Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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331 posts in this topic

/me thinks that MDub is right because it's an impossible battle. However /me accepts help. Now /me won't have nukes again, but only pillows full of knives. They're safer. However /me uses a tank...oh wait there aren't enemies left.


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/me returns to Killster and Wolf with strong blood lust. Heads into blood bank and samples a few blood types, suck the color out of red foods, drinks tomato juice, and prepares to fight, doing quick stretches, little-hops, cracks knuckles, and bares fangs as sign of intimidation.

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/me shows a triple row of shark teeth to SDA, not in a sign of intimidation but as a smile. /me does a epic come at me bro pose while charging up a punch in each of his arms

/me witnesses SDA lunging at me, and uses Sokkotsu (double bone) to shatter the marrow in your bones, basically reducing you to a jellyfish-esque hump of meat)


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/me is a ninja. When Sda looks me, his/her (I still don't know what) head falls and my blade shines.


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/me informs wolf of Sda being he. me is here to help! /me kicks sda in to the sky (Blasting off agaaaaaaaaaaaain!)


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Ok, but now, everyone is attacking Sda. This isn't right. This isn't good for him. /me offers alliance to Sda.


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/me pimpslaps wolf into SDA and pimpslaps the 2 of them to outer spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace

and no, theres no tardis or stargate to get you guys back here :D

/me waks away with kim, discussing the happenings in the universe


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/me pimpslaps wolf into SDA and pimpslaps the 2 of them to outer spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace

and no, theres no tardis or stargate to get you guys back here :D

/me waks away with kim, discussing the happenings in the universe

/me laughs evily. LOOOL, luckily ECC cloned me lots of times :P. I will be afraid if I was in you :D. Also, kimb is my first secret agent.

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/me says yep!!! me backstabs killster. (litterally!) killster falls, multiple shivs in his back.


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/me fluctuates in the space, without knowing anything about the battle.

Kimbblesrath you're awesome


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/me stands back up, saying kim's knives paralyzed a central nerve for a second which made me drowsy.

/me proceeds to brutally mutilate kim while recording and telepathically sending the footage to wolf

/me is absolutely unstoppable,

(my fantasy is too great, you guys know the name me thread in off topic, thats not even close to my infinite well of ideas to own you guys :D)


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/me arrives back and accepts Wolf's offer. /me starts chasing Kimbblesrath for his blood.

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/me throws SDA into a blood bank while giving kimmblesrath a powerboost


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/me teleports, because we are playing with fantasy

/me slaps Killster...and a knife in his chest, just because I felt alone in that universe. Now that blood is coming out, Sda can come to drink. /me makes a lemonade for Kimb, because he may dislike blood.


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/me drinks the lemonade, and spittakes. Yellow rain!


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/me disregards bloodbank, drinks spilled blood, goes to grocery store for grape juice, non-alcoholic wine, and ingredients to make turkey sandwiches and tomato soup.

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/me becomes superman-kakashi that is immune to kriptonite and goes chidory on all of you then eats a bolt of lightning and farts thunder that finishes of everyone because of gas poisoning .



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/me becomes superman-kakashi that is immune to kriptonite and goes chidory on all of you then eats a bolt of lightning and farts thunder that finishes of everyone because of gas poisoning .


:( he won...Good, finally an end to this non-sense war :)

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/me ressurects myself with life potion, picks up groceries mentioned in previous post, and walks home to make turkey sandwiches, tomato soup, and drink non-alcoholic wine and grape juice.

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/me rematerializes even more powerful than you could possibly imagine before.

/me eats all of SDA's supplies and cuts his artery to make him see fresh blood*


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The war was ended...why?


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:( he won...Good, finally an end to this non-sense war :)

Why ask?When you anounced!

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Why ask?When you anounced!

When I said why, I meant "Why did Killster restart the war". Also, killster, how can you drink a potion if you're died ._.

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SDA drunk the potion, i just rematerialized after the blast :D, also nice naruto reference krski

/me summons the jyuubi to kill you all


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Well my icon on the right , kind off references it by its self !

/me facepalm's hi eye out (because others blindnes (------>You flame head's can't open you're eyes and se the gruisome horos of war!<-------don't pay notice to this ,this was only a wise man reference))


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