Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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590 posts in this topic

I guess he already had everything he wanted , so i guess more time with his friends ?


What is the solution to the following equation ?


( a + b ) / a = a / b


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I cannot answer this question, as it is against my religious principles.


Well, it's worth a try.


This is a quote. Where did I get it from?


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I don't have a clue


What do you say if you're talking to God, and he sneezes?


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You don't say anything because he does not need blessing, He is automatically blessed.


ever visited a haunted house?


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I have aproximate knowledge of many things , one aproximation is never :D .


What is your favorite sport ?


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Most likely bowling, but I don't like sports that much.


Whats your favorite fantasy novel?


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Hmm, hard one. I have tons I like, and I'm honestly hard-pressed to choose one as favorite. All of them are very nice, and all are different.


If you could live in any country, inlculding fantasy ones, which country would you want to live in?


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The Kronatayan Empire, (even though the police are very strict and there can a lot of times be civil unrest) (also Its not a country on a plant, its an interstellar empire that covers a quarter of the galaxy



What type of planet do you wish to live on?


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Earth , probably now .


Do you think we will travel faster than light , and if you do so , do you think that the bonds between matter won't break ?


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Well, I suppose it depends on where we're traveling at +light speed. I mean, if we're using it to circle earth, we might just end up creating too much air friction or something or another.Of course there is also the problem with steering. If we go at +light speed then end up faceplanting into a asteroid or something, that would be silly.But if we advance to that point, I'm sure we'll have technology to not do anything stupid when going at that speed.That is, if we actually survive long enough to advance out technology that far....How high do you think are the chances of us killing ourselves due to pollution, overpopulation, war, etc within the next hundred, two hundred years?


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Maybe, but I think that part of earth will live on mars and other planets so not really


Do you think if we colonize the galaxy, will we find aliens?


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I think the "suicide" key we posses is the meanings end , i think we simply won't be alive enough . There is a possibility for every face of a dice to occur , but there are only so many sides of the dice .


I am kind of insulted by us trying to make artificial intelligence , anyone should know what artificial means , we for ones weren't made to think but to exist , but a "being" that is made to think can't be alive , it's not it's purpose . Even so the notion of denying a conscious because there is a possibility of it being alive is something horrible to me , i can't treat it alive if i don't know if it is so it could be a crime against the living . That's why i ask you guys , what do you think about artificial intelligence , and should we make it ?


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I think it sounds cool, but If we do make it actual intelligent we should give it free will, if it actually does have emotions.


have you ever had a Philly cheese-steak?


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I don't know what it is , so i guess , no ? :D


How much time do you think , people will need to notice something different , by year to year ?


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a lot of time


You can choose your method of dying and the place in which you will die. Where would you like to die and how?


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In all honesty, my dream demise would simply be of old age at home with my family members and close friends nearby so that I can give them a speech about life, not to screw things up, and to challenge them to enjoy life more than I did.


Enough of such a grim topic! What is your weapon of choice?! (real or fake/anime do count as weapons)


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The Onadachi, the Japanese equivalent to a great sword.


What type of warrior would you be? (any one through out history)


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Judging by my profile pic , you can tell , can't you :D , a ninja .


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yes now I see


ever played Must-A-Mine?


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I'm sorry but I have not


Ever played Risk of Rain?


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I haven't heard of that .




Ever played chess ?


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ever played Beyblade V-Force?


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I only know the game from the TV show 


Ever Played Space Engineers


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seen any of the powerangers series?


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Yes, I like all the old ones, but not the newer ones


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