Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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The game I'm Making.

79 posts in this topic

It has been awhile since I've last posted here, that's because I was dedicated in making a game in unity, programming in c#, just to challenge myself. It is still very-very WIP, but I'd like to show it off a bit. When and if I have a playable game I'll publish at least the webplayer here, if people like'd it. :)

How would you survive if the society had crumble? Would you build a shelter, arm yourself, use science, uncover the history or hide in a hole? All of this should be possible for the player to choose, not to be tied to classes or to a skill tree but only by pure choice, of course there is a development of your skills but they won't restrict what you can do.

For now there is no backstory or plot, but it will have.

The main features, up until now, are:


Pick items and craft however you want, of course not every craft is functional, you can't put a lamp in a hammer and expect it to emit light. For now crafting is tied to nodes, you can only connect them, in the future you will be able to attach them in the available surfaces.


Pick items and place them where you'd like, want to barricade the doors? Do it, because doors can break.

Breakable scenario

Doors, windows, fences they can all be broken by force.

One of the main objectives of this project is to be very moddable, any user should be able to create his own addons for the game by filling a file and making a model, and if he wants to he can also make his functions for the items he makes through C# programming. The other is to give the feeling of "I've made it through the day/night"! Imagine something in the line of Project Zomboid meets Garry's mod. In the current state is only easy to make items for the developer, I will make the config files soon.

This is a project I've been working on for about a month now, including learning how unity works, I was only used to only work with Java and basic OpenGL programming, so at first it was a bit of a challenge, I'm was only worried with gameplay and features so that is why there is no good models or surroundings.


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This seems very interesting. Keep us posted, you've got my attention.


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This sounds very much like something I'd like to play. Survival rather than FPS, Day Z with farming maybe.


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I just need more people to work on this, mainly on the art, else it will only be done next year...


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I think this would be brilliant with a little direction. I think it would be awesome if day was like the best thing ever, flowers and butterflies and rabbits but night was terrifying with skulking creatures, dead trees and black skies. Just an idea to totally max out "I've made it through the day/night"


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This sounds very much like something I'd like to play. Survival rather than FPS, Day Z with farming maybe.

I have to confess that I've never played dayz, all I can say on this subject is that my intent is not to have a HUGE openworld, it is openworld, but in my view it will be far more detailed and with more things to do and interact, in a huge world either this would need big open spaces with nothing interesting on or be too heavy and require a huge amount of optimization. So it will be big, how big? I'm not sure, depends on how far I can go with the generator.

I think this would be brilliant with a little direction. I think it would be awesome if day was like the best thing ever, flowers and butterflies and rabbits but night was terrifying with skulking creatures, dead trees and black skies. Just an idea to totally max out "I've made it through the day/night"

This is all in the artstyle department, which I am asking for help I'm not very good at it, I have a friend that is learning 3d modelling... Unity makes it relatively easy to do, but I'm focused on the programming side. If is just us two then it will probably look more like Left 4 Dead...


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If you need ambient music, I would like to help. It wont be for a few months before my studio is re-established and. Still want to finish a few more tracks for tfc, but I am interested. Keep us posted on your progress.


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musical genius, we want more music :D the best one IMO is the one spum uses for his opening, dreams of the phea :D


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*me cries for no CC attempt*

yeah... no.

If you need ambient music, I would like to help. It wont be for a few months before my studio is re-established and. Still want to finish a few more tracks for tfc, but I am interested. Keep us posted on your progress.

I surely need that!! And it would be great to work with you Menoch, but it is still far down the line to have a soundtrack


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Seems interesting....

What I'd like to see is a none square minecraft... or less square... like there are some basic spheres and such. But that I believe is far in the future.


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Seems interesting....

What I'd like to see is a none square minecraft... or less square... like there are some basic spheres and such. But that I believe is far in the future.

It is not far in the future but my game won't be a minecraft-like game


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Y u no mod? Change game into mod. ;)


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Y u no mod? Change game into mod. ;)

Nope, I was modding but it is not really my thing. I know that it is far simpler to mod if you want to just add a new block to minecraft than to make a new voxel game, but if you want to make something complex like I was with CC it is way easier to just make a new game. Also when you make a mod you're very restricted in what you can do without messing the whole game, when I first looked into Unity I felt like anything is possible and it is pretty much so. Plus it has nicer graphics and for a survival game immersion is everything, sure it could still be done retro style but I prefer it to be a bit more realistic.


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Are physics going to be into this game? If it is confirmed, then is the environment completely destructable? Besides your human and possible animal enemies, are there to be zombies and/or monsters?

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Are physics going to be into this game? If it is confirmed, then is the environment completely destructable? Besides your human and possible animal enemies, are there to be zombies and/or monsters?

Yes physics are in the game in the game engine and the metagame.

Completely... I don't think so, I can only think of a non-voxel FPS game that has a fully destructible environment, Red Faction made in UDK, in UDK it would be much, much more simple, I could do that, the script I have for that allows it but I don't know... I'd had to make it better and well... I'm not planning on giving you a RPG to blow things up, but the things that make you feel safe for too long will surely be destructible.

I am currently working on an AI, I won't give much detail about it since I don't actually know how far I can go with it, all I can say is that will sense its surroundings and have a behavior tree of action. The world is far from dead.


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Perhaps you could talk to Winterbrass on these forums, he has talked about AI work for a TFC mod and might be interested.


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Perhaps you could talk to Winterbrass on these forums, he has talked about AI work for a TFC mod and might be interested.

New guy? I don't know him.


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What are you, Leo? A man or a genius? Awesome, really. Wow I didn't expect this :D


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What are you, Leo? A man or a genius? Awesome, really. Wow I didn't expect this :D

there is nothing too complicated in what I've did... well, except rotation with quaternions. If Dunk and Bioxx don't mind I'll make weekly updates here on mondays, I have to say that the AI will be the most complex thing I've did for this game, I had to research topics like A*, autonomous vehicles and behavior trees, some interesting papers/blogs on the subject if anyone cares to read:



And it is funny how the world turns and I see subjects like foward-Euler( and Monte-Carlo ( applied to gaming as I was used to them in hardcore physics simulations.


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First update.

I bring you the first edition of the build/construction mode. You'll first need a hammer or whatever that helps you build things, then you pickup whatever you want to place in the world, using the hammer you'll place it in the spot you want it and rotate however you desire, you can break things with the hammer and still use it to build. Depending how they break it will still remain there, it depends how they are fixed and the materials you are using.

Actually I've done this in one day, most of the week I was working on the AI, which is a PAIN! Really... I've got it to work and scraped it like ten times. I'll only show it when everything is to my liking, it may take awhile...

Next on the list is building structures in this mode, I take requests on what kind of structures you'd like to see in the next update.


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the models for the hammer, currently two heads and a handle:

Posted Image

That is thanks to Mike, the model artist. There will be more from him.


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