Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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590 posts in this topic

Risk of rain


What is your favorite planet


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The one that keeps me alive.

Who does my skin pay tribute to?


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Khore, so that he may use it for his throne of skulls


Which of the ruinous powers do you worship?


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A man with a hat


Do you watch anime?


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About how many times of a minute do you 360 no scope?


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69,420 times.



What should we humans populate next? Mars or venus


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Mars because Venus is both way too hot and has way to much atmospheric pressure (about 90 atmospheres of pressure)


Although going to mars is fine why don't we go somewhere closer and colonize the moon?


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Because the moon would be like the north & south poles and have extremely long nights and days and no atmosphere at all


What  is the meaning of "life"?


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To live life, and enjoy it


If you could colonize any planet/moon what would it be?


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Hmm, most likely Titan the moon of Saturn, bcuz of its liquid methane that can be turned into fuel and energy.


After we get to mars what should our next planet/moon be to travel to?


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Venus if we were to build technology to withstand the heat and pressure. If not then we should visit the Jovian system (Jupiter and it's moons)


What would be the first star that we should visit?(not alpha centauri though because it is way to hot on the planet)

Edited by corki99

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I dont know any other star so one that has habitable planets :3



If you were able to create wormholes at will how would you use them? It would take a who week to make one thats barely fits a human being.


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Use it to connect two points in space(a station on earth to a station on the moon)


Would you use a teleportation device if it was possible?

Edited by corki99

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Yes. Moving is too mainstream.



What is you weapon of choice? Shotgun or assault rifle?


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When choosing a team in a team based game, Red or Blue?


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Red, all about the offensive.



What is your favorite steam game? (If you dont have steam any game then)


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Space Engineers or Universe Sandbox2


What is your favorite space game?


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Hmm probably kerbal space program, even though i suck at it ;n;



If you had the chance to go on the mars colonization trip would you go or not?

Edited by KsterNator

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I would definitely want to VISIT mars but not live there


What unmanned space mission should we do next?


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Probably venus or mercury with the appropriate heat/pressure resistance of course.



What would be the fastest way of space travel in the future?


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Well depends on how far you look in the future, a near future solution might be solar sails or a fusion reactor drive, if your looking for reasonably future solution that would be antimatter or kugelblitz drive, if your looking for far future solution that would be the alcubierre drive, or warp drive


When do you think we will discover life on another planet?


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Probably not for a while the only possible place in the solar system is a tiny TINY chance that there is possible microbial life on europa, if not it might take a while.



If we ever find life on a different planet what would it look like?


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Depends on where it's found. But if we do, one thing is for certain, it will look nothing like us


What, if any, is your favorite sci fi series/book?

Edited by corki99

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