Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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590 posts in this topic

a homemade one


who's your Idol right now?


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No one really


What's your IQ?


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How do you imagine Kittychanley as a person?


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How do you imagine Kittychanley as a person?

She is dillegent when it comes to managing bugs, the forums and keeping the wiki up to date. I don't know her well enough in real life to have an honest opinion of her, but I can say that there are many, many people in the world that are worse than she is and few that are better.


Do you think it's possible for a person's first serious relationship to work out, and if so, is that healthy? (As in, if you've never experienced the negatives of a break up or a bad relationship, are you missing a key part of emotional growth?)


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Yes and no clear answer; life is a journey, not an equation.

What would be your first move to fighting someone, unarmed, with a gun?


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Go prone.


What's your current school/workplace?


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A school in Illinois


What is your most favorites memory as a kid?


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My most treasured memories as a child were the times where I was with my family (except my father) and that was usually around the holidays.


Tell me, what game are you anxious for a studio/production group to release?


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For Nintendo to add meta knight into super smash bros.


What was the hardest school work you were ever assigned to.


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let's say school and job is same, than I have to say weeding under the tables in the greenhouse.


here is a nut for you: I'm a three digit number, my second is 4 times higher than my third, my first is 7 lower than my second. What digital Number am I?


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Since we're doing quizzes,

There is a ship. On the side of the ship there is a ladder. Each rung of the ladder is a foot apart. There are 10 rungs. The water is level with the first rung.

It's high tide, and the water level rises at 1 feet per hour. If the water level keeps on rising at the same rate, how long until the water level reaches the 10th rung?


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Nine hours if I understood that correctly


If you had to emigrate to any European country, what one would you go to?


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Britain, because it's the only place in Europe that I know I can communicate in.


Very sadly. jake_the_odd is not correct.

Anyone else want a go?


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Its very simple. The ship will rise with the water so the water will not reach any higher than the fist rung, unless I (or someone else) come and use a powder keg to make a hole in that ship.


If you were making a language, wich of the following grammatical numbers would it include?

Singular (one)

Plural (many)

Dual (two)

Trial (three)

Paucal (a few)

Lesser and greater paucal( lesser for a small group of things (typically 2/3-4, and greater for a larger group(but not many).


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If I were making a language, it will not include grammatical numbers at all. Instead, we would all communicate by using the actual objects and guessing things that cannot be said with objects.


There is a island. You are stranded on the island. You can see the mainland, but it's too far away for anyone to see you. The island has nothing on it but a single tree, and you also have nothing but the clothes on your back, and a box full of water and dried food. You cannot swim, and the water is too deep to wade across. No ship or plane goes anywhere near the island, and you have no means of communication by device or signal. How do you escape from this island?


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I have a location chip implanted in me and when i'm lost they come for me.


Ever played an MMO?


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What is MMO?


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A Massively Multiplayer Online game like Rune Scape


have you played Rune Scape?


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Nope, but my friends and I agrees the if i were older and had a full beard i would look like the prototype for a guy who lives in his mother's basement and making a living off selling leveled runescape-accounts.


Which of the languages you have heard do you think you would have the hardest time pronouncing things in?


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Ever used Lycanite's mobs mod?


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did tuch it in mad pack yes


What famous person do other people tell you that you most resemble?


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None (although my sister said I remind her of Russel from the movie Up)


What is your favorite thing to do on weekends?


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Read a good book, preferably in the sun. Or, relax in the sun, preferably on a sofa.


If you could have any pet you wanted(I mean any, like fantasy animals, or normally non-pet animals[like, amoeba], or a tree, or even a bottle of water), but could only have one, what pet would you want?


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A Manticore


Do you think it would be cool if TFC had a ages add-on so you can have electricity?


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maybe yea


Would you rather go a week without bathing, but be able to change your clothes, or a week without a change of clothes, but be able to bathe? 


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