Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Ask the person below you

590 posts in this topic


Ask a question that the person who posts after you will answer.

Also, answer the question of the most previous poster when you post.

No double posting.

Be nice; respect their opinions

Have fun!

I'll start:

Your favorite anime soundtrack (if appicable)?


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"Afro Gunsou", Keroro-Gunsou 'Sgt. Frog'.

Minie balls in post-Civil War 1861 were procured from what metal?


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Because unobtanuim is awesome!

Favorite OS?


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Why do I hate the unobtainum?


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it is toxic to wolves,

who is my avatar?


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A man with a hat.

Who loves hats more than Killster's avatar?


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the mad hatter

what combat style did yipman use?


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Gangnam style.

Why is my avatar grey and not black?


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wolves are color blind

why havent we reached the end of the rainbow yet?


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Because the gold jar is protected by a lot of rocket launchers.

Why did we colonize only 1 planet and not 2?


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because the stargate is malfunctioning

why is this thread so popular?


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Because wolves are colorblind. You said this too.

Why can you touch a solid block?


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because it is minecraft

sherlock or doctor who?


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achartran as sherlock.

Why didn't I capitalize the first letter?


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because a chartran is something different

why doesnt anybody else post?


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Because ECC killed everyone.

Why do we exist?


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To live, eat, sleep and act like six-year old children.

What are my true origins?


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Human Noble

why is Flemeth not dead yet?


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Because his name is holy.

Why did I get ninjaed?


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because ninja's are everywhere

why is the only ninja in Naruto Kakazu?


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Because he has blonde hair.

Why not?


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because he is made out of black ninja hair :D

why is Ezio better than Altair


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Link to post is the first AC that I ever played, the 2. And it's the best of all the serie for me. There's the best story and the best locations ever. And here in Italy 500-600 years ago!!!!



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what is time from a non-linear perspective?


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