Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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590 posts in this topic


Whats up doc ?

(reply to cheesy line here)


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not much, how 'bout you?


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Nothing (personal)

*Procedes to knockout dukejuke

Where should i barry him ?xD


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nowhere, but you should bury him in spain

now, where should i bury you? it is wabbit season after all....


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why would you bury a rabbit? *starts up grill*

(answer AND question in 1, hell yea)


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The wabbit desceased ?

Still alive you pesky hunters xD

When will bugs bunny be not more funny ?


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when he bugs more than he bunny's



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because the rain in spain falls mainly on the plain

what would you do if you woke up as a turtle?


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change name to tortoise, be stoned as hell, live a hundred and fifty years, fuck lady tortoises and die :D

what would you do if your brain suddenly turned normal?


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I don't know

When will my brain turn normal ?


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there is no normal



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Everyone is there own type of insane ......

Why do we use words , instead of numbers i mean they have similar meaning , and no you don't just have to be a computer to use them math is the languidge that the universe uses and complyes whit ....


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because there's always some reason in madness.....

is while the absence of colour? or all colours mixed?


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while is not a colour, and white is all colours mixed so brightly there is no colour remaining, making it the eternal paradoxial colour.

why would someone like fries with that?


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while is not a colour, and white is all colours mixed so brightly there is no colour remaining, making it the eternal paradoxial colour.

why would someone like fries with that?

because sweet potato fries are awesome

well-done or rare?


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blue rare please

where does the line "THIS STEAK IS SO FUCKING RAW, THAT I CAN HEAR IT MOO!" originate from?


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blue rare please

where does the line "THIS STEAK IS SO FUCKING RAW, THAT I CAN HEAR IT MOO!" originate from?

Posted Image

what's worse then instant coffee?


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instant death

why is perfection boring? (someone find the speech :(


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Perfection is everything except boring , because it is so hard to achieve you have a jolly good time acheving it and when you acheve it you are to old to be excited and only wish a peacfull and a happy life with no drama .

Where do fellings stop ?


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at the red light. (didnt see that one coming huh? think about it)

(btw, this is what i wanted): "There is no such thing as perfect in this world.

That may sound cliché, but it is the truth. The average person admires perfection and seeks to obtain it.

But what is the point in achieving perfection?

There is none. Nothing. Not a single thing.

I loathe perfection!

If something is perfect, then there is nothing left. There is no room for imagination.

No place left for a person to gain additional knowlege or abilities.

now for my question: who said this?


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mayuri? from bleach?

(double questions justify a double post answer)


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yea mayuri kurotsuchi from the Anime Bleach. captain of squad 12 and the most fucked up scientist you will ever meet, along with the most badass one :D

what anime recently starred mayuri's voice actor as Caesar Clown?


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i don't know .....

By the way , perfection doesn't stop imagination , imagination is not fuiled only by perfection but also by imperfection , when a person creates perfection they seek something to say how it is imperfect and by that they continue imagining until they reach another level of perfection that is theyre ocupation for theyre life they don't hate it they love it , it motivates them when they seek perfection and when they seek imperfection in everything , there is perfection but it is far out of our reach and by such it is making us evolve to chase it , by loathing perfection you loathe the base function of that every human is trying to acomplysh by himself , we already had perfection but that perfection was on the shoulders of other animals and everything else in the ecosistem nature evolved , we seeked our own perfection and we got here , to the point of being the universe that understands it self .

There is power in those words but to me they are invalid ...

Is my argument valid , what kind of sand-witch do you prefer ?? ?


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i like the type that can bake sand cookies

why are you so unknowing upon the epic world of anime/manga :D


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There aren't many chanells on the TV for me and my region to get to know its hearth and soul xD , nor books for that matter :P

Why did the chicken cross the road ?


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