Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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331 posts in this topic

/me takes the fun that gufferdk had released and proceeds to berate it for not doing its chores making it now sadness and depression


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/me is hit by the sadness and depression and decides to describe what happened thereafter in the style of a particular video game
/me looses a roaring laughter, fell and terrible!
/me has claimed the butchers workshop
/me has begun the creation of an artifact!
/me has created Govoskåtdir Neth Tilesh, a jake_the_odd leather shirt!
/me has been accused of murder by Urist McGuywhosawhimturnjakeintoashirt
/me informs everyone that they shouldn't worry if they dont get the Dwarf fortress references

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/me suggest guffer to add 'D for Dwarf' because my game is running at 10 FPS.


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/me uses resurrect and builds a new castle (i'm back after almost two weeks in summer camp)


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/me uses his new IRL knowledge of the TKInter python library to make a script that covers the walls of corki99's castle with randomly shaped, randomly placed, randomly colored triangles and thereby making it ugly because he thinks corki99's use of resurrect was cheaty


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/me says fine my castle does not need to be nice, and I have added rune traps around my castle and even in.


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/me takes control over the server and uninstalls the plugin that gives corki99 his magic power and make his rune traps work and thereby making him defenseless.


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/me say my magic powers don't work with plug-ins, I AM MAGIC!


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/me is confused and runs away to his bunker so he is in sefety while tryong to figure out how to kill, remove, block or win over magic itself.


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/me uses magic to make it rain so the villagers crops don't die.


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/me wonders whether corki99's latest action was made with the intent of making /me think that he is not going to try kill me and is an ok person on the bottom line so it is easier for him to kill /me or whether he has actually changed and is now really a good person


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/me never said I was trying to kill anyone, I just said I was trying to prepare for greenskin attack


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/me says ok and asks if corki99 has some suger /me can get to put on his pancakes


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/me say yes, but how do I give it to you, do I just shove it through the electricity socket.


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/me tells everyone that Direwolf20 and Phahimar has started on a New map called Crashlanding.


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/me say that's cool


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/me had the idea of making a TFC survival island


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/me goes on a quest to stop a ancient vampire from taking over the world


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/me thinks this derailed, so makes a giant train with the wheels alone being 3 time bigger than the sun, but it derails because I put it on normal-sized rails and it crashes into earth, rips a hole in the threads of time and space and ice cream(vanilla with chocolate chips, btw), and lands us all in the world of TerraFirmaCraft. Then I proceed to pick up stones and sticks then make a knife to gather thatch as I go around searching for clay while looking out for copper ores and possibly fluxstone.


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/me defends the city of Berlin against greenskin invasion.


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/me says weather in Aurland in Norway is ok now


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/me says weather is hot in Chicago, Illinois. 


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/me eats ice cream too fast, and gets hypothermia.


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/me says my first period in school is boring


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/Siri says this Bad joke today: Q: What is lavender and commutes? A: An Abelian semigrape.


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