Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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590 posts in this topic

to get to your house

knock knock... who's there?


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did you guys know there was an amazing scarface game called the world is yours?


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Not exactly.

What is a Dark One?


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a 1 without any light

what is the music of life?


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hakuna matata?


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No wrong , wrong , wrong xD (But still not bad for the music you provided i like it xD)

The music of life is the music your atoms give away as vibrations and heat throught the air , when you are dead then you are cold when you are cold and then you are dead , after death the music silences , when you are active the music blooms and brightens , everything according to you're life and taste xD

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-and noone got the dark brotherhood refference-


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(yes we did, we all know its Posted Image)

wait....what was i talking about?....and WHY ARE MY ARMS COVERED IN BLOODY GASHES AND......

hello, i am Killster550, who are you guys?


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bohhh i am scarecrow (puts on mask and sprays you with a gas synthesized of a blue flower)




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ooh i'd LOVE to play!

hehehe...hope you know how to dodge bullets


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regular bullets? thats it? *summons Rip van Winkle as a Familiar, with her homing bullet musket*

try dodging THIS!


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Heh, nah, try dodging THIS!


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Well, that escalated quickly.

Would you rather be chased by a grunt from Amnesia, or one of those humanoid creatures from Penumbra?


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*summons fujiwara no moukou to nuke sda's grunts and srgnoodles with massive danmaku


are we turning even this thread into a war? LD


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It seems to be the case.

Who is the character that represents my profile image, and what anime is this person from?


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Obviously from -cant remember the name of the anime- gaddangit, ummm that one....with the peoples as countries....yeahh....

why are the blueberries all orange now?


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A disease called the 'Annoying Orange' Plague has swept across Europe and are turning all blueberries into sentient plants that make nonsensical humor (And your answer to my previous question is not quite right [The people as countries is Hetalia], it is Ciel Phantomhive from Kuroshitsuji [black Butler]).

Translate this:

Marukaite chikyuu, marukaite chikyuu, marukaite chikyuu, boku Hetalia!

Aa, hitofude de mieru subarashii sekai!

Nagagutsu kanpai da!



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who is this badass? where is he from? and who is his partner?


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I like things !

But my coup might be half empty ....

What do you prefer sciece or literacy ?


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why not both?

what is Full dive gaming? :D


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Maybe when you sit in a submarine and play computer.

Is blacksmithing in tfc to easy to exploit by using math?


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lets not talk about that *calls the NSA to find out who leaked*

y no one bother to look up any proper answers!


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Because Nya, thats why

what is the loneliest number?


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1 because its all alONE

why is anime so much better than movies?


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