Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Skating on Thin Ice...

23 posts in this topic

Pretty much this is a topic on cold weather and its affects

so ice. running and jumping on ice should break the ice and send you plunging into the freezing water beneath it, which would definitely have adverse effects.

also, being out in the snow and rain should do something when in colder boimes

eh, can't think of anything else right now, feel free to add any comments, questions or deep-fried watermellon


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Wasnt there supposed to be some type of system implemented where weather would effect the player in different ways? Like heat causing increased thrist, slow effects in snow and cold etc?


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I like the concept of ice breaking if you walk on it! The colder it gets the thicker the ice could become, allowing for safer travels accross a frozen lake.


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Well if you want to cross thin ice you can get on your stomach and crawl across... Less pressure and all that.

Course if we go there we could possibly be stepping on the toes of smart moving.


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Wasnt there supposed to be some type of system implemented where weather would effect the player in different ways? Like heat causing increased thrist, slow effects in snow and cold etc?

yeah i remember people talking about that, and i kind of have some of my own ideas here for environmental effects and things like that

nevermind these will eventually be a new thread


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The whole ice getting thicker with more cold and temperatures where that can happen.could be like this:

Let us say this:




is our water level. This water currently is above 0 C and has no ice, Let's say Ice starts to form. Ice would form as 1/8 slab blocks at a time. (possibly?)* getting slower as the ice goes down* (possibly?)

When the ice starts to form, it does this:





The actual forming of the ice would be done in one block increments in a binary state. Either the block HAS SOME Ice in it, or has 0. The amount of ice is dependent on two factors. The speed of the ice growing (which is in turn dependent on the temperature, and inversely, the time it has spent in the water) and the temperature outside.

Ice would form like this: (the full thing is one water block, a blue layer is ice.








____________________ It has formed in a one 1/8 block increment.

Then, it will eventually grow to the next layer down, the next, the next, and continues. Soon, the block will become a full ice block, and will move down to the next.

The criteria for ice breaking when you stand on it is a value in the config file, like the chance of a cave-in occurring. However, instead of a simple chance, there is another factor involved. There will be 2 settings in the config, Those setting is the break cutoff, and the break chance value rate.

The break cutoff represents the number of seconds in which standing on will have little effect, and will not break; it has a near 0% chance of breaking in the next second.

The break chance value rate represents the rate at which, after the cutoff point (the number of seconds dictated by the break cutoff) the chance for the ice to break will increase. Setting it to 0 for example, would not have any breakage of ice at all, except for the small chance dictated by the break cutoff.

There is my 2 cents or my idea. I guess you could call it deep-fried watermelon, but whatever floats your boat. :D.


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would be nice if boats were required to traverse an ocean, for fear of pnemona. that is in cold climate, not all oceans are cold.

it would also be cool if ice formed in sheets, concept is cool anyway.

another thing to note, perhaps trees should lose their leaves in winter, not the ones with needles, only leafs.


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The leaves of the trees could instead turn from leaves to unripe fruit tree-esque dead branches that drop sticks sometimes when you break them, but with a much lower chance that with regular trees.


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Easy to program: Make ice block "land slideable", with increased chances of land sliding the higher the temperature.

To actually change ice thickness would be a lot harder...


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Easy to program: Make ice block "land slideable", with increased chances of land sliding the higher the temperature.

To actually change ice thickness would be a lot harder...

Not necessarily. They could make it so that there is a chance of an ice block breaking beneath you when you walk over it, similiar to how there's a chance for a grass block with air below it to collapse when you walk over it. It would also be possible to make the ice seem thicker the colder the temperature by simply checking the temperature the player is standing in and calculating the chance of ice breaking off that.


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There was a thread a while back about environmental effects, like damage in extreme heat and cold (which is much more viable now that the health pool is huge comparatively, letting health "drain away") As far as ice breaking though, it shouldn't be much harder than how they programmed grass covered dirt to sometimes fall when you walk over it and there is no support under it; the difference is instead of it being a random chance to drop, it checks the temperature and the chance of it breaking increases as it gets closer to the exact point of freezing and lower with the temperature.

For taking damage from the cold water below just make a debuff when you enter water of any kind below a certain temperature that slows by 10-20% and damages you if you stay in or enter water thereafter until "thawed" by a campfire or forge.


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I like the idea of having a cold in would make it more believable in my opinion...


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I like the idea of having a cold in would make it more believable in my opinion...

oh my gods, i can't belive this is acutally a thing, thank you sir

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Oh my gods, I can't believe this is actually a thing! Thank you sir.

Google is amazing for this sort of thing...and to be honest I've had some myself...not one for warm fruit though, so I didn't like it

grammar corrected your post in my quote...


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grammar corrected your post in my quote...

you must understand, my good raspberry, that i have no concern for this grammar that you mortals care for so fondly

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I'm surprised you haven't had (or at least outwardly showed) an odd craving for deep fried raspberry. :P[yet.] ( But WOW!, does that deep fried watermelon look good! Probably really bad for you, but good nevertheless. :D


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I'm surprised you haven't had (or at least outwardly showed) an odd craving for deep fried raspberry. :P[yet.] ( But WOW!, does that deep fried watermelon look good! Probably really bad for you, but good nevertheless. :D

yknow, it almost reminds me of sushi, the way that the melon cubes look

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Ice would form like this: (the full thing is one water block, a blue layer is ice.








____________________ It has formed in a one 1/8 block increment.

Isn't the top layer of any body of water 6/8 block height?


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I wish I could find snow in TFC :( I never have D;


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I wish I could find snow in TFC :( I never have D;

There isn't a Forge Hook for it. Adding snow currently will make it a .jar mod.

Or at least, that is how it was a couple months ago. :P I'm not good with coding.


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you must understand, my good raspberry, that i have no concern for this grammar that you mortals care for so fondly

Dem dars be mah poin all long, mang. Ain't gots no reezun be talkin all prop'r like te gitcher poin craws... I rekon.

I like the idea of snow and sand slowing your movement. Makes your heart pound when running from mobs and you have to turn and fight for your life lest you be overtaken...



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While I like the idea of the ice forming in 1/8 layers, what would happen when a block is broken next to one of said ice-water blocks? Would the ice stay as it is, but with water flowing out the side? I have no idea what I'm talking about, but I was under the impression that flowing water cannot support ice, unless there are much lower temperatures.


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you must understand, my good raspberry, that i have no concern for this grammar that you mortals care for so fondly

is there a [X Dislike This] button?


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