Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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582 posts in this topic

*Readies rifle in case of attack.


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*With stomach cut open, davoval0001 grabs stomach acid flowing out, chucks it at sda's rifle, before leaping up chasing after noodle's trying to escape


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*Calls in a Gallian artillery strike at the surrounding area. Stomach acid melts rifle somehow, drops remains and uses alchemy to construct a strong bunker around me.


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*The U.S army arrives thinking there is a terrorist attack*


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*Deceptively calls the Imperial 34th Corp. to combat US forces. Watches the carnage unfold from the bunker.


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*realising what sda's plan was, davoval0001 sneaks into the bunker, only to set up some lights and music. Lets enjoy this party


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*Covers self in uranium-doped chips so as to not be troubled by the chaos going on outside the shell of uranium-doped chips.*


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*Covers self in uranium-doped chips so as to not be troubled by the chaos going on outside the shell of uranium-doped chips.*


*Plays Resonance by T.M. Revolution as US and Imperial forces clash in a massive fight.


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*eats one of Uranium-Doped chips because I am hungry*


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*eats one of Uranium-Doped chips because I am hungry*


*Decides to try Uranium-Doped chip.*


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*pokes head out of shell to watch someone other than myself eat the Uranium-Doped chip.*


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*pokes head out of shell to watch someone other than myself eat the Uranium-Doped chip.*


*Tries it. Dies, turns into an enthralled-undead Sda209.


-The Enthralled Undead Sda209 punches You in the torso, and the severed part flies off in an arc!-


-Kimbblesrath has been struck down-


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*Hoped Uranium-Doped chips would cushion impact. Discovers hopes don't always turn into dreams. Is unconscious*


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*Hoped Uranium-Doped chips would cushion impact. Discovers hopes don't always turn into dreams. Is unconscious*


-Kimbblesrath loses hold of the Uranium-Doped Chips.-


-The Enthralled-Undead Sda209 punches Kimbblesrath in the left upper arm, and the severed part flies off in an arc!-


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*Torso-less, arm-less Kimbblesrath digs hole with legs and covers self.*


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*Torso-less, arm-less Kimbblesrath digs hole with legs and covers self.*


*Destroys bunker walls, enters into conflict, suddenly, US and Imperial forces agree to a temporary truce and began attacking Enthrall-Undead Sda209.


-The flying bullet hits you in the *whatever it hits*, but the attack bounces off!-  11242123123x


-You punch the US Soldier in the torso, shattering the ribcage and puncturing the lungs and heart!-


-The US Soldier has trouble breathing!-


-You punch the Imperial Shocktrooper in the head, jamming the skull through the brain and tearing it!-


-Imperial Shocktrooper has been struck down.-



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*finally wakes up, and realises it was all a big dream


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*wakes up again, and realizes that he put in the Inception disk instead of his SAO disk into the NerveGear. derp.*


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Leave this and open TFC, so that this is thy last comment and I win! :P


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Ah, Paolo, welcome to the off topic section of these forums, stay a while, and watch your sanity slowly slip away.......hehehehe.....


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Exactly. Exactly. That's EXACTLY what this means.


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what sanity

ohohohoho, you have much to learn if you think that, stay with us, we'll show you around


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*arrives very late to the conversation*


ahhhhh, a gathering of my favorite army of lunatics, goons, floating eyes and crazy noodles :D i feel right at home already


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