Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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590 posts in this topic

Turniphead..I think?

So, what's the answer that you have?


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Exactly ^^

Howls Castle was about the first anime/manga i ever saw.

I still like it, though it is a little ....disneyed.

Here's a good one, what is Turnipheads real name (the movie version) ?


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What is cheseburger?


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Something you cannot haz

what is the difference between owls?


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one spins clockwise and one counter-clockwise

why am i hearing voices?


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you are clinickly insane

Why do i have a hard to read Name ?


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because consonants without vowels in between are insanely hard to pronounce...

why was lorbogs answer to my question false?


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because nya, thats why

why am i addicted to these posts


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because nya.

are you absolutely, positively sure that your gallbladdar is functioning properly right now?


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yes..yes of course it is..... also..."bladder". :P

why did i not ask a question?


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dukejuke, Y U NO ASK QUESTION!

why doesnt dukejuke ask questions?


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Because Nya, thats why

how many arms does the average canteloupe have?


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none, it is a fruit, more specific a small cousin of the watermelon having orange fruitflesh and an unique rippled surface pattern .

Why am i the only one that has answered questions properly for the last half page?


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because nya, thats why!

why are we all turning into cats?


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Because the life of a cat is ideal for people who lack motivation and ambition. (No offense) You get to play and eat and sleep all day with no responsibilities.


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-Dies from a severe Math overdose-

is there really zero gravity in space? or is everything just falling at the same rate through an infinite void?


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for something to fall, it must fall somewhere, and there IS gravity in space, it just doesnt affect everything at the same time, (multiple black holes = multiple points of gravity, so space cant decide and just floats between them being pulled multiple ways :D)

(yea that got all technical)

what best describes srgnoodles?


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Moths and words .

What is math ?


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a logical system we humans use to describe or explain natural phenomenon.

what are the three funny lines with an E under, that ditto posted?

-(x is somewhere between 0 and one third of y. y is smaller than the square root of 9 minus z2, but z is somewhere between 0 and 3)-

cancel that, is that by chance something like a 3 dimensional function?


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what are the three funny lines with an E under, that ditto posted?

It's a triple integral, over the region E. However, unlike single integrals which are above a line, and double integrals which are above a surface, a triple integral is above a 3-dimensional region, which makes them awkward as hell. An integral of a function from x1 to x2 gives the 2-dimensional area between the x-axis and the function, from x1 to x2. Double integrals give you a volume, triple integrals give you... stuff...

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well i do not know what E is but.....

(gotta keep the posts in format......)

so that means that it is an three dimensional object?


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Let me try to explain...

When you take a double integral, you are working in 3-dimensional space. Picture a table sitting in a dining room. The floor is the standard 2-dimensional xy-coordinate system, and the vertical direction, extending up from the floor, is the z-direction. The floor is the xy-plane, but the table can be represented by the equation of a plane, perhaps z = 3, assuming that the table is perfectly level 3 feet above the floor. Lets also assume that the table is 4ft by 4ft, and that one leg of the table is located at the origin (0,0,0). If you wanted to find the volume below the table you could simply multiply the dimensions of the table to get 4 * 4 * 3 = 48, but a double integral does the same thing. You would integrate 3 (the equation of the table) from 0 to 4, and then integrate the result from 0 to 4 as well (the 4ft horizontal dimension of the table).

If you can understand that explanation, then it's easy to understand that a triple integral gives the hypervolume of a 4-dimensional object.

What do you like to do in your free time?


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Go derp on youtube , play basketball , play games ....

How much does a ton of money weigh ?


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depends if you're asking about a ton in value or a ton in weight :D

why does dunk not play this?


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because fish cant talk.

blub blub blub, blub blu? blub blububub blubblb blblblblblblblblbub?

sounds boring right?

(no actually i hope he's too busy coding :D )


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