Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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582 posts in this topic

I like fish, but I like dogs better


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(That's racist)


I once fought against a azurian ground scorpion In the western badlands In Azuria.


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why is that racist? 

I like pet fish, but I prefer pet dogs(because fish tend to die on me....)

(i guess it could be interpreted in a wrong way?)


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(yes I thought you meant you liked eating fish and dogs)


Thou shan't touch-eth my lemons


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(oh, I see)

I need a boat that shoots plasma puppies.

Know where I can get one?


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Yeah, Its over in Canton, I know a guy, I can convince him to give you a lower price

(but beware, many brigands flock there)

(and why would you need such a powerful warship?)


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Dang it, I can't go to Canton(I'm kinda wanted there[and not in a good way], it was a misunderstanding [i assure you it was a misunderstanding])

(I need to blow up the Death Star VII, darn Empire doesn't know when to give up)


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Don't worry I'm a Sorcerer I know some spells of Poly-morphing.

I do also know offensive spells to defend against any enemies.


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Wait why has the forums changed?


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it has?


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*Shoots a necro gun at AllenWL*


*Opens rift to the Time War*


*Hell broken loose*


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closes rift to time war and reverses the affects of the necro gun and than uses kronatayan disruptor rifle on you


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Dodges the shot, kicks corki99 into an untempered schism, thus making him never born in this timeline.


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Can't, has a temporal shield making invulnerable to changes in the timeline and fires a volley of dwarven artillery shells at you


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*Warps time so he is always going to be the one with the last comment , walks out .


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I use my knowledge of time to correct your time warp using my time traveling powers and my vintage top hat (Because my name is Dr. Doktor)


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Too bad this falls under previous comments condition . So yea , it still warps itself back ... :)


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I has Vintage top hat (your argument is invalid)


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I has magic my arument is valid .


/missa throws a dimensional time granade , no one will ever know what is the present , the past or the future .


Let the time war commence ! In this continuom !


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I use lycanite's mobs 


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/me use hallowen


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