Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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582 posts in this topic

*arrives very late to the conversation*


ahhhhh, a gathering of my favorite army of lunatics, goons, floating eyes and crazy noodles :D i feel right at home already

and i will proudly qualify as all of the above!


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*arrives very late to the conversation*


This is the only topic where you can arrive late, after lots of pages of discussions, and you can still win!


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-Rides past Killster on my Giant Battle-Sloth-


-proceeds to ride into the sunset-


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I wish I had a giant battle sloth...


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I wish I had a giant battle sloth...




*Arrives in a magic-infused Death City on robotic legs, arms, and weaponry.


Even though this weaponized city of Lord Death won't be able to defeat Sloth, I will use it as a terror weapon!


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*arrives on foot*


why yall crazy idiots riding on giant robots and shit when you can just do this? *shifts across the landscape due to hyperspeed*




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*arrives on foot*


why yall crazy idiots riding on giant robots and shit when you can just do this? *shifts across the landscape due to hyperspeed*





*Giant Remover Guns from Gmod appears on robotic arms.


Because we have freakin' laser-eraser weaponry!


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* Arrives with a battle-ready TARDIS operated by Gandalf*


Hell yea, I have the technology to cross franchises!


*Erases you all the time*




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*keeps returning more and more powerful than you can possibly imagine*


*glances at gxbit, absolutely atomizes every particle of his particles*


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*keeps returning more and more powerful than you can possibly imagine*


*glances at gxbit, absolutely atomizes every particle of his particles*



*Removes TARDIS and Gandalf with Remover Gun from Gmod.


Time to rock, B)....


*Wields a Deathscythe Scythe Weapon, goes into Soul Resonance, and makes a downward slash, the scythe blade turning into a giant magic blade, slicing the ground and sending off a massive vertical wave of soul wavelengths, cutting gxblt in half.


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"Hey look everyone! There's one for everybody!" –Ploob, goblin astronomer


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*turns into ichigo kurosaki from bleach* *slices your vertical slice horizontally, making it disperse.*


enough with the massive attacks mkay? *snaps fingers and atomizes everyone in the topic*


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-pokes head back into thread through small portal in the possibly nonexistant ceiling-


drops 6x1023 frogs into the thread


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*Discreetly and suddenly pokes head in* 


"You should've dropped moles instead of frogs. Then you could've had a mole of moles!"


*silently pokes head back out*


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*Discreetly and suddenly pokes head in* 


"You should've dropped moles instead of frogs. Then you could've had a mole of moles!"


*silently pokes head back out*



*Deconstructs all of the frogs using alchemy and reconstructs them into frog-like necromorphs, somehow....


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*Deconstructs all of the frogs using alchemy and reconstructs them into frog-like necromorphs, somehow....

You monster!


just wait until Sawuko hears about this!


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i am sick and tired, of these motherfucking frogs in this motherfucking universe!


*dimensional shifts all frogs into the french dimension*


now, shall we get this started? *blasts out a massive surge of power*


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i am sick and tired, of these motherfucking frogs in this motherfucking universe!


*dimensional shifts all frogs into the french dimension*


now, shall we get this started? *blasts out a massive surge of power*

absorbs energy burst into a decorative jar


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*keeps blasting out energy, decorating the entire world with nice looking jars*


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*keeps blasting out energy, decorating the entire world with nice looking jars*

-stuffs all the jars into one massive omnijar near the butterfly nebula-


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butterfly effect causes omnijar to explode into a rainbow of power and colors SO PRETTYYYYYYYYYY... oh and everyone is dead.


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*Put on sunglasses.


Nope, not today.


*Fires anti-matter bomb, effectively destroying half of the multiverse.


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*is in the other half* *whistles* nice explosion......but why such a big device? 


*snaps fingers, multiverse simply ceases to exist*


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*Uses energy from massive explosion to transmute the multiverse.*


I wanted to go out with a bang.


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