Earth isn't a solid bolder from top to bottom where you might find some lava and a barren cave there.

Small narrow caves, can sometimes be seen from surface, stalagmites and stalactites and all that good jargon. They're obviously not too common, and finding ore in them wouldn't be a likely happenstance either, but it would still be fun to explore them, and add immersion.

Notch also decided to remove naturally occurring water caves all-together. I miss swimming in them and getting incredibly scared that I might drown before finding a breath.


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i am interpreting as a suggestion to reinstate Cave systems, and i fully agree on that, although they shouldnt be as massive as in vanilla, given the fact that we need to keep the gameplay aspect of finding said cave systems ourselves in there. (no spawns, just pure cave)


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So is the suggestion here to add caves? If it is, they already exist in tfc, they just have some difficulty breaking the dirt layer of the world.

They're not extremely common but if you look near the base of large hills/mountains you should be able to find a cave network. As for underwater caves,

underground rivers are also a terrain feature, they're like a flooded ravine the water is static on world gen, but if disturbed should start flowing again.

Also, the caves in tfc even have stalagmites and stalactites, as do the bottoms of ravines.


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So is the suggestion here to add caves? If it is, they already exist in tfc, they just have some difficulty breaking the dirt layer of the world.

They're not extremely common but if you look near the base of large hills/mountains you should be able to find a cave network. As for underwater caves,

underground rivers are also a terrain feature, they're like a flooded ravine the water is static on world gen, but if disturbed should start flowing again.

Also, the caves in tfc even have stalagmites and stalactites, as do the bottoms of ravines.

Underground rivers are called aquifers. JFYI.


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Im very confused, there are giant epic caves with twisting interweaving tunnel caves opening into large chambers, opening up all the way down to the lava lakes on the bottom. While I would agree that back in build 40(?) or so there were more caves, they havent disappeared, you only need to look for them.

Edit- You should try getting together 2-3 pick axes, make a stairwell to ~60y and just dig in a strait line till you break into a cave. Its bound to happen, and you might get lucky and hit it in a hundred blocks or so.


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Off-topic but interesting information: an aquifer and an underground river are completely different things. An aquifer is porous rock

that is saturated by water which slowly moves through it while an underground river has an actual channel cut through stone and

is usually in a cavernous area.


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Off-topic but interesting information: an aquifer and an underground river are completely different things. An aquifer is porous rock

that is saturated by water which slowly moves through it while an underground river has an actual channel cut through stone and

is usually in a cavernous area.

Darn it! Been playing Dwarf Fortress a little too much.

P.S. - 503rd post.


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Darn it! Been playing Dwarf Fortress a little too much.

P.S. - 503rd post.

Like..70 of those being from the derail. :P

Whoops, sorry Off topic..sorry!


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not much of a rail left here, lets have this die out or moved to off-topic


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Yes, I've seen those, and they're pretty boring and unrealistic. Please refer to the wikipedia article, then you will know about what I'm talking about.

not much of a rail left here, lets have this die out or moved to off-topic

Can you stop? Just because some other morons can't keep a single train of thought for more than 10 minutes, that doesn't mean that my complete valid and logical suggestion should be deleted. You did this with my last topic.

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Can you stop? Just because some other morons can't keep a single train of thought for more than 10 minutes, that doesn't mean that my complete valid and logical suggestion should be deleted. You did this with my last topic.

While I do have to agree with you, I disagree with you as well. Your behavioral patterns have been very stingy lately, and you did "insult" Just_Another_Guy_:).

Returning to the main topic at hand, while valid, it's sort of illogical because TFC caves have a difficult time breaching the surface for reasons unknown, and I believe they are just rarer than Vanilla caves.


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Yes, I've seen those, and they're pretty boring and unrealistic. Please refer to the wikipedia article, then you will know about what I'm talking about.

Can you stop? Just because some other morons can't keep a single train of thought for more than 10 minutes, that doesn't mean that my complete valid and logical suggestion should be deleted. You did this with my last topic.

You certainly are an interesting character aren't you? Would you care to elaborate on how the caves should be made more exciting and believable. They seem to be at a decent balance right now, for Minecraft that is. What are you suggesting we change?

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You certainly are an interesting character aren't you? Would you care to elaborate on how the caves should be made more exciting and believable. They seem to be at a decent balance right now, for Minecraft that is. What are you suggesting we change?

Rook, I believe, doesn't understand why caves are much more rarer. He thinks that caves are nearly next to non-existant, I think.

Just listen what Rook has to say, calm down, if he gives us 'constructive criticism', don't lash out at him. Please.


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and you did "insult" Just_Another_Guy_ :).

That was a joke. It was just a bad one.

Would you care to elaborate on how the caves should be made more exciting and believable.

You forgot a question mark.

On a related note, I made a top down image representing 3 types of caves and their respective quality:

Posted Image


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Ok. You find TFC caves boring. We get it. What do you want, exactly, to be implemented in their place, then? Descriptions, images, videos, whatever you find useful to explain how they should be (according to you). If this was just a complain, it's much more fitting in the discussion subforum than here; but now that it's here in suggestions, why don't you try and show us how things should really work?

Take in count, most people here prefer the caves as they are now. So you should try to show us speciffically why what you suggest is better than what's in place already.

BTW, I really don't see the need to bring up that joke Rook made, Sda... As i have said multiple times, i actually found it kinda funny. Kinda... point stands, regardless.


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uh... ok.

If your implying that vanilla caves are shaped like that... I really don't think they are. I find TFC to have very interesting minecraft caves probably more interesting than vanilla craft. The problem with it is that the fluid physics in TFC underground river systems... have you also noticed there aren't any water falls really. Actually not so long ago, I spawned a world that have a whole lake that touched a ravine... and the ravine I think had water in it... but the there was not a water fall... you have make those yourself (not so cool).

But vanilla minecraft doesn't have stalactites and stalagmites. And they don't have sink holes. And yea... vanilla minecraft has as much potential to generate as many sinkholes, but they don't act like sinkholes. I couldn't tell you how many time I've been walking around when.... WAM! I walked over a dirt pile that is collapsing into a ravine or cavern. I actually died once falling... I was completely clueless I didn't even know there was a cave under there. Seriously I don't know just what you mean. I actually live near caves and have been in them... and I don't think TFC could make them more interesting. Aside from completely updating everything and not making it square.

Caves are usually round and they have crystals in them... not just rock. Which makes them even prettier. The cave I live near to has huge calcite veins and deposits... and civil war people went there to look for saltpeter... but again that would take making minecraft into a non-square game... parts of it glitter from the calcite. Which, would be impossible with the current tech.


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I'm kinda confused by this thread... from the picture the cave systems in TFC are somewhat like the "IRL" picture, with lots of looping and winding around. The systems are also absolutely MASSIVE, going from surface to bedrock, and probably all interconnected in some way on my own world.

You just almost never find them on the dirt layer, you have to dig through the stone first if you want to get to one quickly. There are only two cave entrances from the surface within 1 km of my home.

Also, if you don't have metal armor... cave diving will likely get you killed, friggin' skeletons.


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On a related note, I made a top down image representing 3 types of caves and their respective quality:

Posted Image.

There are caves, YOU'RE just not looking hard enough or in the right places, also, that's not an accurate depiction of IRL caves.

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Let me guess thats what caves are like in Swaziland. All joking aside, I would certainly say that TFC caves are more frequent than IRL, but I would love to see evidence to prove me wrong. Until then I see no further necessary discussion unless we move into cave aesthetics.


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Rook, if you want a world specifically tailored for caverns, you could request a cave seed in the seeds section, or see if theres already one there, they might come up with some awesome stuff that youi wont survive due to skellies and pitfalls :3


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I want bat shit colonies in caves. Think of the hordes of bats poisoning the air with their decomposing 7 meter thick layer of faeces.


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I think the vanilla bat mob spawns in TFC, doesn't it...? o.o So yeah, it's possible we already have that...


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uh... ok.

If your implying that vanilla caves are shaped like that... I really don't think they are. I find TFC to have very interesting minecraft caves probably more interesting than vanilla craft. The problem with it is that the fluid physics in TFC underground river systems... have you also noticed there aren't any water falls really. Actually not so long ago, I spawned a world that have a whole lake that touched a ravine... and the ravine I think had water in it... but the there was not a water fall... you have make those yourself (not so cool).

But vanilla minecraft doesn't have stalactites and stalagmites. And they don't have sink holes. And yea... vanilla minecraft has as much potential to generate as many sinkholes, but they don't act like sinkholes. I couldn't tell you how many time I've been walking around when.... WAM! I walked over a dirt pile that is collapsing into a ravine or cavern. I actually died once falling... I was completely clueless I didn't even know there was a cave under there. Seriously I don't know just what you mean. I actually live near caves and have been in them... and I don't think TFC could make them more interesting. Aside from completely updating everything and not making it square.

Caves are usually round and they have crystals in them... not just rock. Which makes them even prettier. The cave I live near to has huge calcite veins and deposits... and civil war people went there to look for saltpeter... but again that would take making minecraft into a non-square game... parts of it glitter from the calcite. Which, would be impossible with the current tech.

Instead of the crystals glittering, why not have them as either a texture on stone or as actual veins and deposits themselves and make those textures glow, like the vis ores from Thaumcraft III? A little unrealistic, but you have to work with what technology Humanity has. You can still make them cubes that way.


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Instead of the crystals glittering, why not have them as either a texture on stone or as actual veins and deposits themselves and make those textures glow, like the vis ores from Thaumcraft III? A little unrealistic, but you have to work with what technology Humanity has. You can still make them cubes that way.

Or particle effects could work maybe.


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