Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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582 posts in this topic

*Thinks that's both A LOT of fuel spent on moving a entire moon!"


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*used electric ion engines with half of the moon covered in solar panels, so no fuel needed*


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*thinks that's quite an excessive amount of resources*


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*spends resources on more reasonable things like building a giant deep drill*


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*Turns out the moon was infested with dangerous aliens, good thing my civilization moved to flying cities. Everyone else, eh sorry.*


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*Spends resources on surveillance satellites, turrets and combat vehicles of all kind to defend against the aliens, because flying cities are a waste of resources, unless it has an atmosphere...


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*Used Vacuum space engine that generates lift from absolutely nothing*


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*Invites the other colony on the planet up to my base and tells them to bring their weapons to defend my colony, and oh yeah the aliens can fly now.*


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*builds anti aircraft guns*


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*Our researchers have studied some cells of an alien and have concluded that they can fly faster than our anti aircraft guns*


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*amped the speed at which the motors in the AA guns turn and improved the auto targeting system for faster targeting*


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*The aliens have evolved enough to hack into our systems and self destructs our defenses*


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Bans all the aliens for evolution hacks


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*The aliens hack out ban software and get un-banned thus destroying the system*


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*send the police to the "alien" hackers and get them all arrested*

Edited by corki99

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*Didn't know we had police! Oh yeah the aliens have get out of jail free cards*


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*takes matters into my own hands (cocks shotgun)*


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*Oh yeah we forgot to tell you that the aliens have ranged weapon shields. Welp.


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*Bam... Bam... Bam... good... No more...*


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*The aliens had evolved again so that they have the ability to wield mini-shotguns (miniguns with shotgun bullets) And they lay eggs

Edited by KsterNator

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*"HHHHNNNNNGGGGGG!!!!" gets so frustrated that I explode and kill ALL THE ALIENS!*


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*Suddenly a person exploded, no where near the main alien nest, and the aliens are blast resistant btw*


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i employ the power of the Word Of Truth, which stipulates that anything i put forth into my reality becomes true and factual, regardless of the breaks in said reality or whether spoken or not. None of this ever happened, is not happening, nor ever will happen. Also i win. 



Side note: you just lost The Game (google it. :P)


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