Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Last comment wins

582 posts in this topic

Three rules for this game:

1 ) last comment wins

2 ) There are no rules

3 ) Didnt you read? I said there are no rules.

lets begin, I win.

Weekly winners: get added to this list if your the last to post every 7 days from the time of this posting.


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Your the first comment not the last you can't be the winner :)


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Your the first comment not the last you can't be the winner :)

There are no rules so.......I WIN!


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he who makes the rules gets to do whatever the damn hell they want!



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RAIRENRYUU NO HOUKOUUUUUUUU (ima go anime now, you guys guess which it is :D)


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You also however, made the rule that there ARE no rules, but the fact that there is that rule means that the rule is false, as the rule states there are no rules, but that in itself is a rule and..............

1000 years later.

so its a never-ending loop.

This is the song that never ends...


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MUGETSU (awww play along)


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Bleach...c'mon that was obvious. :P

How about.........."Brother!" Guess that )pretty easy, but you gotta start out right?)


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new rule: last person to post every 7 days gets added to the OP - Span suggested something like this

btw, I win.


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brother = rukia kuchiki or yuzu :D

next: Hakke rokkujyuu yonshou


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Naruto.. "Cast POINTS! Gotta get 'em" If that was too hard, then here's a REAL easy one for you:

"Come on Al!"


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That moment when you understand everything going on in a conversation and are afraid if you pipe up someone is going to look at you funny. Yep, thats right, Im geeking out here and trying to keep my mouth shut.


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Don't worry. :P The people in this conversation are geeks about anime anyway. :D Go ahead and pipe up.


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*Bares fangs in front of everyone.

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*punches the fangs out*


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*Fangs regrew immediately. Snatches Kimbblesrath, biting his neck and sucking his blood.

Ah, that hit the spot!


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*instant regenerates kimmblesrath and punches SDA so hard his entire marrow structure fell apart*


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Ha! You may be able to knock my teeth out, but your punches are like pillows to me! Also, I wasn't planning to kill Kimbblesrath, where's the fun in killing everyone?

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*uses wing chun to superpimpslap SDA into the floor a few thousand times*


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I have no desire to kill; it's unsanitary, it wastes one of my favorite food sources (human blood), and I always use words before violence (applies IRL, as well).

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Did I steal this title to someone?


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I don't think so...

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