Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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590 posts in this topic

I think it is good, as long as there is nothing to research of course


What do you think of trying to teach minorities in your empire your ways? it could be quite risky?


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Do you mean minorities as a small group of people with an opinion different than the majority of the people? If so, they can think what they want about me. I try to be a good and just ruler. If a group of people rises up against me, I speak with their leader and figure out exactly what I am doing wrong, then fix it. I believe the last time that happened was back in '37. Quite a mess, involving two corrupt politicians, a gang war, a talking pig and a flying cow. In retrospect, it's hilarious, but at the time, it was deadly serious. HA! DEADLY serious! I can't stop laughing! Ah, never mind, you'd have had to be there...


So, any plans what with the drone war thing? Are you gonna swarm, or do some kind of guerilla tactics? What kind of ships are you planning on using? Any special weapons I should look out for?


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I promised I wouldn't tell...


Railgun based guns, or Disruptor/Phaser based guns?


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A little of both, it depends on what I'm up against. If I'm trying to get through some form of material shielding, I'll usually use a form of energy beam to melt through it. If I'm going through a force field, I'll fire a solid projectile at it and let kinetic energy do my job for me.


How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?


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How many lemons does it take to burn ones house down?


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If it's a combustible lemon, just one, as long as you throw it in the right spot.


When does an arch become a tunnel?


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Just so when it happens to be in a mountain/underground ...


What is the best book you've ever read ?


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How to set Absolutely Anything on Fire in Point Five Seconds. Don't ask why I was reading that.


Who, What, When, Where and Why?


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Someone , that , sometimes , somewhere , for some reason ?


Are you a pyromaniac ?


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You won't tell, right?


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How many pyromaniacs does it take to burn down London?


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Pyromaniac? Hell, that's overkill. Everyone can do it, just give him large enough insurance before...


Why won't you die?!


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How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?


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Depends on the skill with the tongue .



Would you burn lifes house down ?

Edited by Krski

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Been there, Done that, Got the T-shirt.....


What did I do with the T-shirt?


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You showed it up your bum ;)


But why would he do that?


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That wasn't me, that was your cousin Jim.


Why are you hanging off the side of a cliff on a frayed rope?


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Cause your friends thought it's a good joke!


How can they be so mean?


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Cause people like jokes


why do people laugh?


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Because looking at people as their burning and screaming is funny...


Why can't we eat moon?


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Because the moon isn't made of cheese


Why can't we eat sun?


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Because you have to drink it, silly.


What was the last words of a clown before he got bitten by a zombie?


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"tell my wife and kids I love them!"


What did the Space Engineer say to the Medieval Engineer?


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"Not bad, but where are the engines?"


The witch, the witcher or the monster?


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The Witcher


The wizard, the wizarder, or the unicorn?


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