Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Last comment wins

582 posts in this topic

Ok, doesn't matter then. I was wrong.


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*Ignores anyone that oposes him and pronounces him self the winer , beacuse the rule stated in the first comment that there are no rules so that rule isn't a rule ! So any one can state they're self winers ! To late for you guys now ! Now , i chandged the post into havining rules , rule 1.) KRSKI always wins 2.) Nothing you say matters 3.)I am a ninja so i can't get ninjad


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*Ignores anyone that oposes him and pronounces him self the winer , beacuse the rule stated in the first comment that there are no rules so that rule isn't a rule ! So any one can state they're self winers ! To late for you guys now ! Now , i chandged the post into havining rules , rule 1.) KRSKI always wins 2.) Nothing you say matters 3.)I am a ninja so i can't get ninjad

Can you stop winning? :D You're beating everyone. And in every game :P

Nah, just kidding. Of course you can win.


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*itachi voice* foolish little brother, if you want help, you must hate me, despise me, and live on, to exact your vengeance on me


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Enough of this tom-foolery.

Sebastian, I order you to deal with the commander and the wolf.


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And Then There Were None.....


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*takes control of marisa and weaves through the danmaku like raak1010*

you will have to do better than that to stop me, Flandre Scarlet.

*summons erza scarlet* now bow before your bigger, better looking, and much more dangerous sister!

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heeheehee...hehe...more dangerous...hehehe....yeah sure...

or maybe i should just call over Utusho, how much do you like having suns fired at you?


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Who wants scrambled minds for breakfast?


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oh you poor little soul, you know not of how many ways you will be destroyed by the end of thiss thread.....


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You didn't say please, therefore you can't hit me.

(dragonball z ref.)


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I used to be a divine being...

But then I took a spear to the chest.

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The heck, man?


Herobrine is dead.


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We do not summon Herobrine; we're Persona-users, and we summon Personas!


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Previous comment is last, hence wins. Topic closed. Thanks for playing.


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BitMunk4s-san, please do not double post. I have heard that certain users will "melt" from this mistake.


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Thank you.Please let me form an excuse like follows. Even risking to sound like I'm arguing. That's not my intention here.


I'm really trying, as you can tell, to put every and each single one of typo to the right place. It felt it'd lose a hint of self irony if I had shuffled it in a single comment. Considering all of this, I cannot be embarrassed about it in anyway, since it was intentional. 

But, I might be still wrong, after all.


Well, I've re-hashed my posts on this forum, and I found some doubles beside the ones in this thread.


Most of them have at least six hour difference between them, but I've found one that I'm not proud with a more or less ten minute difference.


I totally get it, it's not very nice double posting. But like in this case, when there's a significant time difference. This could be questioned. I'm writing this part of my comment in a very different state and with different things to say.

Would it be legit to put it in a new post? I thought so. But now I really can't  tell.

Edited by BitMunk4s

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BitMunk4s-san, please do not double post. I have heard that certain users will "melt" from this mistake.

wha- *looks up at double post above*

-melts into a puddle of Noodle


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wha- *looks up at double post above*

-melts into a puddle of Noodle

*pours chicken flavouring on floor, mixes with goo noodles and sucks em up in one long shot*


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*pours chicken flavouring on floor, mixes with goo noodles and sucks em up in one long shot*

-Noodles then proceeds to tear her way out of Davoval's  stomach from the inside.-


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