Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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590 posts in this topic

he didnt ask somehing soooo


what is love?


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a song by Haddaway


seen any Pokémon movies lately?


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do you like to get a not guilty from Phoenix Wright or a mouthfuls of whip Ms. Von Karma?


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Nither are games I have played 


Play any actual PC games?


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well I do play minecraft and runescape, btw they are from the same game


what game do you like best?


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Was that even a question?


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no maybe not


If white wine goes with fish, do white grapes go with sushi?


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Sometimes, but never with Tuna.


5 and a half months ago my Uncle went through a singularity to see what was on the other side, I haven't heard from him since. What should I do?


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Send in a probe and collect data


Ever repair ship while cruising through space at 1000 meters per second?


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I know a guy who tried, when he landed in the spaceport he was missing half his body.


The probes seem to disintegrate before entry, do you think antimatter shielding would work?


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Anti matter shield? why not just heat tiles?


Ever have your thruster's power cut and tried to repair them before you drift into the gravity well of a planet?


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nah, I always have an escape pod.


Why didn't you?


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Cause losing a ship is a HUGE waste of resources, I'd rather not lose mine


Escape pod? why not just take one of your small mining or grinding ships instead?


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I don't have mining ships, I don't bother with anything less than 500 miles in diameter.


Why are your ships so big? All you need for war is a fleet of small fast ships with lots of weapons. Unless you're one of those primitives flying around in... What are they called? Star Destroyers? Anyway, if you're setting up a base, just use a planet, for crying out loud! Otherwise, just build a bunch of fighters and maybe a transport ship. So, tell me, why do you insist on constructing these great, huge behemoths that are impossible to miss?


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What are you talking about? 500 miles is HUGE! also not all of the Kronatayan fleet are dreadnoughts, although that is not to say our ships are small or are of small quantity


Why are you such a capitalist warmongerer?

Edited by corki99

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I am the Supreme Lord Commander of The Foundation! I am all powerful! I can do as I please!


Why do you continually question my ultimate power?


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Cause you are NOT the ultimate power


Why is it that you think you can go around bulling other nations?


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I do not bully other nations, I simply intimidate them into allying with me, because if they all form an alliance against me, it might get messy. For them.


Why don't you join me? You can still rule all you currently possess, AND there are no taxes! Plus, if I die, you have a shot at being elected into my office! Your empire would make up a sizeable chunk of the voters, would it not?


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The Kronotayan Federation does seek an ally but does not wish to become part of another country


Do you wish for an ally?

Edited by corki99

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That would work as well, I am, after all, merely attempting to preserve my own.


If we, as the two major powers in this dimension, choose to ally, we will have no more cause for war, meaning that the technological levels of smaller empires will soon surpass our own. To prevent this from happening, I formally suggest a series of war games, to be held every 5 years, involving remotely piloted ships engaged against one another on a mock battlefield. This should provide proper incentive to advance our respective technological levels, correct? Or would additional measures be required?


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No, that seems like a great idea, lets put that into effect. 


Any other terms of agreement?


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Nothing really aside from standard terms, you know, no attacking each other, if one of us is attacked the other one comes to the aid of the first, etc. Although this would be a peace between forum topics, meaning that anywhere in this forums section we are still allies, unless otherwise stated in the rules of that forum topic (Every man for himself, pre-defined teams, etc.).


So, is this a deal?


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Drone Carriers or Fighter Carriers?


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Fighter Drones, I don't like risking the lives of my men. It also lets me pack more power into my ships, as there is no space taken up for life support systems and the like. And everybody else wonders why my little Stinger ships are so hard to kill...


What do you think of mining out solar systems? Uninhabited ones, of course, but solar systems nonetheless.


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