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Looking for MMORPG suggestions

12 posts in this topic

Hey all, I've been reminiscing about the times I played Runescape back in school with my friends (like 10 years ago) and it made me miss that style of game. So I ask you: do you know of any games that are along these lines?

-Online, multiplayer

-RPG-style elements

-Subscription not required, though i'm not against games that have optional subscriptions


-Relatively active community

-Preferably very modest graphics with third-person view, I'm looking for a game that won't be too strenuous to concentrate on

-Runescape-esque (if such a thing exists...)

Thanks for any suggestions, guys! If my guidelines are too perfectionist then feel free to throw alternate ideas out there, I'm just looking for some sort of multiplayer experience.


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Well... Runescape fits that... :huh: specially the "Runescape-esque" part. So, why don't you get back to what you are missing, instead of replacing it?


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cuz Runescape as it was has gone to fuck and died a horrible shitty death


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Realm of the Mad God

It fits all (or most) of the things you listed. I'm not 100% positive that if fits everything (I only tried it once). But it seemed fun, just not quite the kind of game that I would stick with because I'm not a huge MMO fan, the only MMO to ever hold my attention has been Planetside 2 (it still has my attention :P).

I won't try to explain the game here because I don't know a whole lot about it, but a google search on your part will fix that quickly.

Anyways, here's a link to Realm of the Mad God:

Hope this helps :)


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Well, I'm not opposed to playing Runescape 2 (is that what its called?) since there were only like 30 people on each Runescape Classic server (the game I grew up with). Just not sure how active/balanced the "new" Runescape is.

Realm of the Mad God

Planetside 2

I tried playing realm of the mad god for about 20 minutes, but it seemed almost too simplistic. I have Planetside 2 which is really fun, but you need a good squad of people to have fun and its not quite RPG-ish enough for what I'm currently looking for.

Great suggestions so far, though I'm still going to see if anyone else wanders in here with another suggestion before I try out Runescape again.


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Guild wars 2 isn't browser based, but you drop the cash on this quality game and you don't have to pay a subscription fee either. And it isn't like those rip off pay to play schemes where you can't enjoy the fullness of the game's features unless you fork over more cash, either.

It is truly a quality game.

But alas, crappy graphics are not something you will find here either.

Not really sure about other games without a subscription fee, as I tend to look for lotsa depth when I get into mmorpg's.

On the other hand, Nodiatis might be something you might find interesting too, though it isn't third person and the graphics lack...


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maple story is actually quite good however i played it about 5ish years ago before they changed the map and added all these new classes so perhaps that


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I did some looking around and found a game called Drakensang Online. It seems pretty close to what I'm looking for and most importantly it doesn't have ridiculous anime-based graphics.

Anyone ever played this game or know someone who plays it? Very interested to know more about it...

Here's some gameplay footage:


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dunk plays runescape >_>


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I think I played Drakensang Online for about an hour before it was fully finished, seemed like a decent game, for that kind of thing, I'm just stuck with non sandbox style games now, I try them, I get pissed off they don't have the things I want.

Every night I try to think of the features I want in 'the perfect game' and very little out now(besides EVE, maybe minecraft?) fit the open sandbox style.

Pathfinder Online sounds like a good idea though, and a few more kickstarters, though they all have impractically low budgets except for PO. You don't make an mmo for under 1 million dollars.


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Well, thanks for the suggestions guys. I think I'm going to start playing World of Tanks again and I might start a new Morrowind save on the side. If I do end up finding a good MMORPG I'll let you all know!


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