Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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331 posts in this topic

/me uses enchanted carpet to fly across the desert


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/me asks corki99 if he can buy that carpet


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/me eats glue again


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/Siri says this Wet joke today: Q:Why was the sand wet? A: because the sea weed!


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/me says I am tired and has a headache


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/me say Do you believe honesty is the best policy?


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/me says no you should never be truthful about everything or the world would be in caos


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/me says

If first name start with: B then, first name is : Shining


If last name end with: K then, second name is: Garden


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/me says 'what the heck are you talking about' Then decides that there is no need to hear the answer so in order not to hear it, garrotes aer mole, then to hide the evidance, feeds his body to ants, then burns the bones and throws away the bone ash, garrotes, and everything that was used to kill and dispose of aer mole(and colony included) into a spaceship and sends in into a black hole


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/me back (that black hole was a time warp, warped me back in time before you killed me)


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/me goes through a black hole and ends up in a negative universe


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/me looks around suspiciously in a cloaked outfit, scavenging in a cave deep, deep within the first universe created within this thread, uncovering the remains of ECC.

/me drains the ancient powers of the OP and laughs maliciously, almost insane in this broken universe in which he is trapped before the camera fades to black saving this character for a future event...


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/me makes a better combat mod and uses it to kill all the people out there who say they have better combat mod but it just adds more weapons and sword as if they think it makes combat different.


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/me crashes the server and moves to a singleplayer world.


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/me makes lava pool to farm and breed Cephigni(lava dwelling fish)


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/me ends the universe in time


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/me escapes universe to farm cephigni


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/me erases cephigni , because missa can

(This makes you never known what "cephigi" is , and thus erases your motive for escaping , so you never escaped , DUN , DUN , DUN ............ )


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/me is a immortal time being you cannot erase my memories or anything like that so Cephigni are don't exist and I am sad about that, but I now farm Seply (gold pooping fish)

(but this time I put a temporal shield around them so they cannot be erased)


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/me changes every other molecule in the unverse so that when a Seply comes in contact with any form of matter (be it even energy) , will violentley react , and destory itself .


Everyone dies Doctor , only fools think there is a immortal mortal . If you trully can live forever then you have no life , however if you have life , you will die somwhere in time . But i think you know that , what is it ? The 13th time ? <--- Evil Me talking ...




(xD , got into the mood)


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/me Trolls people in the past by showing them television

(Also i'm not the doctor, I am half timelord and half human, the reason why my head does not explode is because I where a ancient timelord artifact that allows me to comprehend the knowledge in my mind)


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/me joins you in tv trolling , and starts the use of holograms , creating "first" ghosts .


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/me tames a raptor as a mount


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/me eat's a fish with fries


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/me says Happy Halloween


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