Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Monopoly Card

39 posts in this topic

You are mistaken for Bioxx by Bill Gates. 

Gain 200,000,000 but lose 15 turns working on TFC.


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You used dinosaur DNA to create "Nano Bill Gates"(logic gates using DNA ,with the scientist humor addon )


Create the internet !! And write your name in the book of history as the man ressposible for mass addictions and the economic crisys , also help the cow to get to the bottom of the ocean , where it can eat every fish in the sea


From all of those things you gain the nickname of : SirLunatic


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Your deepest fears in Monopoly has finally happened.


Now suffer and go into Mr. Corner, and think about your life.


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Monopoly Card: Epicness


Description: When you draw this card Corki99 recessives 10000000 awesomnes points (not that he needs them)


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You pressed the big red button


You unleashed a nuclear apocalypse!

Lose 30 turns and go to jail.

Do not pass go, do not collect 200$


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You touch the bigger red button and instantly die, you have been banished from the game


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Find a diamond!


Keep this card. You can sell it for 1000$ or use it to go to a space of your choice.


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Comfort Zone


if used when in jail you gain 100$ else the most stressed player get 1000$


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Herbal tea


You made yourself some delicious medicinal herbal tea with some herbs you found. Flip a coin. If it lands on heads the herb was comfrey and you get an extra turn. If it lands on tails it was deadly foxglove and you loose 15 turns and 20.000$ going to hospital unless you have an insurance.


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guess if correct extra turn else stay over 10 turns exhausted from dancing with Ylvis brothers 


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"Southern Surprise"


Your best friend shows irrefutable proof that your wife is actually your second cousin, pay $500 for therapy and you lose 4 turns coping with your ordeal.


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Angry Witch



You crossed a witch and she put a curse on you. You lose all your houses, hotels, and you must give $9,001 to the witch. (My friend made, and slipped this card into the game as a joke, but the joke was on him because he ended up getting it.)


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Horror Movie


You found a black, dark forest with scary noises, and decided to enter anyway. You now are running away from a man with a chainsaw, 2 werewolves, a vampire that emits light and Little Red Riding Hood. Pay $1000 to buy the super extra ultra mega trap that will stop them from chasing you or keep running and lose 5 turns. You also have a 50% chance to die and lose the game...Little Red Riding Hood is quite fast.


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the sleepless round


if you snooze you loose 


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