Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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590 posts in this topic

The Moon (oh, and I don't have a mate)


Would you want to go to the moon?


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Would you ever sky dive or bungee jump?


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Prob not i like to think i would not sure i would ever get to it though. 


Whats your fav TFC wood(planks or logs) and rock combo for building


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Pine and Chalk (their both light blocks that go well together)


What is your favorite TFC weapon?


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The Red steel axe if i can say that. manly cause what building or at the farm i can easly turn and smack a zombie for 900



If you made the alloy list for red and blue steel what would it be?


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I'm not exactly sure of the question you are asking.


If you were too make a flag that describes yourself, describe it.


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The Red steel axe if i can say that. manly cause what building or at the farm i can easly turn and smack a zombie for 900



If you made the alloy list for red and blue steel what would it be?


What metals would you have make red/blue steel if you could change it)


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What metals would you have make red/blue steel if you could change it)



I would leave it as it is.


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hmm me too


are you looking good today?


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I guess so?


Do you like cats?


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yea I like dogs as well


popcorn is good huh?


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yep, popcorn is delicious. Especially with some butter.


Do you have a steam account.


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Why does cake taste so good?


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Because it's sweet, soft, AND MOIST!


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do you like pancakes?


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Ah yes i do.


Have you ever played a RPG game?


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no, if I did I cant remember it now


do you like waffles?


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Who the heck doesn't like waffles?

(that was both my answer and the new question)


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Waffle Hatters (which of course I am not)


Did you know that Godzilla is Awesome?


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Well... now I do.


Why are the Columbines everywhere in my IRL garden and why can't we get rid of them?


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Because they are attracted to flowers and they will go where ever flowers go


Do you like Japanese Food? (I think it's Delicious)


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yes some of them are


what is your favorite energy drink?


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Earl Grey Tea with a pinch of sugar in it (I don't drink that sugary caffeinated s**t you buy in cans).


What does the fox say?


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